Xfinity Mobile Coverage Maps (2024)

Xfinity Mobile runs over Verizon's network. The cellular service is supplemented by Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the US. Xfinity Mobile's Verizon coverage is shown in the map below. Enter an address or city in the search box to zoom to a specific locations.

  • Xfinity Mobile (Verizon)
  • |
  • 4G & 5G Coverage
    • 4G Only
    • 5G Only

') .addTo(comb_map); } else { var rsrp_tech = -1; if (activeTech == "4g") { rsrp_tech = rsrp_4g; } if (activeTech == "5g") { rsrp_tech = rsrp_5g; } new mapboxgl.Popup() .setLngLat(e.lngLat) .setHTML('' + getNiceName(activeCarrier) + ' ' + activeTech.toUpperCase() + ' Signal
' + signalToWord(rsrp_tech)) .addTo(comb_map); }}) comb_map.on('mousemove', 'res9s-fills', (e) => { if (e.features.length > 0) { if (hoveredStateId !== null) { comb_map.setFeatureState( { source: 'res9s', sourceLayer: 'res9_hexes', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } hoveredStateId = e.features[0].id; comb_map.setFeatureState( { source: 'res9s', sourceLayer: 'res9_hexes', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: true } ); } });// When the mouse leaves the state-fill layer, update the feature state of the// previously hovered feature. comb_map.on('mouseleave', 'res9s-fills', () => { if (hoveredStateId !== null) { comb_map.setFeatureState( { source: 'res9s', sourceLayer: 'res9_hexes', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } hoveredStateId = null; }); })function clearMap() { /* clear active tab */ document.getElementById('vzw').className = 'nav-link tab-link';document.getElementById('tmo').className = 'nav-link tab-link'; document.getElementById('att').className = 'nav-link tab-link'; bar = document.getElementById(''); bar.className = 'nav-link tab-link'; bar = document.getElementById(''); bar.className = 'nav-link tab-link'; bar = document.getElementById(''); bar.className = 'nav-link tab-link';}function changeCarrier(carrier) { activeCarrier = carrier; painter(activeCarrier, activeTech); updateTechMenus(); //clear pill for previously selected carrier clearPills(); //make new carrier active (adding pill) activePill = document.getElementById(activeCarrier); activePill.className = 'nav-link active'; //update mobile menu document.getElementById('network-1-mobile').innerHTML = document.getElementById(activeCarrier).innerHTML; if (activeCarrier === 'vzw') { activePill.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: ##0d6efd;'); } if (activeCarrier ==='') { activePill.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #0d6efd;'); } if (activeCarrier === '') { activePill.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #0d6efd;'); } //update gradient keyupdateGradient(); } function clearPills() { //in map's main pils nav, make sure none of the pills are active if (document.getElementById('vzw')) { document.getElementById('vzw').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('att')) { document.getElementById('att').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('tmo')) { document.getElementById('tmo').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('usc')) { document.getElementById('usc').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('dsh')) { document.getElementById('dsh').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('vzw')) { document.getElementById('vzw').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('att')) { document.getElementById('att').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('tmo')) { document.getElementById('tmo').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('usc')) { document.getElementById('usc').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('dsh')) { document.getElementById('dsh').setAttribute('style', ''); } } function updateTechMenus() { network=activeCarrier; /* get nice format for tech menu item & get onclick value for each menu item */ let t1 = ''; let t2 = ''; let t3 = ''; let o2 = ''; let o3 = ''; if (activeTech == 'any') { t1 = '4G & 5G Coverage'; t2 = '4G Only'; o2 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'4g')"; t3 = '5G Only'; o3 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'5g')"; } if (activeTech == '4g') { t1 = '4G Only'; t2 = '5G Only'; o2 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'5g')"; t3 = '4G & 5G Coverage'; o3 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'any')"; } if (activeTech == '5g') { t1 = '5G Only'; t2 = '4G Only'; o2 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'4g')"; t3 = '4G & 5G Coverage'; o3 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'any')"; } document.getElementById('tech-1-main').innerHTML = t1; document.getElementById('tech-1-mobile').innerHTML = t1; document.getElementById('tech-1-main').setAttribute("onclick", ''); document.getElementById('tech-1-mobile').setAttribute("onclick", ''); document.getElementById('tech-2-main').innerHTML = t2; document.getElementById('tech-2-mobile').innerHTML = t2; document.getElementById('tech-2-main').setAttribute("onclick", o2); document.getElementById('tech-2-mobile').setAttribute("onclick", o2); document.getElementById('tech-3-main').innerHTML = t3; document.getElementById('tech-3-mobile').innerHTML = t3; document.getElementById('tech-3-main').setAttribute("onclick", o3); document.getElementById('tech-3-mobile').setAttribute("onclick", o3);//hide tech menu if on crowd map if (activeMap =='crowd') { document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer-mobile').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); document.getElementById('tech-main').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); document.getElementById('tech-mobile').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); } //make sure tech menu shows if it might have been hidden if (activeMap =='default') { document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer').setAttribute("style",""); document.getElementById('tech-main').setAttribute("style",""); document.getElementById('tech-mobile').setAttribute("style",""); document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer-mobile').setAttribute("style",""); }}function changeTech(network, tech) { activeTech = tech; painter(activeCarrier, activeTech); updateTechMenus();} function plans() { clearMap(); changeCarrier("tmo"); var bar = document.getElementById('collapsePlansTmo'); bar.setAttribute("class", 'accordion-collapse collapse show'); bar = document.getElementById('fohbar'); bar.setAttribute("class", 'accordion-button show'); }function getPropertyName(carrier, tech) { let propertyName = 'None'; //check if crowdsourced map is in use. if so, assign property name of a/t/v if (activeMap == 'crowd') { if (carrier == "tmo") propertyName = 't' else if (carrier == "vzw") propertyName = 'v' else if (carrier == "att") propertyName = 'a' else console.log ('Error: no V/T/A carrier selected for crowd map.'); return propertyName; } else if (carrier == "att" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'a4'; else if (carrier == "att" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'a5'; else if (carrier == "att" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'aa'; else if (carrier == "tmo" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 't4'; else if (carrier == "tmo" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 't5'; else if (carrier == "tmo" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'ta'; else if (carrier == "vzw" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'v4'; else if (carrier == "vzw" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'v5'; else if (carrier == "vzw" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'va'; else if (carrier == "usc" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'u4'; else if (carrier == "usc" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'u5'; else if (carrier == "usc" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'ua'; else if (carrier == "dsh" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'd4'; else if (carrier == "dsh" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'd5'; else if (carrier == "dsh" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'da'; return propertyName;}function painter(carrier, tech) { let propertyName = getPropertyName(carrier, tech); let layer = getLayerId(); let awfullyLowStop = stopAdjuster(-125); let lowStop = stopAdjuster(-120); let midStop = stopAdjuster (-110); let highStop = stopAdjuster(-85); let noneColor = 'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 0.3)'; //white if (colorScheme == 'blue' && activeMap == 'default') { noneColor = 'hsla(50, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'; //yellow } if (colorScheme == 'default' && activeMap == 'default') { noneColor = 'hsla(4, 82%, 51%, 0.5)'; //red } let awfullyLowColor = noneColor; if (colorScheme == 'default' && activeMap == 'crowd') { awfullyLowColor = 'hsla(4, 82%, 51%, 0.5)'; //red } if (colorScheme == 'blue' && activeMap == 'crowd') { awfullyLowColor = 'hsla(50, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'; //yellow } if (colorScheme == 'default') { comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[awfullyLowStop, awfullyLowColor], [-118, 'hsla(19, 100%, 54%, 0.6)'], [-112, 'hsla(74, 51%, 67%, 0.7)'], [-103, 'hsla(118, 56%, 67%, 0.85)'], [-85, 'hsla(115, 97%, 33%, 0.90)'], [-2, 'hsla(115, 97%, 33%, 0.90)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); } else if (colorScheme == 'blue') { comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[awfullyLowStop, awfullyLowColor], [lowStop, 'hsla(94, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'], [midStop, 'hsla(176, 100%, 31%, 0.7)'], [highStop, 'hsla(223, 100%, 45%, 1)'], [-2, 'hsla(223, 100%, 45%, 1)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); } else if (colorScheme == 'grayscale') { comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[awfullyLowStop, awfullyLowColor], [lowStop, 'hsla(7, 0%, 75%, 0.7)'], [midStop, 'hsla(7, 0%, 45%, 1)'], [highStop, 'hsla(0, 100%, 0%, 1)'], [-2, 'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); } else if (carrier == "tmo") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(0, 100%, 97%, 0.5)'], [-50, 'hsla(307, 81%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(307, 81%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "att") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(223, 99%, 93%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(223, 79%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(223, 79%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "vzw") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(0, 100%, 94%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(0, 74%, 50%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(0, 74%, 50%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "usc") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(210, 82%, 92%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(210, 82%, 36%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(210, 82%, 36%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "dsh") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(39, 77%, 93%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(39, 77%, 47%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(39, 77%, 47%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] });}

- ◄ Signal Strength ► +

Xfinity Mobile's combined 4G and 5G coverage is automatically shown in the map. Xfinity Mobile subscribers with compatible devices have access to Verizon's 5G network, including both Verizon's Ultra Wideband 5G and Verizon's low-band 5G. You can switch to a 5G-only map.

Wi-Fi Coverage

Xfinity Mobile subscribers can automatically connect to Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots. Access to these hotspots is a great perk:

  • While connected to an Xfinity hotspot, subscribers can access the internet without using their allotted cellular data.
  • Hotspots often provide strong connections in areas where cellular signals would be weak or non-existent (e.g., in basem*nts).
  • Xfinity hotspots are extremely common.

An interactive map displaying the locations of Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots is available on Xfinity's website. Here's a snapshot from downtown Chicago:

Here's a snapshot near where I live:

The maps only show Xfinity hotspots associated with commercial subscribers. The total number of hotspots is much larger since Xfinity has a huge number of residential subscribers.

Xfinity Mobile Coverage Maps (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.