WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (2024)

WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (1)

In this WoW SoD Druid Tank Build guide, you will find the best spec for Bear-Druids in the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. The build shows the best talents, runes, BiS gear, and enchants to tank in dungeons and raids as a Druid.

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📅 Last updated on April 10, 2024.

Table of Contents

  1. Tank Druid Rotation (Phase 2)
  2. Tank Druid Raid Consumables
  3. SoD Phase 3 Tank Druid Pre-Raid BiS List
  4. SoD Phase 3 BiS List for Tank Druids
  5. Phase 2 Tank Druid BiS in WoW SoD
  6. Phase 1 Tank Druid BiS in WoW SoD
  7. Tank Druid Stat Priority
  8. Druid Macros in WoW Classic
  9. More Builds for Druids in Season of Discovery

WoW SoD Druid Tank Talents & Runes

Choose the following talents and runes as a Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (2)Druid for the Phase 3 raid Sunken Temple at level 50:


For long-lasting single-target fights WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (3)Lacerate is the better rune. If you don’t need WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (4)Improved Barkskin for specific boss fights, use WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (5)Gore instead. Learn where to find each rune in our guide Season of Discovery Druid Runes.

If don’t want to go all in into a tank build because you’re DPS-ing regularly or you want some more QoL for questing, you can go for a hybrid spec like this:


Tank Druid Rotation (Phase 2)

The rotation as a Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (6)Druid in WoW SoD consists of the following priority list:

  1. Keep WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (7)Faerie Fire (Feral) up. Use it to pull, otherwise after you’ve established threat on the boss.
  2. Use WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (8)Berserk when additional enemies spawn (e.g. Viscous Fallout). In fights without adds, you can use it early for threat.
  3. Cast WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (9)Mangle / WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (10)Lacerate whenever it’s available.
  4. Cast WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (11)Maul when fighting a single target, WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (12)Swipe on multiple targets.

Make sure you have enough rage for your next WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (13)Mangle or WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (14)Lacerate. Otherwise don’t use WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (15)Maul or WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (16)Swipe.

Tank Druid Raid Consumables

The following list of consumables can be used by Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (17)Druids in Sunken Temple:

  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (18)Catnip
  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (19)Elixir of the Mongoose
  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (20)Elixir of Giants
  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (21)Winterfall Firewater
  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (22)Grilled Squid
  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (23)Elixir of Superior Defense
  • WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (24)Mighty Troll's Blood Potion

SoD Phase 3 Tank Druid Pre-Raid BiS List

The following Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (25)Druid BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery before entering the raid Sunken Temple at level 50.

  • Head (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (26)Wolfshead Trophy)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (27)Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (28)Knight-Lieutenant's Leather Headband (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (29) PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (30)Blood Guard's Leather Headband (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (31) PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (32)Embrace of the Lycan (Zul'Farrak)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (33)Emerald Leather Helm (Nightmare Incursions)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (34)Woven Ivy Necklace (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (35) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (36)Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions in The Hinterlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (37)Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (38)Sentinel's Medallion (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (39) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (40)Scout's Medallion (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (41) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
  • Shoulders
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (42)Splinthide Shoulders (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (43)Knight-Lieutenant's Leather Shoulders (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (44) PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (45)Blood Guard's Leather Shoulders (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (46) PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (47)Emerald Leather Shoulders (Nightmare Incursions)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (48)Snarkshaw Spaulders (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (49) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (50)Calm Before the Storm, starts with WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (51)March of the Silithid in Ironforge)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (52)Snarkshaw Spaulders (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (53) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (54)Calm Before the Storm, starts with WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (55)Bungle in the Jungle in Gadgetzan – needs confirmation)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (56)Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (57)Drape of Dismantling (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (58)Blackveil Cape (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (59)Blisterbane Wrap (World Drop)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (60)Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (61)Insulated Chestguard (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (62)Knight's Leather Armor (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (63) PvP Rank 6)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (64)Stone Guard's Leather Armor (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (65) PvP Rank 6)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (66)Emerald Leather Vest (Nightmare Incursions)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (67)Fungus Shroud Armor (Maraudon)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (68)Plainstalker Tunic (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (69)The Bait for Lar'korwi inn Un'Goro Crater)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (70)Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (71)Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (72)Deepfury Bracers (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (73)Pridelord Bands (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (74)Peerless Bracers of the Bear (or similar item with up to +9 Str/Stam, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (75)Sergeant Major's Dragonhide Armsplints (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (76) PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (77)First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (78) PvP Rank 5)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (79)Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (80)Sergeant Major's Leather Gauntlets (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (81) PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (82)First Sergeant's Leather Gauntlets (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (83) PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (84)Blight Leather Gloves (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (85)A Final Blow in Felwood, req. quest chain starting with WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (86)Forces of Jaedenar at 51.2 82.2 in Felwood)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (87)Emerald Leather Gloves (Nightmare Incursions)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (88)Girdle of beasti*al Fury (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (89)Skullduggery Waistband (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (90)Defiler's Leather Girdle (Arathi Basin – Honored)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (91)Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (92)Insulated Legguards (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (93)Knight's Leather Pants (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (94) PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (95)Stone Guard's Leather Pants (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (96) PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (97)Emerald Leather Pants (Nightmare Incursions)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (98)Enchant Boots - Greater Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (99)Insulated Workboots (Gnomeregan – only for 3-set bonus)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (100)Gnomebot Operators Boots (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (101)Defiler's Leather Boots (Arathi Basin – Revered)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (102)Shadefiend Boots (Blackrock Depths)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (103)Band of the Wilds (12 Wild Offering)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (104)Blackstone Ring (Maraudon)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (105)Hypercharged Gear of Devastation (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (106)Protector's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (107) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (108)Legionnaire's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (109) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (110)Ring of Protection (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (111)Hidden Treasures, starts with WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (112)Marauders of Darrowshire from Carlin Redpath at 81.4 59.8 in Eastern Plaguelands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (113)Masons Fraternity Ring (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (114)Divino-matic Rod in Zul'Farrak, starting in Gadgetzan)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (115)Mark of the Chosen (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (116)The Pariah's Instructions in Desolace)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (117)Breadth of the Beast (12 Wild Offering)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (118)Rune of the Guard Captain (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (119) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (120)Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (121)Gyromatic Experiment 420b (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (122)Avenger's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Weapon (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (123)Iron Counterweight)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (124)Ritualist's Hammer (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (125)Princess Theradras' Scepter (Maraudon)
  • Idol
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (126)Mind-Expanding Mushroom (Blackfathom Deeps)

This pre-BiS list is still being worked on. The list values stamina a bit more in Phase 3 than in previous phases. If survival is not an issue you can use more pieces from the Feral DPS BiS list. The sweep spot between DPS and survival will depend on the raid bosses, your current gear, and your raid group.

Please use the feedback button below to send us your thoughts and suggestions.

SoD Phase 3 BiS List for Tank Druids

The following Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (127)Druid best-in-slot list contains the best items you can get in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery. You need to get loot from the 20-man raid Sunken Temple and do PvP to get the best items in the game.

  • Head (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (128)Wolfshead Trophy)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (129)Ba'ham's Dusty Hat (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (130)Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl (Leatherworking)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (131)Skibi's Pendant (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (132)Bloodstained Charm of Valor (Sunken Temple)
  • Shoulders (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (133)Atal'ai Signet of Might)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (134)Paranoia Mantle (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (135)Atal'ai Spaulders of the Bear (Sunken Temple)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (136)Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (137)Panther Fur Cloak (Sunken Temple)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (138)Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (139)Coagulated Bloodguard Tunic (Sunken Temple)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (140)Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (141)Void-Powered Slayer's Vambraces (Engineering)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (142)Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (143)Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (144)Foul Smelling Fighter's Gloves (Sunken Temple)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (145)Girdle of beasti*al Fury (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (146)Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (147)Coagulated Bloodguard Pants (Sunken Temple)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (148)Enchant Boots - Greater Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (149)Coagulated Bloodguard Boots (Sunken Temple)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (150)Band of the Wilds (12 Wild Offering)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (151)Blackstone Ring (Maraudon)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (152)Drakeclaw Band of the Juggernaut (Sunken Temple)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (153)Mark of the Chosen (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (154)The Pariah's Instructions in Desolace)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (155)Breadth of the Beast (12 Wild Offering)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (156)Rune of the Guard Captain (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (157) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (158)Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (159)Gyromatic Experiment 420b (Gnomeregan)
  • Weapon
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (160)Ritualist's Hammer with WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (161)Iron Counterweight (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (162)Ancient Divining Rod with WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (163)Enchant Weapon - Agility (Sunken Temple)
  • Idol
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (164)Idol of the Dream (Sunken Temple)

Phase 2 Tank Druid BiS in WoW SoD

Here you can find the Phase 2 Pre-Raid BiS list and BiS list from Gnomeregan for WoW SoD.

SoD Phase 2 Tank Druid Pre-BiS List

The following Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (165)Druid BiS List contains the best items you can get in phase 2 of Season of Discovery before entering the raid Gnomeregan at level 40.

  • Head
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (166)Tracker's Headband of the Tiger (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (167)Nocturnal Cap of the Tiger (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (168)Lordrec Helmet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (169) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (170)Rise, Obsidion!, req. quest chain WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (171)Suntara Stones)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (172)White Bandit Mask (Tailoring)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (173)Forest Pendant of the Tiger (or similar neck with up to +6 Agi/Str, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (174)High Tide Choker (Blackfathom Deeps)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (175)Sentinel's Medallion (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (176) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (177)Scout's Medallion (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (178) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
  • Shoulders
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (179)Failed Flying Experiment (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (180)Rescue OOX-22/FE! in Feralas at 53 55, req. WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (181)OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon to start)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (182)Forest Tracker Epaulets (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (183)Flintrock Shoulders (Random Drop in Scarlet Monastery)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (184)Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (185)Dark Hooded Cape (Drop from rare Nimar the Slayer in the Southeast corner of Arathi Highlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (186)Hawkeye's Cloak (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (187)Parachute Cloak (Engineering)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (188)Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (189)Quillward Harness (Random Drop in Razorfen Downs)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (190)Blazewind Breastplate (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (191) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (192)Broken Alliances starting at Gorn in Badlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (193)Blazewind Breastplate (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (194) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (195)Tremors of the Earth starting at Garek in Badlands, req. WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (196)Mirages from Sigrun Ironhew at 53.8 43.6 in Badlands)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (197)Enchant Bracer - Strength)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (198)Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (199)Unearthed Bands of the Bear (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (200)Unearthed Bands of the Tiger (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (201)Cabalist Bracers of the Bear (or similar wrists with up to +7 Str/Stam, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (202)Cabalist Bracers of the Tiger (or similar wrists with up to +7 Str/Agi, World Drop)
  • Gloves (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (203)Enchant Gloves - Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (204)Void-Touched Leather Gloves (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (205)Arachnid Gloves of the Bear (Razorfen Downs)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (206)Jangdor's Handcrafted Gloves (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (207) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (208)The Mark of Quality in Feralas)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (209)Jangdor's Handcrafted Gloves (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (210) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (211)The Mark of Quality in Feralas)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (212)Void-Touched Leather Gloves (Leatherworking)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (213)Ogron's Sash (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (214)Tharg's Shoelace (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (215) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (216)Army of the Black Dragon in Dustwallow Marsh)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (217)Defiler's Leather Girdle (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (218) Arathi Basin – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (219)Highlander's Leather Girdle (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (220) Arathi Basin – Honored)
  • Legs
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (221)Basilisk Hide Pants (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (222)Imposing Pants of Agility (or similar legs with up to +19 Agi, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (223)Dragonflight Leggings (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (224)Set Them Ablaze! in Searing Gorge, Pre-Quest starts at Velarok Windblade at 39 39)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (225)Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (226)Imperial Leather Boots (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (227)Excelsior Boots (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (228)Excelsior in Stranglethorn Vale)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (229)Imposing Boots of the Bear (or similar boots with up to +9 Str/Stam, World Drop)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (230)Protector's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (231) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (232)Legionnaire's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (233) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (234)Marsh Ring of the Tiger (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (235)Ironspine's Eye (Scarlet Monastery – Graveyard)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (236)Ring of the Underwood (World Drop)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (237)Avenger's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (238)Rune of Perfection (Warsong Gulch – Friendly)
  • Weapon (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (239)Iron Counterweight)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (240)Bloodbark Crusher (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (241)Fist of the Wild (Blackfathom Deeps)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (242)Spiritchaser Staff of the Tiger (or similar staff with up to 13 Agi/+12 Str, World Drop)
  • Idol
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (243)Mind-Expanding Mushroom (Blackfathom Deeps)

SoD Phase 2 BiS List for Tank Druids

The following Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (244)Druid BiS List contains the best items you can get in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery. You need to get loot from the 10-man raid Gnomeregan and do PvP to get the very best items in the game.

  • Head
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (245)Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (246)Tracker's Headband of the Tiger (World Drop)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (247)Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque (Gnomeregan)
  • Shoulders
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (248)Failed Flying Experiment (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (249)Rescue OOX-22/FE! in Feralas at 53 55)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (250)Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (251)Drape of Dismantling (Gnomeregan)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (252)Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (253)Insulated Chestguard (Gnomeregan)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (254)Enchant Bracer - Strength)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (255)Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (256)Enchant Gloves - Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (257)Machinist's Gloves (BiS against mechanical enemies, Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (258)Void-Touched Leather Gloves (Leatherworking)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (259)Skullduggery Waistband (Gnomeregan)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (260)Thick Armor Kit)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (261)Insulated Legguards (Gnomeregan)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (262)Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (263)Insulated Workboots (Gnomeregan)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (264)Protector's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (265) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (266)Legionnaire's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (267) Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (268)Hypercharged Gear of Devastation (Gnomeregan)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (269)Gyromatic Experiment 420b (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (270)Avenger's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Weapons (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (271)Iron Counterweight)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (272)Automatic Crowd Pummeler (Gnomeregan)
  • Idol
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (273)Mind-Expanding Mushroom (Blackfathom Deeps)

Use our Epic Crafting Guide for Phase 2 to learn how to craft WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (274)Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl.

Phase 1 Tank Druid BiS in WoW SoD

Here you can find the Phase 1 Pre-Raid BiS list and BiS list from Blackfathom Deeps for WoW SoD.

Tank Druid Pre-Raid BiS for Phase 1 in Season of Discovery

The Pre-Raid BiS List contains the best items you can get as a Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (275)Druid, outside of the raid “Blackfathom Deeps”. The BiS list is optimized for phase 1 of Season of Discovery.

  • Head
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (276)Humbert's Helm (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (277) Dun Garok Rifleman in Hillsbrad)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (278)Ringed Helm (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (279) Garneg Charskull in Wetlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (280)Green Tinted Goggles (Engineering)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (281)Sentinel's Medallion (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (282) Warsong – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (283)Scout's Medallion (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (284) Warsong – Honored)
  • Shoulders
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (285)Bristlebark Amice (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (286)Dark Leather Shoulders (Leatherworking)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (287)Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (288)Cape of the Brotherhood (Deadmines)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (289)Enchant Chest - Health)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (290)Blackened Defias Armor (Deadmines)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (291)Panther Armor (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (292) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (293)The Den in Stonetalon Mountains)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (294)Tunic of Westfall (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (295) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (296)The Defias Brotherhood in Deadmines)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (297)Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (298)Jurassic Wristguards (Drop from Razormaw Matriarch in Wetlands)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (299)Forest Leather Bracers (World Drop)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (300)Heavy Armor Kit)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (301)Heavy Earthen Gloves (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (302)Pilferer's Gloves (Leatherworking)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (303)Windborne Belt (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (304) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (305)Highperch Venom in Dustwallow Marsh)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (306)Deftkin Belt (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (307) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (308)Je'neu of the Earthen Ring in Ashenvale)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (309)Deviate Scale Belt (Leatherworking)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (310)Heavy Armor Kit)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (311)Troll's Bane Leggings (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (312)Leggings of the Fang (Wailing Caverns)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (313)Enchant Boots - Minor Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (314)Warsong Boots (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (315) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (316)Warsong Supplies in Ashenvale)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (317)Feet of the Lynx (World Drop)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (318)Silverlaine's Family Seal (Shadowfang Keep)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (319)Thunderbrow Ring (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (320)Seal of Wrynn (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (321) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (322)The Unsent Letter into WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (323)The Attack! quest chains, starting with a drop from Edwin VanCleef)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (324)Protector's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (325) Warsong – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (326)Legionnaire's Band (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (327) Warsong – Honored)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (328)Monkey Ring (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (329)Willix the Importer in Razorfen Kraul)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (330)Seal of Sylvanas (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (331) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (332)Arugal Must Die)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (333)Ring of Precision (World Drop)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (334)Rune of Perfection (Warsong – Friendly)
  • Weapon (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (335)Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (336)Smite's Mighty Hammer (Deadmines)

SoD BiS List for Druid Tanks in Phase 1

The following Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (337)Druid BiS List contains the best items you can get in phase 1 of Season of Discovery. You need to get loot from the 10-man raid “Blackfathom Deeps and do PvP to get the very best items in the game.

  • Head
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (338)Twilight Slayer's Cowl (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Hals
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (339)Glowing Fetish Amulet (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Shoulders
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (340)Sentinel Pauldrons (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (341)Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (342)Sergeant's Cloak (PvP Rank 3)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (343)Enchant Chest - Minor Stats)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (344)Twilight Slayer's Tunic (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (345)Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (346)Bindings of Serra'kis (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (347)Heavy Armor Kit)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (348)Void-Touched Leather Gloves (Leatherworking)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (349)Deftkin Belt (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (350) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (351)Je'neu of the Earthen Ring in Ashenvale)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (352)Cord of Aquanis (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (353)Heavy Armor Kit)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (354)Troll's Bane Leggings (World Drop)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (355)Enchant Boots - Minor Agility)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (356)Twilight Slayer's Footpads (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (357)Band of the Iron Fist (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (358) WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (359)Allegiance to the Old Gods in Blackfathom Deeps)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (360)Band of Deep Places (Blackfathom Deeps)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (361)Silverlaine's Family Seal (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (362)Rune of Perfection (Warsong – Friendly)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (363)Avenger's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Weapon (WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (364)Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect)
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (365)Fist of the Wild (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Relic
    WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (366)Mind-Expanding Mushroom (Blackfathom Deeps)

Tank Druid Stat Priority

As a Tank WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (367)Druid you want to prioritize gear with the following stats:

  1. Hit Chance (hit cap is 6% against enemies 2 levels above you, like all bosses in Gnomeregan)
  2. Strength
  3. Stamina
  4. Agility
  5. Attack Power = Feral Attack Power

Everything above the 6% hit chance increase has no additional effect when fighting against bosses in Gnomeregan.

Druid Macros in WoW Classic

You can write very useful macros for a WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (368)Druid in WoW Classic to improve your gameplay. Find the most important macros in our guide “WoW Classic Druid Macros“. You’ll learn how to write macros yourself by reading through the examples, too.

More Builds for Druids in Season of Discovery

The WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (369)Druid is a true hybrid. Out of the 9 playable WoW Classic classes, only two classes can take on 4 different play styles. The WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (370)Druid is one of these two classes. They can heal, and tank, and have a melee and ranged DPS build.

Healer Spec for Druids

To heal in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Druid Healer Spec. This spec is optimized to heal and keep your party alive.

DPS Spec for Balance Druids

To play as a Balance WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (371)Druid in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Balance Druid DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal maximum damage as a ranged spellcaster.

DPS Spec for Feral Druids

To play as Feral WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (372)Druid in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Feral Druid DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal maximum damage in melee combat in WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (373)Cat Form.

WoW SoD Tank Druid: Phase 3 BiS, Talents & Runes (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.