tarot – Revealing Light Tarot (2024)

A handful of sunflower seeds

As I sit listening to the rain on my corrugated iron roof, I have one eye on my Washington Post subscription feeding through my email. On the one hand the rain…the wind howling a little at the corner of our home and the late afternoon sun on green grass, are worlds away from the tragedy unfolding in the Middle East. I am waiting for what my intuitive senses tell me is coming; an acceleration of the violence and bloodshed and the catastrophe unfolding in Gaza right now.

As I write this…from the safety of my Australian home and the gentle sound of that rain on my roof…I cannot comprehend the suffering that is occurring right now.

So much of the world is like a tinder box. Do I need to say one spark and the fire will ignite and grow? I don’t think so. We all know what’s at stake. We feel it and sense it.

In February 2022 we watched helplessly while Russian soldiers and tanks crossed the border into sovereign Ukraine, intent on a blitzkrieg and toppling its young democratically elected leader. The Russian Emperor proxy Vladimir Putin had longed dreamed of reuniting the former Soviet Union borders under his authoritarian reign. We then witnessed the courage and sacrifice of the Ukrainians, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, Ukrainian and Russian, on the fields where once sunflowers and blades of wheat grew.

I still have the t-shirt sold in a Ukrainian fundraiser, of an old woman standing in front of the Russian tank in defiance, hand outstretched and giving the enemy soldier a handful of sunflower seeds. “Put them in your pockets, so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here.”

A simple scene highlighting the pointlessness of war, death and destruction.

Unfolding now is yet another tragedy which the world of humanity could not stop. A terrorist organisation trained by the Russian Wagner mercenaries (most likely somewhere in Africa) and financed by Iran, with weapons from Russia, stormed into Israel and viciously killed hundreds of Israeli’s, taking some of them hostage in Gaza, holding both the innocent Palestinian families and the Israeli’s hostage in what some describe as an ‘open air prison’…the Gaza Strip.

Bombs are dropped indiscriminately now on both sides, no hope for a peaceful settlement, and nearby Arab countries like Egypt, Iran and Lebanon one step away from joining the fray. US warships are anchored at the ready, as a deterrent against escalation.

In the US, the opposition party is actively discrediting the current President of their country, spouting Russian talking points on Ukraine, and its leader, the former US president Donald Trump talking up the terrorists. One chamber of its Congress is paralysed, held hostage by the extreme wing of the GOP, unable to function. The US at a time when the world is on the edge of the precipice, is legislatively neutered and leaderless.

What hope have we got when the world has gone so terribly wrong?

In times like this, when the darkness obscures almost all of the light, I focus on hope. I focus on what I know…that the world is changing and that old myths, tokenisms and narratives that suit the very people that led us into the darkness, are being exposed.

I focus on the light of truth and I know that truth-telling leads to justice, and justice leads us to balance. Perhaps this balance is the gift from God, to peel away the layers of detritus to reveal the truth because when we have truth, we have clarity, decision-making and a way forward.

I made this video a few months ago, using the Angel Tarot. It is relevant to this blog and for this time. I hope it provides some comfort.

Channeling occultist Aleister Crowley

As a clairvoyant and medium, I have channeled many people on my Youtube channel, Revealing Light Tarot, Astrology and Spirituality. They have been people who have achieved great things in their lifetimes and have struggled, as we do…the channelings more powerful for their humanity, their contribution and their flaws.

It was with some apprehension that I channeled a request, not something I usually do, for occultist Aleister Crowley. Like everyone else, I had bought into the hype surrounding his name…and to be fair, Crowley himself encouraged this. I’m not sure what made me persevere and do the channeling…call it curiosity and something more…a vague suspicion there was more to Crowley than met the eye, beyond the hysteria and fear he seemed to engender.

I did the barest research before the channeling. Date of birth and death, a brief description of his life…his parents and the tarot deck which he co-created with Lady Freida Harris – the Thoth Tarot.

I went into the reading without too much awareness; and I emerged after my channeling with a new understanding of his intellect and contribution to spiritualism. I’ll let the channeling speak for itself.

Happy Halloween and Sahmein readers. There are mysteries and magic that remain hidden in the darkness of ignorance, just waiting for some light.

The art of tarot

I’m not sure how long the idea to hand paint my own tarot deck has been brewing. It’s a bit like when I write…it is there in the back of my mind before the timing is right to bring it forward. In any case, I got serious about this huge undertaking sometime in 2020.

I had always loved art and colour, but my technique was rusty. Where on earth would I start…where I always start, with learning and relearning. I spent over a year in art classes, brushing up on what I remembered from senior school and learning about colour, composition, perspective, blending with acrylics and painting with watercolour and Indian Ink. What a journey it has been…an absolute love despite the daunting task of attempting to hand paint 78 tarot cards.

Most tarot decks are created with imagery and graphic design. There are a few beautiful hand painted decks, and you’ll know them when you see them. The late Poppy Palin’s Everyday Enchantment Tarot is one. When hand painting, there are no shortcuts. Each card is literally a painting. So while it’s challenging, hand painting my tarot is also incredibly meaningful. It is also done from pure creativity, and that process allows for psychic ability to flow. It allows for many pathways and directions and the choices I make in these cards incorporate not only traditional tarot meanings, but a clairvoyance too.

Simply put, hand painting my own tarot deck has been, and is, a labor of love for me that draws together such creativity and spiritual connection that it generates anticipation that is quite unexpected.

Doing the work.

A couple of days ago, I read on the New Moon in Virgo. It was a blend of astrology and tarot, and clairvoyance, I was comfortable with…so much of the past month of August 2021 had been uncomfortable, ranging to distressing.

At the beginning of the month I had a serious sense of foreboding (is there any other kind?). I say ‘serious’ because I’ve covered much over the past 4 years psychically across the world and have not been as rattled. Perhaps it was the Delta variant sweeping across my home state in Australia, perhaps it was the horrendous withdrawal of allies and the US from the ill-fated Afghanistan ‘war’, or the absolute madness on anything from Covid and vaccines, through to the illogical and insane conspiracy theories emanating from Q-anon. Such insanity that there are actually ‘Q’ Members of Congress in the US, and not far from it in other countries. The continual connection to that energy just wore me down. At times, it felt like we were all on the verge of drowning in our own destruction.

As August began, I was dreaming of an endless procession of funerals – black hearses outside churches – and then my dreams turned to severe flooding events. Boats floating underwater, torrential rains and stranded people in homes. I warned my viewers at the beginning of the month…August is going to be difficult. This was cold comfort to me, seemingly caught in the anxiety of knowing what was coming. As it turned out, my readings on Delta being uncontrollable across my state, were correct (other states have more control at this point). Horrendous flooding across Europe and in parts of the US seemed to be prescient. As I write, Hurricane Ida is bearing down on Louisiana. Is this where the submerged boats were? I warned viewers there would be people needing to get to high ground. And yet, despite the heaviness of August, including the deaths and mayhem in our withdrawal from Afghanistan, I felt a shift coming in September. I outlined my insight in a New Moon in Virgo reading which is included in this post. What does this mean…will things get easier? Not quite yet, though I see signs of progress nevertheless.

On 6th September 2021, the New Moon enters the most hard-working of the zodiac signs. Over Washington, it is in the 6th House of work, public service and health. There are real signs, I feel, of people waking up to the endless loop of negativity that governs our politics. What we are seeing…the rise of the ‘Big Lie/s’, the conspiracy theorists, the aggressive ‘Covid-19 is a hoax-ers ’, the split mentality of far right and far left politics…the unwillingness to give any ground, and the sheer destructiveness of the continual media and social media cycles, is no accident. We are meant to see this…we are seeing this…and we know it has to change if we are to survive. I believe enough of us are noticing this now, and with that attention, so too is the need to do the work…to repair, to reform and to move forward, not backwards. There is no better time for this than when the New Moon (setting goals) is in Virgo (doing the work).

So, yes, I am still optimistic despite what we’ve witnessed in August. We are getting ‘woke’ from our complacency and polarisation because there is no other choice. Change is often necessary and always inevitable.

Channeling Nostradamus

I’m not entirely sure when the energetic vibration of Nostradamus presented itself but it did, including with the significance of rose petals which I later found out were quite important in the healing work of Nostradamus.

Most of us know this seer for his blindingly accurate predictions. Less is known about his healing work with plague victims. I found this channeling quite special because I learnt about Nostradamus the human being. He revealed a man with a deep love of family and of helping the poor who received little medical help throughout the epidemics of plague. Yet Nostradamus healed many through simple and effective hygienic regimes, and a commitment to help.

Prior to the channeling I did not know how Nostradamus saw the visions which formed the basis of his predictions but I saw a method later confirmed with my research post channeling. I’ll leave the video to speak for itself; and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…learning about the compassionate and humanistic person that was Nostradamus. These same strengths allowed him to predict accurately, and perhaps to help humanityinto the future.

Light orbs illuminate spirit connection

During my spiritual journey which began as a young girl understanding that I needed first to know myself before I could begin to know others, I have researched many esoteric concepts and beliefs. The one constant throughout the gathering of knowledge has been the real possibility of developing a deep connection to Spirit. Some of you know my back story; that in 2015 a very serious illness and prolonged rehabilitation further illuminated my spirituality. So many signs and guides were put in my path that it became impossible for me to continue to live the same life in the same way.

A dream one night which took me to what I thought of as the Afterlife and picking up my tarot again not long after, brought a rush of validation that my pathway was no longer my ‘orthodox’ and mainstream career, but lay instead in reconnecting with my clairvoyance and using my intuition in the everyday world. This profound realization has taken me back to myself and to abilities I had used in childhood but never fully understood, and so had they’d been relegated to the recesses to gather dust. I began Revealing Light Tarot in 2018 and have been pushed, no rushed forward, towards using as much of my psychic abilities as I currently know how to do. I say ‘currently’ because I believe we do not stop learning…ever.

Despite a wholehearted embrace of my spirituality and reconciliation with who I am and my purpose in this life, a lifetime’s analytical and sometimes skeptical thinking remains. In all my travels in this life up until last year – professional career person by day; esoteric explorer by night – I have never been able to fully accept that angels have the names we humans give them, that the most powerful and uttered of the ‘archangels’ appear to be male, and that those like the former angelic author and guru Doreen Virtue (who’s now rejected her early pioneering work for a brand of fire and brimstone Christianity), can channel ‘messages from the angels’. It all seemed a little…kitsch to be totally honest. However…

Around a fortnight ago I was doing a ‘reading’ upstairs in my bedroom for my Patreon viewers. I had decided to throw my tarot cards on the subject of whether or not angels exist. Immediately, as soon as I sat down, I was aware of rapid energy bursts around me in the room. Before I pressed the record button, I felt the light orbs behind me. This wasn’t the first time they’d appeared while I was reading in a video, but it was the first time they came en masse and coinciding with particular phrases. The phrase that seemed to resonate with particular orbs was the name of ‘Metatron’.

I won’t give away too much more of what occurred in this video. I’ll let you watch it for yourself. When you’re viewing, watch for light orbs at: 2:43, 16:25, 17:21 and 18:53. Let me know what you think.



The currency that rules survival

The chakras can illuminate how we feel as we interact within the world. The Root Chakra which is located at the base of the spine, relates to our feelings of trust and safety. Its characteristics include:

  • Survival in this earthly world
  • Physical identity and our sense of self
  • Our need for support and our interactions with those support systems
  • Our basic needs from food and shelter through to self preservation.

The Root Chakra is associated with the colour red. It keeps us grounded and, if it is balanced, living hopefully without fear in this world.

One of the characteristics associated with this chakra that is particularly compelling for me is its association with money. Afterall, money is the currency of our safety in this world; if we have enough, we feel safe. If we don’t have enough to pay our bills then feelings of financial insecurity dominate.

In tarot, the 4 of Pentacles is associated with this feeling of insecurity. This card will often come up when someone has been raised with not enough, or is undergoing financial difficulty, or is depending on someone else (a partner or family member) for help with the cost of living.

In my tarot chakra readings I can get a glimpse of the possible issues as they relate to the various chakras. The tarot can indicate the strengths and the weaknesses, combined with the focal point of a particular chakra. For example a 4 of Pentacles in the Root Chakra position indicates to me an insecurity or lack of trust in the world. The Ace of Swords appearing, or aligned with the Throat Chakra which focuses on communication, is indicative of someone who speaks their truth. A Queen of Cups (stability and support) in the Heart Chakra (love) can indicate a nurturer and a healer. Or alternatively the need for support.


Tarot provides insights and reflection and can be used to glean information in much the same way as psychic Reiki can. The chakras are the portals through which energy flows through our subtle or energetic body. Our health can be impacted by the vulnerabilities or weaknesses in these focal points. Insight through the tarot can identify potential blockages and ways forward.

Everything is energy, one way or another. Tarot can identify these unseen energetic influences that might be holding us back or, alternatively, those strengths we may not even be aware we hold within our energetic patterns.

Revealing Light Tarot Youtube Channel

via Youtube Channel

Is Karma real?


I started my YouTube channel Revealing Light Tarot to use the psychic gifts I was born with but had pushed to the background for most of my life. Instead I pursued a mainstream career, working as a media editor and, later, for the government and in consulting. Despite full and productive jobs, I always felt something was missing…it was. I wasn’t communicating directly enough with spirit.

In 2015, I was hit with the news I had cancer. Thankfully it was early stage but, nevertheless, treatment was harsh. Radiation, chemo, surgery and more chemo. It was during this time that my connection with spirit strengthened. In fact, it more than strengthened, it became supercharged. After that there was no going back. And so Revealing Light Tarot was born.

I got my first tarot deck when I was 23 years old…from an old shop tucked away on the outskirts of Kings Cross. My Aquarian deck was located in a disused part of the shop, gathering dust. I was drawn to the strange archetypes, knights and queens and, particularly, to the High Priestess. Over the years I read for family and friends…until cancer and the compelling need to live more spiritually and to use my gifts, rather than shy away from them or, more to the point, fear them.

I read recently on whether or not Karma is real. These messages are channeled quickly and through my Third Eye and Crown Chakra. The case is presented for our God given gift of manifestation, and for the practical and spiritual benefits of keeping the slate clean.

Here is a link to the file. What do you think? Is Karma real?

tarot – Revealing Light Tarot (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.