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Lab FAQsFind a Quick Solution 4th Edition





E. coli

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Great information – compact format – the RAS Lab FAQS, 4th edition

Dear Valued Customer,At Roche Applied Science, we know that time is an increasingly scarce resource these days. Relevant information, available at your fingertips at the right time and in an easily accessible format can help you perform your experiments more efficiently.Based upon requests from many different customers, Roche Applied Science has updated Lab FAQS. We hope you find this new compendium of information even more useful for your laboratory work. Think of the Lab FAQS as our way of saying “Thank you” for using our reagents, kits and systems over the years. We wish you continued success in your research projects.

Sincerely Roche Applied Science

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We thank all contributors and editors for their diligent efforts during the proofreading and production of this book. Without their help, this project would never have been realized.

Editorial management 4th edition: Critical reading of the manuscript:

Doris Eisel, Design and LayoutUrs W. Hoffmann-Rohrer, DKFZ , Heidelberg, Editor in ChiefBettina Kruchen, Editor in ChiefPaul Labaere, Scientific AdviceStefanie Gruenewald-Janho, Scientific AdviceOliver Seth, Scientific AdviceMichael Hoffmann, Scientific AdviceDoris Schmitt, Scientific AdviceJasmina Putnik, Scientific AdviceGudrun Tellmann, Scientific AdviceHans-Jürgen Rode, Scientific AdviceRita Rein, Scientific AdviceSimone Pitz, Scientific AdviceBrigitte Hloch, Scientific AdvicePetra Höfner, Scientific AdviceCordula Jany, Scientific AdviceBernd Glauner, Scientific AdviceMarkus Scheuermann, Scientific Advice

Yair Argon, University of Chicago, USAHans-Joachim Degen, RAS, GermanyIngrid Hoffmann, DKFZ, Heidelberg, GermanyJürgen Kartenbeck, DKFZ, Heidelberg, GermanyBernhard Korn, RZPD, Berlin/Heidelberg, GermanyAnnette Moritz, RAS, GermanySabine Muench-Garthoff, RAS, GermanyAttila Nemeth, University of Budapest, HungaryHanspeter Pircher, University of Freiburg, GermanyHerwig Ponstingel, DKFZ, Heidelberg, GermanyHans-Richard Rackwitz, DKFZ, Heidelberg, GermanyHanspeter Saluz, HKI, Jena, GermanyBirgitte Simen, University of Chicago, USAGiulio Superti-Furga, EMBL, Heidelberg, GermanyMartin Vingron, MPI, Berlin


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Table of Contents - General Overview:

1. Working with DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1. Precautions for Handling DNA . . . . . 21.2. Commonly Used Formulas . . . . . . . . . 31.3. Isolating and Purifying DNA . . . . . . . 61.4. Analyzing DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.5. Cloning of DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221.6. Labeling of DNA and

Oligonucleotides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291.7. Amplification of DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . 371.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR . . . . . . . 471.9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

2. Working with RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . 612.1. Precautions for Handling RNA . . . . 622.2. Commonly Used Formulas . . . . . . . . 652.3. Isolating and Purifying RNA . . . . . . 672.4. Analyzing RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702.5. RT-PCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722.6. Labeling of RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822.7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

3. Working with Proteins . . . . . . . . 843.1. Precautions for

Handling Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853.2. Conversion from Nucleic

Acids to Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913.3. Analyzing Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943.4. Quantification of Proteins . . . . . . . 1003.5. Purifying Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043.6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

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Table of Contents - General Overview:

4. Working with Cells . . . . . . . . . . 1124.1 Handling of Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1134.2. Basic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204.3. Manipulating Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1254.4. Analyzing Cells Based on

Multi-Parameter Cell Counting . . . 1354.5. Flow Cytometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1394.6. Analyzing Cells on the

Molecular Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1424.7. Real-Time Monitoring of Cells . . . . 1494.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

5. Preparing Buffers and Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

5.1. Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535.2. Antibiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1675.3. Media for Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . 1685.4. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

6. Conversion Tables and Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

6.1. Nucleotide Ambiguity Code . . . . 1716.2. Formulas to Calculate Melting

Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716.3. %GC Content of Different

Genomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726.4. Metric Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726.5. Greek Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736.6. Properties of Radioisotopes . . . . 1736.7. Temperatures and Pressures . . . . . 1746.8. Centrifugal Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . 1746.9. Periodic Table of Elements . . . . . . 1756.10. Hazard Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756.11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

7. Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

7.1. Selection of Useful Websites Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

7.2. Lab Steno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1797.3. Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1807.4. Alphabetical Index . . . . . . . . . . . . 1837.5. Disclaimer Information and

Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192


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Table of Contents - Detailed:

1. Working with DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1. Precautions for Handling DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2. Commonly Used Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.3. Isolating and Purifying DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Perform nucleic acid isolation rapidly and efficiently . . . . . 8 Sizes and weights of DNA from different organisms . . . . . 8

1.4. Analyzing DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Concentration and purity via OD measurement . . . . . . . . . . . 9Fragment sizes of DNA molecular weight markers and recommended types of agarose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Size estimation of

– DNA fragments in agarose MP gels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11– DNA fragments in acrylamide gels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Restriction enzymes:

– General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12– Buffer system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12– Star activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13– Reference materials available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13– Inactivation and removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14– Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14– Cross index of recognition sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Partial digest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.5. Cloning of DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Ligation with T4 DNA ligase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Dephosphorylation with shrimp alkaline phosphatase . . . . . 23Modifying sticky ends to blunt ends: 5´-protruding and 3´-recessed ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Klenow – for partial or complete filling of 3´-recessed ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Mung bean nuclease – for removing of 3´- and 5´-protruding ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Commonly used bacterial strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29Overview of different techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30DIG labeling of nucleic acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Random primed labeling with klenow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Nick translation with DNA polymerase I and DNase I . . . . .343´-end labeling with terminal transferase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355´-end labeling with polynucleotide kinase . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

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1.7. Amplification of DNA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Avoiding contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Reaction components: – Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 – Primers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 – Oligonucleotides: commonly used formulas . . . . . . . . .40Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41Reaction components:

– MgCl2 concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 – dNTP concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 – Choice of polymerase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 – Hot start techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 – Other factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43Cycling profile for standard PCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44Standard pipetting scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Standard PCR temperature profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Instrument-based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48Real-time PCR assay formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49Sequence-independent detection assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50Sequence-specific probe binding assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51Other assay formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56Principles of quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Melting curve analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

1.9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

2. Working with RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612.1. Precautions for Handling RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622.2. Commonly Used Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662.3. Isolating and Purifying RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

RNA content in various cells and tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


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2.4. Analyzing RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Concentration via OD measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Purity via OD measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Size estimation of RNA fragments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

2.5. RT-PCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Reaction components:

– Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 – Choice of reverse transcription primers . . . . . . . . . . . .73 – Design of reverse transcription primers . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 – Template design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 – Choice of enzymes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Reaction components:

– Choice of enzyme for one-step and two-step RT-PCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

– Choice of enzyme for two-step RT-PCR . . . . . . . . . . . .80 – Choice of enzyme for one-step RT-PCR . . . . . . . . . . . .81

2.6. Labeling of RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Overview of different techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82RNA labeling guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82SP6, T7, and T3 polymerases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83

2.7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

3. Working with Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843.1. Precautions for Handling Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Inhibition of protease activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86Inhibition of phosphatase activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89

3.2. Conversions from Nucleic Acids to Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Principle of protein biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91The genetic code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91Characteristics of amino acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92Codon usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93

3.3. Analyzing Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Separation ranges of proteins

in denaturing SDS-PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94Sizes of commonly used markers in denaturing SDS-PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94Staining of proteins on denaturing SDS-PAGE gels . . . . . . .95Staining and detection of proteins on membranes . . . . . . . .95Buffer exchange via gel filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96Properties of commonly used detergents: definitions . . . . .96Characteristics of detergents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97Removal of detergents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98Ammonium sulfate precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98Other precipitation techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99

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3.4. Quantification of Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100OD measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Concentration limits of interfering reagents for assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102Compatibility of different buffer systems with protein quantification assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

3.5. Purifying Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104Characteristics of different expression systems . . . . . . . . .104Sources of antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104Choices of animals for immunization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105Doses of immunogens for rabbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106Routes of injections for rabbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106Purifying antibodies using Protein A, Protein G, and Protein L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Immunoprecipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Ion exchange chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 – Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110Tagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

3.6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

4. Working with Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124.1 Handling of Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Tissue culture reagents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Growth areas and yield of cells in culture vessels . . . . . . . . 116

Trypsinization of adherently growing cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Mycoplasma contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117Detection of mycoplasma contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

4.2. Basic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Typical properties of bacterial cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Typical properties of plant cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Typical properties of animal cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Nucleic acid and protein content of a bacterial cell . . . . . . 121

Nucleic acid content in mammalian cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121Nucleic acid and protein content in human blood . . . . . . . 122

Cell cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123Arresting cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

4.3. Manipulating Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Transfection of mammalian cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125DNA influences on transfection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126Transfection protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127Time course of transfection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128


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Calcium phosphate –DNA coprecipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Liposomal and non-liposomal transfection reagents . . . . . 129Electroporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130Voltage profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131

Microinjection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132Use of selection markers for stable cell lines . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Overview of reporter gene assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1334.4. Analyzing Cells Based on Multi-Parameter

Cell Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Trypan blue dye exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Electrical current exclusion (ECE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

FACS (Fluorescence activated cell sorting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1394.5. Flow Cytometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Apoptosis/necrosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Apoptosis assay methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145Apoptosis assay methods: selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . .146

Cell proliferation and viability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147Proliferation assay methods: selection guide . . . . . . . . . . .148Cytotoxicity assay methods: selection guide . . . . . . . . . . .148

4.7. Real-Time Monitoring of Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Real-time cell analyzer instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

4.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

5. Preparing Buffers and Media . . . . . . . . . . 1525.1. Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Buffering ranges of commonly used buffers (at 20°C) . . . 155 Recipes for

– stock solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 – buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 – buffers with desired pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159

Electrophoresis of DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Electrophoresis of RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 DEPC-treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Staining of nucleic acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Extraction of nucleic acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Electrophoresis of proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Resolving gels for denaturing SDS – PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 5% stacking gels for denaturing SDS-PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Western blotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1665.2. Antibiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Selection of

– prokaryotic cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 – eukaryotic cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

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5.3. Media for Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168Recipes for 1 liter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 – (for ∼ 40 plates of 90 mm, ∼ 25 ml per plate) . . . . . . .169

5.4. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

6. Conversion Tables and Formulars . . . . . . 1706.1. Nucleotide Ambiguity Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716.2. Formulas to Calculate Melting Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . 1716.3. %GC Content of Different Genomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726.4. Metric Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726.5. Greek Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736.6. Properties of Radioisotopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736.7. Temperatures and Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1746.8. Centrifugal Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1746.9. Periodic Table of Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756.10. Hazard Symbols and Risk Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756.11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

7. Addresses and Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1767.1. Selection of Useful Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777.2. Lab Steno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1797.3. Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1807.4. Alphabetical Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1837.5. Disclaimer Information and Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192


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Working with DNAChapter 1

1.1. Precautions for Handling DNA ........................................ 21.2. Commonly Used Formulas ................................................ 31.3. Isolating and Purifying DNA ............................................. 61.4. Analyzing DNA ...................................................................... 91.5. Cloning of DNA .................................................................. 221.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides .................... 291.7. Amplification of DNA ....................................................... 371.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR ............................................ 471.9. References ........................................................................... 61

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Precautions for Handling DNA1.1.

Handling fresh and stored material before extraction of DNA

For the isolation of genomic DNA from cells and tissues, use either fresh ÿÿsamples or samples that have been quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –70°C. This procedure minimizes degradation of the DNA by lim iting the activity of endogenous nucleases. For best results, use fresh blood or blood stored for < 2 days at room ÿÿ temperature (+15 to +25°C). Blood stored for 7 days at +2 to +8°C or for < 1 month at –15 to –25°C will result in a 10 to 15% reduction of yield of genomic DNA.Collect blood samples in tubes containing EDTA as an anticoagulant, not ÿÿ heparin. Heparin can cause attenuation or inhibition of amplification during PCR.However, if heparin use cannot be avoided, the High Pure PCR Template ÿÿPreparation Kit* can be used to remove the heparin from the sample.

Pipetting DNA Avoid vigorous pipetting. ÿÿPipetting genomic DNA through small tip openings causes shearing or ÿÿnicking. Use tips with wide openings, specially designed for genomic DNA.Regular pipette tips pose no problem for plasmid DNA and other small ÿÿDNA molecules.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Cat. No. 11 796 828 001.

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Working with DNA1 2

Storage of DNA Store genomic DNA at +2 to +8°C; storage at –15 to –25°C can cause ÿÿshearing of the DNA.Plasmid DNA and other small DNA molecules can be stored: ÿÿ

at +2 to +8°C for short term storage l

in aliquots at –15 to –25°C for long term storage l

Keep plasmids for transformation purposes at +2 to +8°C to avoid nicks.ÿÿStore modified DNA at +2 to +8°C.ÿÿ

Manipulation of DNA Always keep the DNA sample on ice when preparing an experiment.ÿÿ

Drying DNA Avoid overdrying of genomic DNA after ethanol precipitation. ÿÿLet the DNA air dry. Plasmid DNA and other small DNA molecules can be air or vacuum dried.ÿÿ

Dissolving DNA Dissolve DNA in Tris buffer (ÿÿ e.g., 10 mM Tris, pH 7.0 – pH 8.0).To help dissolve the DNA, carefully invert the tube several times after ÿÿ adding buffer and/or tap the tube gently on the side.Alternatively, let the DNA stand in buffer overnight at +2 to +8°C. ÿÿDo not vortex genomic DNA.ÿÿHeat DNA for 10 minutes at +65°C to dissolve and inactivate DNases.ÿÿ

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Commonly Used Formulas1.2.

Molecular weight of DNA, calculation in dalton*

Average molecular weight (MW) of a deoxynucleotide: 330 Dalton (Da)*ÿÿAverage molecular weight (MW) of a DNA base pair: 660 Dalton (Da)*ÿÿ

MW of dsDNA = [number of base pairs] x [660 Da] For example, MW of pBR322 dsDNA (4,363 base pairs) = 4,363 x 660 Da

= 2.9 x 106 Da = 2.9 x 103 kDa

MW of ssDNA = [number of bases] x [330 Da] For example, MW of M13mp18 (7,249 bases, ssDNA form) = 7,249 x 330 Da

= 2.4 x 106 Da = 2.4 x 103 kDa

* 1 Da (Dalton) is a unit of mass almost equal to that of a hydrogen atom (precisely equal to 10,000 on the atomic mass scale). Named after John Dalton (1766-1844) who developed the atomic theory of matter.

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Working with DNA1 3

Calculation of pmol of 5' (or 3') ends

pmol of ends of a dsDNA moleculeÿÿ

= 2 x 106 x µg (of dsDNA)=

2 x 106 x µg (of dsDNA)

MW (in Da) Nbp x 660 Da

For example, pmol of 5́ or 3́ ends of 1 µg of a 100 base pair dsDNA


2 x 106 x 1= 30.3

100 x 660

pmol of ends of a ssDNA moleculeÿÿ

= 1 x 106 x µg (of ssDNA)=

1 x 106 x µg (of ssDNA)

MW (in Da) Nb x 330 Da

For example, pmol of 5́ or 3́ ends of 1 µg of a 250 base ssDNA

fragment =1 x 106 x 1

= 12.12 250 x 330

pmol of ends generated by restriction endonuclease cleavage:ÿÿcircular DNA: 2 x (pmol of DNA) x (number of sites) l

linear DNA: [2 x (pmol of DNA) x (number of sites)] + [2 x (pmol of DNA)] l

Nbp = number of base pairs (dsDNA) and Nb = number of bases (ssDNA)

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1.2. Commonly Used Formulas

Conversion of µg to pmol ÿ pmol of dsDNA = µg (of dsDNA) x

106 pgx

1 pmolx


µg (of dsDNA) x 1,515

1 µg 660 pg Nbp Nbp

For example, 1 µg of a 100 base pairs dsDNA


1 x 1,515= 15.2 pmol


ÿ pmol of ssDNA = µg (of ssDNA) x106 pg

x1 pmol


=µg (of ssDNA) x 3,030

1 µg 330 pg Nb Nb

For example, 1 µg of a 1,000 base ssDNA


1 x 3,030= 3.03 pmol


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Working with DNA1 4

Conversion of µg to pmol ÿ µg of dsDNA = pmol (of dsDNA) x

660 pgx

1 µgx Nbp

=1 pmol 106 pg

= pmol (of ssDNA) x Nb x 3.3 x 10-4

For example, 1 pmol of a 100 base pair dsDNA fragment = 1 x 100 x 6.6 x 10-4 = 0.066 µg

ÿ µg of ssDNA = pmol (of ssDNA) x330 pg

x1 µg

x Nb=

1 pmol 106 pg

= pmol (of ssDNA) x Nb x 3.3 x 10-4

For example, 1 pmol of a 250 base ssDNA fragment = 1 x 250 x 3.3 x 10-4 = 0.0825 µg

Nbp = number of base pairs (dsDNA) and Nb = number of bases (ssDNA)

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1.2. Commonly Used Formulas Examples

Type Size Form MW (in kDa) pmol/µg µg/pmolpmol of 5´ or 3´


dsDNA fragment 100 bp Linear 66 15.2 0.066 30.3

dsDNA fragment 500 bp Linear 330 3.03 0.33 6.06

dsDNA fragment 1,000 bp Linear 660 1.52 0.66 3.03

RE+ Digest, 1 site 1.52 0.66 6.06

RE+ Digest, 2 sites 1.52 0.66 9.12

pUC18/19 dsDNA 2,686 bp Circular 1.8 x 103 0.57 1.77 –

RE+ Digest, 1 site 0.57 1.77 1.14

RE+ Digest, 2 sites 0.57 1.77 2.28

RE+ Digest, 3 sites 0.57 1.77 3.42

pBR322 dsDNA 4,363 bp Circular 2.9 x 103 0.35 2.88 –

RE+ Digest, 1 site 0.35 2.88 0.7

RE+ Digest, 2 sites 0.35 2.88 1.4

RE+ Digest, 3 sites 0.35 2.88 2.1

+ RE: restriction enzyme

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Working with DNA1 5


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Isolating and Purifying DNA1.3.

Type Origin Recommendation+


Tissue, cultured mammalian cells, bacteria, yeast, mouse tail, blood High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit#

Tissue, cultured cells, bacteria, yeast, mouse tail DNA Isolation Kit for Cells and Tissues

Human blood, dried blood spots High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit#

Mammalian/human blood DNA Isolation Kit for Mammalian Blood

PlasmidPropagated in E . coli High Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit

Propagated in E . coli Genopure Plasmid Maxi/Midi Kits

ViralSerum, plasma, blood, other body fluids, supernatant from cell culture High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit

Serum, plasma, supernatant from cell culture High Pure 16 System Viral Nucleic Acid Kit

DNA fragments

PCR mixture High Pure PCR Product Purification KitHigh Pure PCR Cleanup Micro KitHigh Pure 96 UF Cleanup Kit

Restriction enzyme digests, labeling, and modifying reaction mixture High Pure PCR Product Purification KitHigh Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit

Radiolabeled DNA Quick Spin Columns

Radiolabeled DNA, removal of excess fluorescent-labeled terminators mini Quick Spin DNA Columns

Agarose gel slices Agarose Gel DNA Extraction KitHigh Pure PCR Product Purification KitHigh Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit

ssDNA ,ds DNA, cRNA High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit

+ The amount of DNA that can be isolated with the kits depends on variables such as the amount of sample applied, concentration of DNA within the sample, buffer systems, etc. Refer to the following pages for a detailed overview.

Use this table to select a product according to the type and origin of DNA (see also Reference 4).

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Working with DNA1 6

Use this table to select a product according to the main application in which the DNA will be used(see Reference 4).

Product PCRRestriction

Enzyme Analysis

Southern Blotting

Labeling/Modifying Reactions

Clon ­ing

Se quen ­cing

In vitro Tran­

s cription

Trans­fec tion


spottingDNA Isolation Kit for Cells and Tissues l l l l

DNA Isolation Kit for Mammalian Blood l l l l

High Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit l l l l l l l

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit Large Volume


High Pure 16 System Viral Nucleic Acid Kit# l

High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit# l l l l l

High Pure 96 UF Cleanup Kit l l l l l

High Pure PCR Product Purification Kit l l l l l l l

High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit (l) (l) l l l l l

mini Quick Spin DNA Columns l l

Quick Spin Columns for radiolabeled DNA purification l

Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit l l l l l

Genopure Plasmid Midi Kit l l l l l

Genopure Plasmid Maxi Kit l l l l l l

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1.3. Isolating and Purifying DNA

Use this table to select a product according to its characteristics (see Reference 4).

Product Quantity of Starting Material Typical Yield

Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit ÿ Agarose slices: 100 – 200 mg ÿ Recovery: l 0.4– 9.5 kb: ~ 80%

DNA Isolation Kit for Cells and Tissues ÿ Tissue: 100 mg to 1 gÿ Cultured cells: 1 x 107 to 5 x 107 cellsÿ Mouse tail: 50 to 400 mgÿ Yeast: up to 3 x 1010 cellsÿ Gram neg. bacteria: up to 1011

ÿ Depending on tissue typeÿ 700 – 3,000 μg/5 x 107 cellsÿ up to 800 μg/400 mg mouse tailÿ up to 300 μg/3 x 1010 yeast cellsÿ 1,500 -2,750 μg/1011 bacteria

DNA Isolation Kit for Mammalian Blood ÿ Human whole blood: 10 mlÿ Rat and mouse whole blood: 10 ml

ÿ 350 μgÿ 570 μg

High Pure 96 UF Cleanup Kit ÿ 100 bp to > 10 kbÿ 20 to 300 μl

ÿ 25 μl ( 150 bp 40%; 1,500 bp 90%; 4500 bp 90%; 8,000 bp 80%)

High Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit ÿ E . coli XL1 blue, pUC19 – 2 mlÿ E . coli HB 101, pUC19 – 2 mlÿ E . coli DH5a, pUC19 – 2 ml

ÿ 12 μgÿ 6 μgÿ 3.5 μg

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit ÿ 200 – 600 μl of serum, plasma, blood, cell culture supernatant

ÿ Product detectable by PCR or RT-PCR

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit ÿ Up to 2.5 ml serum, plasma, blood, cell culture supernatant

ÿ Product detectable by PCR or RT-PCR

High Pure 16 System Viral Nucleic Acid Kit# ÿ 200 μl of serum, plasma, blood, cell culture supernatant

ÿ Product detectable by PCR or RT-PCR

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Working with DNA1 7

Use this table to select a product according to its characteristics (see Reference 4).

Product Quantity of Starting Material Typical Yield

High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit# ÿ Blood: up to 200- 300 μlÿ Cultured cells: 104 to 108 cellsÿ Thymus tissue: 25 – 50 mgÿ Mouse tail: 25 – 50 mgÿ Yeast: 108 cellsÿ Bacteria: 109 cellsÿ FFPE tissue sections: 25 – 50 mg

ÿ 3 – 9 μgÿ 15 – 20 μgÿ 5 – 20 μgÿ 5 – 10 μgÿ 10 – 13 μgÿ 1 – 3 μgdepending on sample material

High Pure PCR Product Purification Kit ÿ PCR, modifying, labeling, restriction digestion reactions, (100 ul), agarose gel slices

ÿ Recovery: > 80% of 5 – 25 μg DNA (fragments > 100 bp)

High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit ÿ PCR, modifying, labeling, restriction digestion reactions, agarose gel slices

ÿ Recovery: > 85% up to 20 μg

mini Quick Spin DNA Columns ÿ 20 – 75 μl labeling mixture ÿ Recovery: > 90%ÿ Exclusion limit: 20 bp

Genopure Plasmid Midi Kit ÿ 10 – 100 ml bacterial culture (low copy plasmid)

ÿ 5 – 30 ml bacterial culture (high copy plasmid)

ÿ 0.2 – 1 μg/ml culture (low copy plasmid)

ÿ 3 – 5 μg/ml culture (high copy plasmid)

Genopure Plasmid Maxi Kit ÿ 100 – 500 ml bacterial culture (low copy plasmid)

ÿ 30 – 150 ml bacterial culture (high copy plasmid)

ÿ 0.2 – 1 μg/ml culture (low copy plasmid)

ÿ 3 – 5 μg/ml culture (high copy plasmid)

For more information on nucleic acid isolation and purification, visit www.roche­applied­

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1.3. Isolating and Purifying DNA Perform nucleic acid isolation rapidly and efficiently

The MagNA Pure LC 2.0 Instrument# allows fully automated nucleic acid isolation and PCR setup. True walk-away precision is achieved with the elimination of “hands-on” steps such as pipetting, filtration, and centrifugation. With the MagNA Pure LC 2.0 Instruments's proven magnetic bead technology, high quality genomic DNA, total RNA, or mRNA is obtained.

The MagNA Pure LC 2.0 Instrument processes up to 32 samples in less than one hour and isolates pure nucleic acids from a variety of sample types, including:

l Whole blood l White blood cellsl Cultured cells l Tissue

Expand the MagNA Pure LC 2.0 Instruments's flexibility and versatility with the use of various reagent kits, accessories, and software protocols:

l DNA Isolation Kits - for blood/cultured cells, tissue, and bacteria/fungil Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kits - for blood, plasma, and serum; also available for large volumesl RNA Isolation Kits - for whole blood, blood cells, cultured cells, and paraffin-embedded tissuel mRNA Isolation Kits - for whole blood, blood cells, and tissue

Increase your lab’s efficiency by combining the MagNA Pure LC 2.0 Instrument# with the LC Carousel Centrifuge and the LightCycler® 2.0 Instrument.

For more information on MagNA Pure LC, visit

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Working with DNA1 8

Sizes and weights of DNA from different organisms

Organism Size (bp) Molecular Weight (in kDa) Number of Chromosomes

pBR322, E . coli plasmid 4,363 2.9 x 103

SV 40, simian virus 5,243 3.5 x 103

FX174, E . coli bacteriophage 5,386 3.5 x 103

Adenovirus 2, human virus 35,937 23.7 x 103

Lambda, E . coli bacteriophage 48,502 32.0 x 103

E . coli, bacterium 4.7 x 106 3.1 x 106

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast 1.5 x 107 9.9 x 106 32 (diploid)

Dictyostelium discoideum, mold 5.4 x 107 3.6 x 107 7 (haploid)

Caenorhabditis elegans, worm 8.0 x 107 5.3 x 107 11/12 (diploid)

Drosophila melanogaster, fruitfly 1.4 x 108 9.2 x 107 8 (diploid)

Mus musculus, mouse 2.7 x 109 1.8 x 109 40 (diploid)

Xenopus leavis, frog 3.1 x 109 2.0 x 109 36 (diploid)

hom*o sapiens, human 3.3 x 109 2.2 x 109 46 (diploid)

Zea mays, maize 3.9 x 109 2.6 x 109 20 (diploid)

Nicotiana tabacum, tobacco plant 4.8 x 109 3.2 x 109 48 (diploid)

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Analyzing DNA1.4. Concentration and purity via OD measurement

Concentration of DNA 1 Aÿÿ 260 Unit of dsDNA = 50 µg/ml H2O1 Aÿÿ 260 Unit of ssDNA = 33 µg/ml H2O

Notes OD value should range between 0.1 and 1.0 to ensure an optimal ÿÿ measurement.The above mentioned values are based on extinction coefficients of nucleic ÿÿacids in H

2O. Note that these coefficients – and hence the above mentioned

values – differ in other buffers and/or solutions. Example of calculation: ÿÿ

volume of dsDNA sample: 100 µl l

dilution: 25 µl of this sample + 475 µl H l 2O (1+19 dilution)A l 260 of this dilution: 0.44 concentration of dsDNA in sample: 0.44 x 50 µg/ml x 20 l

(=dilution factor) = 440 µg/ml l amount of dsDNA in sample: 440 µg/ml x 0.1 ml (= sample volume) = 44 µg

Purity of DNA Pure DNA: Aÿÿ 260/A280 ≥ 1.8

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Working with DNA1 9

Notes An Aÿÿ260


< 1.8 indicates that the preparation is contaminated with proteins and aromatic substances (e.g., phenol). An Aÿÿ


280 > 2 indicates a possible contamination with RNA.

The OD gives no information about the size of the DNA.ÿÿ

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base pairs







–5148, 4973
























–587–540–504–458, 434

–267–234–213-192, 184

–124, 123–104–89, 80–64, 57, 51,21, 18, 11, 8








–234, 220

























–501, 489




–147–124–110–67–37, 34,

26, 19








• Hind III

10 2



0 0








• Eco R

I +H

ind III

10 5



2 0



.3 kb



A •


M 20 D



I + Sau





9 0



87 b


R 332 D


• Hae


10 8







.1 kb


R 328 D


• BglI +


R 328 D


• HinI I



2 5






.57 kb




• EcoR




9 2










21 • Hpa

II +



21 DN

A •


I + H




6 0




Fragment Sizes of DNA Molecular Weight Markers

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Working with DNA1 10





–310–281, 271–234-194










– 018

–517, 506


–220, 201–154, 134, 75































4850238412327452902726718249182201020323, 19944187801671015262, 152581418313282, 1237911848, 1120510086, 968881137601




Expand DN



eight m





5 0




5 kb


X 174 • H




9 4







1 kb

p1018 bp D




ers and pBR






8 0

37 0


100 bp ladder




3 0


50 bp ladder




5 0


250 bp ladder



5 6




500 bp ladder



5 6




Recommended agarose:

n Agarose MS 0.05 - 1.5 KbpCat. No. 11 816 586 001 (100 g)Cat. No. 11 816 594 001 (500 g)

n Agarose LE 0.2 - 15 KbpCat. No. 11 685 660 001(100 g)Cat. No. 11 685 678 001(500 g)

n Agarose LE 0.1 - 30 KbpCat. No. 11 685 660 001 (100 g)Cat. No. 11 685 678 001 (500 g)

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Size estimation of DNA fragments in agarose MP* gels

% Agarose MP

0.4% 0.8% 1% 1.25% 1.5% 2%

Range of separation of linear ds fragment sizes

30 kbp

25 kbp

15 kbp

10 kbp

7.5 kbp

5 kbp

2.5 kbp

1 kbp

500 bp

250 bp

100 bp

0 bp

approximate migration of xylene cyanol approximate migration of bromophenol blue

* Agarose Multi Purpose (Cat. No. 11 388 983 001) – available from Roche Applied Science – is a high gel strength agarose (> 1800 g/cm2; 1%) permitting the use of very low and very high concentrations, resulting in a broad range of DNA molecules that can be separated in the same type of agarose. Refer to Chapter 5 “Preparing Buffers and Media” when preparing all buffers.

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Working with DNA1 11

Size estimation of DNA fragments in acrylamide gels

% of Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide (29:1)

3.5% 5% 8% 12% 15% 20%

Efficient range of separation of linear ds fragment sizes

1000 bp

750 bp

500 bp

250 bp

100 bp

75 bp

50 bp

25 bp

5 bp

0 bp

approximate migration of xylene cyanol approximate migration of bromophenol blue

Refer to Chapter 5 “Preparing Buffers and Media” when preparing all buffers.

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: general information

Unit definition One unit of a restriction endonuclease is the amount of enzyme required to ÿÿcompletely digest 1 µg substrate DNA in 60 minutes at the appropriate assay conditions stated for each restriction enzyme.The type of the substrate DNA, the correct reaction temperature, and the ÿÿspecific activity of each enzyme are stated in the pack inserts that come with the products.

Stability All restriction enzymes – supplied by Roche Applied Science – contain ÿÿexpiration dates on the label. 100% activity of the enzyme is guaranteed until that date.

Storage Restriction enzymes are, like all proteins, susceptible to denaturation and ÿÿcan lose their specific activity when exposed to higher temperatures. Therefore, the enzymes are supplied as a glycerol solution and should be ÿÿstored at –15 to –25°C in a non-defrosting freezer. During usage, it is reco mmended to keep the enzyme on ice or in specially developed bench top coolers.

For detailed information concerning restriction enzymes, visit: www.restriction­

3730 LabFAQs.indb 32 04.10.2011 17:43:39

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Working with DNA1 12

Restriction enzymes: buffer system

SuRE/Cut Buffer System* – buffers supplied as 10 x concentrated solutions:

Final Concentration in mM

Buffer Components A B L M H

Tris Acetate 33

Tris HCl 10 10 10 50

Magnesium Acetate 10

MgCl2 5 10 10 10

Potassium Acetate 66

NaCl 100 50 100

1,4-Dithioerythritol (DTE) 1 1 1

1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT) 0.5

2-Mercaptoethanol 1

pH at +37°C 7.9 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.5

Special incubation buffers** – buffers supplied as 2 x concentrated solutions:

Final Concentration in mM

Buffer Components Mae I Mae II Mae III Nde II

Tris HCl 20 50 20 100

NaCl 250 220 275 150

MgCl2 6 6 6 10

2-Mercaptoethanol 7 7 7

1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT) 1

pH 8.0 (+45°C)

8.8 (+50°C)

8.2 (+55°C)

7.6 (+37°C)

* Buffer system available from Roche Applied Science.** Products available from Roche Applied Science.

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction Enzymes: Star Activity

Definition The ability of restriction enzymes to cleave – under non-optimal condi tions ÿÿ– DNA sequences that are similar but not identical to the recognition site of the enzyme.

Enzymes affected The following enzymes can exhibit star activity under certain non-optimized ÿÿconditions:

BamH I, BssH II, Dde I, EcoR I, EcoR V, Hind III, Hinf I, Kpn I, l

Mam I, Pvu II, Sal I, Sau3A I, SgrA I, Taq IHowever, reports (see Reference 12) suggest that star activity may be a ÿÿgeneral property of all restriction enzymes.

Factors causing star activity

High glycerol concentration (> 5% v/v). ÿÿLarge excess of enzyme.ÿÿNon-optimal ionic strength, pH, and divalent cations of buffer system. ÿÿPresence of organic solvents.ÿÿ

Avoiding star activity Use the optimal buffer for each enzyme as recommended by the supplier.ÿÿUse the optimal amount of enzyme as recommended by the supplier.ÿÿMake sure that the DNA preparation is free of organic solvents that may ÿÿhave been used during isolation and/or purification of the DNA.

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Working with DNA1 13

Restriction enzymes: reference materials available

Learn more about our solutions for mapping and cloning by visiting our special interest site at:www.restriction­

Search for the needed restriction enzyme with the easy-to-use Benchmate RE Finder online tool at:www.roche­applied­

The comprehensive Restriction Enzyme Poster, well known as the information source for com mercially available restric-tion enzymes and their recogni-tion sequences.

The Tools for Mapping and Cloning brochure, supplying so lutions to support you in your daily research.

Available from your local Roche Applied Science representative (Restriction Enzyme Poster: Cat. No. 03 356 175; Tools for Mapping and Cloning: Cat. No. 04 791 657 990).

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: inactivation and removal

The following procedures can be applied to inactivate restriction enzymes:

Inactivation By heat treatment: ÿÿCertain enzymes can be inactivated by heating. Refer to the product characteristics tables on the next pages for enzyme-specific information.By EDTA treatment: ÿÿAlternatively, the enzyme can be inactivated by adding 0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0) to a final concentration of 10 mM.

Removal By phenol/chloroform extraction: ÿÿExtract the sample with phenol/chloroform and once with chloroform, precipitate the DNA with ethanol or iso-propanol.By silica absorption: ÿÿAlternatively, the tedious and cumbersome phenol/chloroform extraction procedure can be omitted by using the High Pure PCR Product Purification Kit (Cat. No. 11 732 668 001) or High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit (Cat. No. 04 983 955 001) – available from Roche Applied Science.

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Working with DNA1 14

Restriction enzymes: characteristics

Abbreviations and icons used in the tables:

A ÿ Percentage activity of enzyme in SuRE/Cut buffer A (100% in bold printed buffer)

B ÿ Percentage activity of enzyme in SuRE/Cut buffer B (100% in bold printed buffer)

L ÿ Percentage activity of enzyme in SuRE/Cut buffer L (100% in bold printed buffer)

M ÿ Percentage activity of enzyme in SuRE/Cut buffer M (100% in bold printed buffer)

H ÿ Percentage activity of enzyme in SuRE/Cut buffer H (100% in bold printed buffer)

ÿ Incubation temperature of enzyme; temperatures in bold differ from the “classical” +37°C

HI ÿ Heat inactivation of enzyme: l Y: Indicates that the enzyme can be inactivated by heat (15 minutes at +65°C unless otherwise stated) l N: Indicates that the enzyme cannot be inactivated by heat (see previous page for alternative procedures)

PCR ÿ Percentage of enzyme activity in a standard PCR Mix (= 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.3 at +20°C, 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, l-substrate DNA, 200 μM dNTP’s and 2.5 U Taq DNA Polymerase in a final volume of 100 μl)

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: characteristics (for abbreviations, see page 14)

Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

Aat II GACGT‚C 100 0–10 0–10 10–25 0–10 37 Y 25%

Acc I GT‚(A,C)(T,G)AC 100 0–10 10–25 0–10 0–10 37 N < 5%

Afl III A‚C(A,G) (T,C)GT 50–75 75–100 50–75 75–100 100 37 Ya 20%

Alu I AG‚CT 100 50–75 25–50 25–50 0–10 37 Y 100%

Apa I GGGCC‚C 100 10–25 50–75 50–75 0–10 30 Y 100%

Asp700 I GAANN‚NNTTC 50–75 100 10–25 50–75 0–10 37 N 10%

Asp718 I G‚GTACC 75–100 100 0–10 25–50 50–75 37 N 100%

Avi II TGC‚GCA 50–75 75–100 10–25 50–75 100 37 N 30%

BamH I G‚GATCC 100 100 75–100 100 25–50 37 N 100%

Bcl I T‚GATCA 100 100 25–50 100 100 50 N

Bfr I C‚TTAAG 25–50 25–50 75–100 100 25–50 37 Y 100%

Bgl II A‚GATCT 100 100 25–50 100 100 37 N

Bln I C‚CTAGG 25–50 50–75 0–10 25–50 100 37 N

a Inactivation by heating to +80°C for 20 minutes.

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Working with DNA1 15

Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

BseA I T‚CCGGA 75–100 100 0–10 50–75 25–50 55 N

BsiY I CCNNNNN‚NNGG 100 100 50–75 100 25–50 55 N

Bsm I GAATGCN‚N 0–10 50–75 0–10 25–50 100 65 Ya

BssH II G‚CGCGC 100 100 75–100 100 75–100 50 Ya 100%

BstX I CCA(N)5‚NTGG 10–25 100 0–10 10–25 100 45 N

Cfo I GCG‚C 75–100 50–75 100 50–75 25–50 37 N 100%

Cla I AT‚CGAT 100 100 75–100 100 100 37 N 100%

Dde I C‚TNAG 50–75 75–100 25–50 25–50 100 37 N 40%

Dpn I GA‚TC 100 75–100 50–75 75–100 75–100 37 N 100%

Dra I TTT‚AAA 100 75–100 100 100 50–75 37 Y 100%

Dra II (A,G)G‚GNCC(T,C) 100 50–75 100 50–75 0–10 37 Y

Dra III CACNNN‚GTG 50–75 75–100 50–75 75–100 100 37 N 50%

EclX I C‚GGCCG 25–50 100 25–50 25–50 50–75 37 N

Eco47 III AGC‚GCT 25–50 50–75 0–10 25–50 100 37 Y

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Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

EcoR I G‚AATTC 100 100 25–50 50–75 100 37 Y 50%

EcoR II ‚CC(A,T)GG 50–75 75–100 0–25 50–75 100 37 Y

EcoR V GAT‚ATC 25–50 100 0–10 25–50 50–75 37 N 10%

Fok I GGATG(N)9/13 100 50–75 75–100 100 25–50 37 Y

Hae III GG‚CC 50–75 50–75 75–100 100 25–50 37 N 100%

Hind II GT(T,C)‚(A,G)AC 100 100 25–50 100 50–75 37 Y 100%

Hind III A‚AGCTT 50–75 100 25–50 100 50–75 37 Y 10%

Hinf I G‚ANTC 100 100 50–75 75–100 100 37 N 50%

Hpa I GTT‚AAC 100 25–50 25–50 50–75 25–50 37 N 100%

Hpa II C‚CGG 50–75 25–50 100 50–75 10–25 37 Y 40%

Kpn I* GGTAC‚C 75–100 10–25 100 25–50 0–10 37 N 50%

Ksp I CCGC‚GG 0–10 0–10 100 0–10 0–10 37 N

Mae I** C‚TAG 25–50 25–50 0–10 0–10 10–25 45 N

Mae II** A‚CGT 0–10 25–50 0–10 25–50 75–100 50 N

1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: characteristics (continued) (for abbreviations, see page 14)

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Working with DNA1 16

Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

Mae III** ‚GTNAC 0–10 10–25 0–10 0–10 10–25 55 N

Mlu I A‚CGCGT 10–25 25–50 0–10 10–25 100 37 N < 5%

MluN I TGG‚CCA 100 0–10 10–25 10–25 0–10 37 Y

Mro I T‚CCGGA 100 0–10 50–75 50–75 0–10 37 N

Msp I C‚CGG 100 100 100 100 50–75 37 Y 40%

Mun I C‚AATTG 50–75 0–10 100 100 10–25 37 N

Mva I CC‚(A,T)GG 100 50–75 25–50 25–50 100 37 N

Mvn I CG‚CG 75-100 100 25-50 25–50 50-75 37 N 30%

Nar I GG‚CGCC 100 75–100 75–100 50–75 0–10 37 Y

Nco I C‚CATGG 50–75 50–75 50–75 50–75 100 37 Y 50%

Nde I CA‚TATG 25–50 75–100 10–25 50–75 100 37 Y

Nde II** ‚GATC 10–25 10–25 0–10 0–10 10–25 37 N

Nhe I G‚CTAGC 100 25–50 100 100 10–25 37 Y 100%

* Requires addition of bovine serum albumin, 100 μg/ml.** Mae I, Mae II, Mae III, and Nde II require special incubation buffers which are supplied with each enzyme.

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Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

Not I GC‚GGCCGC 10–25 50–75 0–10 25–50 100 37 Y

Nru I TCG‚CGA 10–25 100 0–10 10–25 75–100 37 Y 75%

Nsi I ATGCA‚T 50–75 100 10–25 50–75 100 37 Y 100%

Nsp I (A,G)CATG‚(T,C) 75-100 50–75 75–100 100 25-50 37 N

PinA I A‚CCGGT 100 100 10–25 50–75 50–75 37 Y

Pst I CTGCA‚G 25–50 25–50 10–25 25–50 100 37 N 90%

Pvu I CGAT‚CG 50–75 75–100 25–50 50–75 100 37 N < 5%

Pvu II CAG‚CTG 25–50 25–50 25–50 100 25–50 37 N 100%

Rsa I GT‚AC 100 50–75 100 50–75 0–10 37 Y 100%

Sac I GAGCT‚C 100 0–10 100 50–75 0–10 37 Y 100%

Sal I G‚TCGAC 0–10 25–50 0–10 10–25 100 37 Y

Sau3A I ‚GATC 100 25–50 25–50 75–100 0–10 37 N 100%

Sca I AGT‚ACT 0–10 100 0–10 75–100 100 37 N < 5%

SexA I A‚CC(A,T)GGT 100 100 50–75 50–75 25–50 37 Y

1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: characteristics (continued) (for abbreviations, see page 14)

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Working with DNA1 17

Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

Sfi I GGCC(N)4‚NGGCC 25–50 25–50 75–100 100 25–50 50 N 10%

Sfu I TT‚CGAA 25–50 50–75 10–25 25–50 100 37 N

Sma I CCC‚GGG 100 0–10 0–10 0–10 0–10 25 Y 100%

SnaB I TAC‚GTA 75–100 25–50 100 100 10–25 37 N 50%

Spe I A‚CTAGT 75–100 75–100 75–100 100 100 37 Y

Sph I GCATG‚C 50–75 50-100 25–50 100 50-100 37 Y < 5%

Ssp I AAT‚ATT 75–100 75–100 10–25 75–100 100 37 Y

Stu I AGG‚CCT 100 100 100 50-75 50–75 37 Y 30%

Sty I C‚C(A,T)(A,T)GG 50–75 100 10–25 75–100 100 37 Y < 5%

Swa I ATTT‚AAAT 0–10 10–25 0–10 0–10 100 25 N

Taq I T‚CGA 50–75 100 25–50 50–75 50–75 65 N 100%

Tru9 I T‚TAA 100 25–50 100 100 25–50 65 N

Van91 I CCA(N)4‚NTGG 25-100 100 0–10 25–50 0–10 37 Y

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Sequence A B L M H HI PCR

Xba I T‚CTAGA 100 75–100 75–100 75–100 100 37 N 60%

Xho I C‚TCGAG 25–50 75–100 10–25 25–50 100 37 N < 5%

For detailed information concerning restriction enzymes, consult our Benchmate tool atwww.roche­applied­

1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: characteristics (continued) (for abbreviations, see page 14)

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Working with DNA1 18

Double Digest Information - Use this table to select the most suitable buffer for a given double digest. The table indicates the percentage activity of Roche Applied Science’s restricition enzymes in each of the five buffers. Correct usage of the buffer system will prevent the occurrence of side effects (e .g ., star activity) that are often observed under suboptimal conditions. Each restriction enzyme is delivered with its own function tested SuRE/Cut Buffer.

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: cross index of recognition sequences

Palindromic tetra-nucleotide sequences:



Tsp509 I Fat I BfuC IDpn IINde II

Sau3A I



CviA II Msp I Hpa II

Bfa IMae I

HinP1 I Csp6 ICviQ I

Taq I Tru9 IMseI


Alu ICviJ I


BstUIMvn I


Dpn I Hae IIIPho ICviJ I


Rsa I HpyCH4 VCviR I


BstKT I Cfo IHha I


Tai I Nla III Cha I

Sequences are written in 5' to 3'direction; arrows indicate the point of cleavage.Enzymes in blue recognize only 1 sequence; enzymes in black recognize multiple sequences.

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Working with DNA1 19

Palindromic penta-nucleotide sequences:AAoTT ACoGT AGoCT AToAT CAoTG CCoGG CGoCG CToAG GAoTC GCoGC GGoCC GToAC TAoTA TCoGA TGoCA TToAA


BssK IStyD4 I



oNoo Dde I Hinf I Sau96 I


NooScrF I Ita I

Fnu4H IBmgT120 I


ooTsp4C I

HpyCH4 IIIHpy188 I


o Fmu I



ooTooEcoR IIPspG I



Tfi I ApeK ITse I

Ava II



Mva IBstN I






t Hpy99 I


ooCooTsp45 I





Nci I





Tau IBspU I



Sequences are written in 5' to 3'direction; arrows indicate the point of cleavage.Enzymes in blue recognize only 1 sequence; enzymes in black recognize multiple sequences.

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Restriction enzymes: cross index of recognition sequences (continued)



ooooCEcoR I Acs IApo I

NgoM IV Cfr10 I

BssH II Nhe I BamH I Xho II

Kas I Ban I

Bsp120 I Asp718 Ban I

Sal I Alw44 I



Acy IBsaH I

Nar I Acy I

Acc I Acc I



Zra I Ecl136 IIEco 53K I

EcoR V Nae I Sfo I Bst1107 I Hinc II Hpa I Hind II





Aat II Sac I Ban II AspH I

BsiHKA I Bsp1286 I

Sph I Nsp I

Bbe I Hae II

Apa I Ban II

Bsp1286 I

Kpn I Bsp1286 I Asp HI



Rca I BseA I Mro I

BsaW I

Xba I Bcl I Eae I SspB I



Sfu I



SnaB I BsaA I

Nru I Avi II MluN I Dra I





Sequences are written in 5' to 3'direction; arrows indicate the point of cleavage.Enzymes in blue recognize only 1 sequence; enzymes in black recognize multiple sequences.

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Working with DNA1 20




Acs IApo I

Hind III BspLU11 I Pci I Afl III

Age IPinA IBsrF I

BsaW I Cfr10 I

Mlu I Afl III

Spe I Bgl IIBstY II Xho II

Tat I



Acl IPsp1406 I

Cla I BspD I

Asn IAse I



Ssp I Afe IEco47 III

Stu I Sca I





Nsp I Hae II Nsi I



Mfe IMun I

Nco ISty I Btg I

BsaJ I Dsa I

TspM I XmaC IAco I Ava IBsaJ IBsoB I

Dsa IBsaJ I Btg I

Avr II Bln I

BsaJ I Sty I

Eag I EclX IEae I

BsiW I Sfc I PaeR7 I Tli I

Xho I Ava I

BsoB I Sml I

Sfc I Afl II Bfr ISml I



Nde I BmeT110 I BmeT110 I



BbrP IPml I

BsaA I

Pvu II MspA1 I

Sma I MspA1 I



Ksp ISac II

Pvu I BsiE I

BsiE I



Pst I

Sequences are written in 5' to 3'direction; arrows indicate the point of cleavage.Enzymes in blue recognize only 1 sequence; enzymes in black recognize multiple sequences.

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1.4. Analyzing DNA Partial digest

Please keep in mind that this method could be of limited usefulness because the number of possiblepartial digestion products quickly becomes unmanageable as the number of restriction sites increases.

For example, in a linear DNA module:ÿÿ

number of restriction sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 number of possible partial- digestion products 0 2 5 9 14 20

In general, the number of partial digestion products (F) of a linear DNA ÿÿmolecule that contains N restriction sites is given by the formula:


N+1 = N2 + 3N


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Working with DNA1 21

Principle Ethidium bromide intercalates into dsDNA, thereby reducing enzymatic ÿÿactivity of most restriction endonucleases and resulting in a partial diges-tion of DNA.Pipetting scheme for restriction digest:ÿÿ

Total reaction volume: 50.0 µl Plasmid DNA: 2.0-5.0 µg Restriction enzyme: 5 unitsDistribute reaction mixture into 5 Eppendorf tubes containing ethidium ÿÿbromide to final concentrations of 0, 0.02, 0.01, 0.002 and 0.005 mg per ml.Incubate at +37°C for 20 minutes.ÿÿLoad on gel.ÿÿ

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Cloning of DNA1.5. Ligation with T4 DNA Ligase*

Properties Catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds between adjacent ÿÿ3-OH and 5-P ends in dsDNA. Closes single-stranded nicks in dsDNA.ÿÿNeeds ATP as co-factor.ÿÿ

Ligation buffer, 10x 660 mM Tris, 50 mM MgClÿÿ2, 50 mM DTT, 10 mM ATP, pH 7.5 at +20°C.

Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿNote:ÿÿ ATP is not stable and decreased concentrations of ATP negatively influence the ligation efficiency: aliquot ligation buffer, store at –20°C, and add to ligation mix before use.

Tip The Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Kit (Cat. No. 04 898 117 001) available ÿÿfrom Roche Applied Science enables fast and efficient dephospho rylation and ligation of sticky- or blunt-end DNA fragments. The conven ient kit enables ligation of DNA in 5 minutes and dephosphorylation in 10 minutes.Note:ÿÿ this kit contains PEG and cannot be used – without further purifica-tion of the ligation mix – for transformation of bacteria via electroporation.

Molar ratio of vector and fragment DNA

Sticky ends:ÿÿWhen vector DNA and insert DNA are ~ similar in length, a molar ratio l

of 1:3 (vector versus insert DNA) is recommended.

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Working with DNA1 22

When vector DNA and insert DNA are not similar in length, a molar l

ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (vector versus insert DNA) is recommended.Blunt ends: a molar ratio of vector DNA to insert DNA of 1:5 is recommended.ÿÿ

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: Ligation of DNA fragments:ÿÿ

Components Sticky Ends Blunt Ends

Template DNA Up to 1 μg digested DNA Up to 1 μg digested DNA

10x Ligation Buffer 3 μl 3 μl

T4 DNA Ligase 1 – 5 units 1 – 5 units

H2O Add up to 30 μl Add up to 30 μl

Incubation +4 to +16°C overnight +16 to +25°C overnight

Sticky ends: > 95% of the DNA is ligated, depending on type and ÿÿquality of restriction enzyme. Blunt ends: > 80% of the DNA is ligated, depending on type and quality of ÿÿrestriction enzyme.

Inactivation of enzyme T4 DNA Ligase* can be completely inactivated by a 10 minute incubation ÿÿat +65°C. Heat inactivation should only be applied if the ligation reaction mixture is used in experiments other than transformation assays. Other-wise, a drastic decrease (>factor 20) of transformants is possible.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science (Cat. No. 10 481 220 001→ 1000 U; Cat. No. 10 716 359 001→ 500 U).

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1.5. Cloning of DNA Dephosphorylation with rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase

Properties Catalyzes the dephosphorylation of 5´-protruding, 5´-recessive and ÿÿ5´ blunt ends from ssDNA, dsDNA, ssRNA, and dsRNA.rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase catalyzes the dephosphorylation of 5' phos-ÿÿphates from DNA and RNA, nucleotides, and proteins. Is active in restriction enzyme buffers; therefore, restriction enzyme ÿÿdiges tion, dephosphorylation, enzyme inactivation, ligation, or 5'-end labeling can be performed without purification steps.

Dephosphorylation buffer, 10x

0.5 M Tris, 50 mM MgClÿÿ2, pH 8.5 at +20°C.

Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿ

Inactivation of enzyme

Unlike calf intestinal phosphatase, rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase is rapidly, ÿÿcompletely, and irreversibly inactivated by heat treatment for two minutes at +75°C. It is therefore an excellent alternative to Shrimp Alkaline Phos-phatase.The total procedure including restriction enzyme digestion, dephosphoryl -ÿÿation, enzyme inactivation, and ligation can be performed in a single tube by using Roche Applied Science’s Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Kit (Cat. No. 04 898 117 001).

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Working with DNA1 23

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: Dephosphorylation of 5´ends of dsDNA fragments ÿÿto prevent self-annealing of vector DNA prior to the insertion of DNA fragments.

Components Recessive or Protruding Ends Blunt Ends

Template DNA 1 pmol 0.2 pmol

10 x rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase Buffer, 10x conc.

2 μl 2 μl

rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 1 unit 1 unit

H2O Add up to 20 μl Add up to 20 μl

Incubation 10 minutes at +37°C 10 minutes at +37°C

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1.5. Cloning of DNA Modifying sticky ends to blunt ends: 5´-protruding and 3´-recessed ends

Klenow T4 DNA Polymerase T7 DNA Polymerase Mung Bean Nuclease

Fill in 3´-recessed ends

C F F DRemove 5´-protruding ends


5´P C A G 3´OH 5´P C A G A A T T 3´OH

3´OH G T C T T A A 5´P 3´OH G T C T T A A 5´P

5´P C A G 3´OH 5´P C A G 3´OH

3´OH G T C T T A A G 5´P 3´OH G T C 5´P

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Working with DNA1 24

Modifying sticky ends to blunt ends: 3´-protruding and 5´-recessed ends

Klenow T4 DNA Polymerase T7 DNA Polymerase Mung Bean Nuclease

Fill in 5´-recessed ends

D D D DRemove 3´-protruding ends


5´P A G C T G C A 3´OH 5´P A G C T G C A 3´OH

3´OH T C G 5´P 3´OH T C G A C G T 5´P

5´P A G C T G C A 3´OH 5´P A C G 3´OH

3´OH T C G 5´P 3´OH T C G 5´P

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1.5. Cloning of DNA Klenow* – for partial or complete filling of 3´recessed ends

Properties DNA dependent 5´-3´polymerase with 3´-5´exonuclease activity catalyzing ÿÿthe addition of mononucleotides from dNTPs to the 3´OH terminus of a primer/template DNA.

5´P G 3´OH 5´P G A A T T 3´OH

3´OH C T T A A 5´P 3´OH C T T A A 5´P

5´P A 3´OH 5´P A A G C T 3´OH

3´OH T T C G A 5´P 3´OH T T C G A 5´P

5´P 3´OH 5´P G A 3´OH

3´OH C T A G 5´P 3´OH C T A G 5´P




Filling buffer, 10x 500 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 100 mM MgClÿÿ2, 10 mM DTT, 500 µg/ml BSA.

Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 25

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: Partial or complete filling of 3´-recessed ends:ÿÿ

Components Complete Filling Partial Filling

Template DNA 1 μg DNA 1 μg DNA

Nucleotides*, final concentration

1 mM of desireda dNTPs each 1 mM of desireda dNTPs each

10x Filling Buffer 2 μl 2 μl

Klenow* 1 unit 1 unit

H2O Add up to 20 μl Add up to 20 μl

Incubation 15 minutes at +37°C 15 minutes at +37°C

Inactivation of enzyme Add 2 µl 0.2 M EDTA and/or heat to +65°C for 10 minutes.ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science (Klenow: Cat. No. 11 008 412 001→ 500 U; Cat. No. 11 008 404 001→ 100 U; Set of dNTPs, PCR-Grade: Cat. No. 11 969 064 001→ 4 x 250 μl (25 μmol); Cat. No. 03 622 614 001→ 4 x 1,250 μl (125 μmol).

a Note: Add only the desired dNTPs as needed according to the sequence.

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1.5. Cloning of DNA Mung Bean Nuclease – for removing of 3´-and 5´-protruding ends

Properties Degrades ssRNA and ssDNA to produce 5´-phosphoryl oligo- and ÿÿ mononucleotides.dsDNA, dsRNA, and DNA:RNA hybrids are relatively resistant to the ÿÿ enzyme.

5´P A A T T C 3´OH 5´P 3´OH

3´OH C T T A A5´P 3´OH 5´P

5´P T G C A 3´OH 5´P 3´OH

3´OH A C G T 5´P 3´OH 5´P

Nuclease buffer, 10x 300 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.6, 500 mM NaCl, 10 mM zinc acetate, ÿÿ0.01% Triton X-100.Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 26

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: ÿÿRemoving 5´- and 3´-protruding ends of DNA, creating blunt ends:

Components Removing Ends

Template DNA 1 μg DNA

10x Nuclease Buffer 10 μl

Mung Bean Nuclease 5 units

H2O Add up to 100 μl

Incubation 1 hour at +25°C

Inactivation of enzyme Add EDTA to a final concentration of 1 mM or SDS to a final concentration ÿÿof 0.01%.

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1.5. Cloning of DNA Miscellaneous

Competent cells and transformation

For an overview of the different procedures, refer to: ÿÿHanahan, D. (1983) l

Studies on transformation of E. coli with plasmids. J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557–579.Hanahan, D. l et al. (1991) Plasmid transformation of E. coli and other bacteria. Methods in Enzymology 204, 63–113.Hengen, P. N. (1996) l

Methods and reagents, Preparing ultra-competent Escherichia coli. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 21(2), 75–76.

Ready-to-use competent cells are commercially available from different ÿÿsuppliers.

Commercially avail able cloning kits

A wide variety of different cloning systems and kits is available from ÿÿ different suppliers.Roche Applied Science offers:ÿÿ

Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Kit, for fast and efficient DNA dephos- l

phorylation and ligation of sticky- or blunt-ended DNA fragments (Cat. No. 04 898 117 001) Rapid DNA Ligation Kit, for rapid and efficient DNA ligation l

(Cat. No. 11 635 379 001)

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Working with DNA1 27

rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase, for rapid and efficient DNA and RNA l

dephosphorylation (Cat. No. 04 898 133 001)

Commonly used bacterial strains

Strain Genotype

BL21 E . coli B F ¯ dcm ompT hsdS(rB- mB-) gal

(Studier, F.W. et al. (1986) J. Mol. Biol., 189, 113.)

C600e supE44 hsdR2 thi-1 thr-1 leuB6 lacY1 tonA21; (Hanahan, D. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557.)

DH5a supE44 D(lacU169 (f80dlacZDM15) hsdR17 recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 relA1; (Hanahan, D. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557.)

HB101 supE44 hsdS20 recA13 ara-14 proA2 lacY1 galK2 rpsL20 xyl-5 mtl-1; (Hanahan, D. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557.)

JM108 recA1 supE44 endA1 hsdR17 gyrA96 relA1 thi D(lac-proAB); (Yanisch-Perron, C. et al. (1985) Gene 33, 103.)

JM109 recA1 supE44 endA1 hsdR17 gyrA96 relA1 thi D(lac-proAB) F’[traD36proAB+, lacIq lacZDM15]; (Yanisch-Perron, C. et al. (1985) Gene 33, 103.)

JM110 rpsL (Strr) thr leu thi-l lacY galK galT ara tonA tsx dam dcm supE44 D (lac-proAB)

F’[traD36proAB+, laclq lacZDM15];

(Yanisch-Perron, C. et al. (1985) Gene 33, 103.)

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1.5. Cloning of DNACommonly used bacterial strains (continued)

Strain Genotype

K802 supE hsdR gal metB; (Raleigh, E. et al. (1986) Proc.Natl. Acad.Sci USA, 83, 9070.;Wood, W.B. (1966) J. Mol. Biol., 16,118.)

SUREr recB recJ sbc C201 uvrC umuC:Tn5(kanr) lac, D(hsdRMS)endA1 gyrA96 thi relA1 supE44 F’[proAB+ lacIq lacZDM15 Tn10 (tetr);(Greener, A. (1990) Strategies, 3, 5.)

TG1 supE hsd D5 thi D(lac-proAB) F’[traD36proAB+, lacIq lacZDM15];(Gibson, T.J. (1984) PhD Theses. Cambridge University, U.K.)

XL1-Bluer supE44 hsdR17 recA1 endA1 gyrA46 thi relA1 lac F’[proAB+,lacIq lacZDM15 Tn10 (tetr) ]; (Bullock et al. (1987) BioTechniques, 5, 376.)

Commonly used E. coli strains

For a detailed overview on the genotypes and references of the most ÿÿcommonly used E. coli strains, refer to “Molecular Biology LABFAX, edited by T.A. Brown, Bios scientific publishers, ISBN 1 872748 00 7”.

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Working with DNA1 28


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Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides1.6. General considerations

Template The higher the purity of the DNA template, the better the labeling efficiency.ÿÿFor the random primed DNA labeling method, it is critical that the template ÿÿis linearized and completely heat-denatured prior to the labeling reaction.

Choice of labeling method

The choice of labeling method depends on:ÿÿthe type of application ( l e.g., Southern, dot blot, …)the available template ( l e.g., cloned insert, oligonucleotide, …)the requested sensitivity ( l e.g., single copy gene detection, …)

The table on page 30 gives an overview of the different methods and their ÿÿsensitivity for a given application.

Purification of labeled probe

Unincorporated labeled nucleotides should be removed from the ÿÿlabeling mix:

removal from DNA fragments via the High Pure PCR Product l

Purification Kit* (Cat. No. 11 732 676 001→ up to 250 purifications), the High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit* (Cat. No. 04 983 955 001→ up to 50 purifications), or via ethanol precipitation.removal from oligonucleotides: via ethanol precipitation with Glycogen l

(Cat. No. 10 901 393 001) (20 µg/reaction) or Quick Spin columns*.This enables a more accurate quantification of the incorporated label and ÿÿreduces background in hybridization experiments.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Working with DNA1 29

Type of label Several nonradioactive methods have been developed. The use of these ÿÿ labels (e.g., digoxigenin, biotin, fluorescein, …) offer several advantages:

The technology is safe and highly sensitive. l

Results can be achieved much faster (in minutes rather than in hours or l

days).Probes can be stored for a longer period of time compared to radioac- l

tive probes.Hybridization solutions can be reused several times. l

For an overview of the nonradioactive systems available from Roche ÿÿApplied Science, refer to Reference 3, 10, and 14.

For detailed information concerning nonradioactive labeling and detection of DNA and RNA, visit

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1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides Overview of different techniques

Application Labeling Method Relative Sensitivity

Southern blotting

Northern blotting

Random primed labeling

PCR labeling

5'-end labeling

3'-end labeling





Dot/slot blotting Random primed labeling

PCR labeling

5'-end labeling

3'-end labeling





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Working with DNA1 30

Application Labeling Method Relative Sensitivity

Colony/plaque hybridization ÿ




Random primed labeling

PCR Labeling

5'-end labeling

3'-end labeling





In Situ hybridization ÿ




PCR labeling

5'-end labeling

Nick translation

3'-end labeling





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1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides DIG labeling of nucleic acids

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

DNA Labeling Guide

Labeling Method DIG Labeling Reagent Other Labeling Reagents




* *





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Working with DNA1 31

DNA Labeling Guide (continued)

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

Labeling Method DIG Labeling Reagent Other Labeling Reagents



** *






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DNA Labeling Guide (continued)

Labeling Method DIG Labeling Reagent Other Labeling Reagents







* *








* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Working with DNA1 32


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1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides Random primed labeling with Klenow

Principle Based on the random hybridization of a mixture of all possible hexa -ÿÿnucleotides to the ssDNA form of the DNA that needs to be labeled.The complementary strand is synthesized from the 3´OH termini of the ÿÿ hexanucleotide primers using the 5´-3´polymerase activity of Klenow.

5´P 3´OH

3´OH 5´Pé

Denature, anneal random hexanucleotides

5´P 3´OH

3´OH 5´Pé

Klenow Enzyme + dNTP*

5´P 3´OH

3´OH 5´P

* Incorporation of 1. Nonradioactive nucleo tides: digoxigenin, biotin, fluorochromes 2. Radioactive nucleotides: [32P], [35S], [3H]

Labeling buffer, 10x 500 mM Tris (pH 7.2), 100 mM MgClÿÿ2, 1 mM DTT, and 2 mg/ml BSA.

Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

Application and typical results

DNA is denatured by heating for 10 minutes at +95°C and ÿÿ immediately placing on ice.

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Working with DNA1 33

Standard Assay: Prepare reaction mix on ice:ÿÿ

Components Nonradioactive Radioactive*

Template DNA 10 ng – 3 μg DNA 10 ng – 2 μg DNA

Nucleotides, final concentration

100 μM of dATP, dCTP, dGTP each, 65 μM dTTP

25 μM of dATP, dGTP, dTTP each

Labeled nucleotide, final concentration

35 μM DIG-, Biotin- or ** Fluorochrome-dUTP

[a32P]dCTP (3,000 Ci/mmol), 50 μCi (1.85 MBq)

10x hexanucleotide mix (62.5 A260 units/ml)

2 μl 2 μl

Klenow enzyme 2 units 2 units

10x labeling buffer 2 μl 2 μl

H2O Add up to 20 μl Add up to 20 μl

Incubation at least 60 minutes at +37°C 30 minutes at +37°C

Size of DNA fragment to be labeled: from 200 up to 50,000 bp.ÿÿSize of labeled DNA fragment ranges from 80 – 200 bp.ÿÿ

Inactivation of enzyme Add 2 µl 0.2 M EDTA (pH 8.0) and/or heat to +65°C for 10 minutes. ÿÿ

Tip Do not solubilize the DNA to be labeled in buffers containing EDTA ÿÿsince EDTA inhibits the reaction.Optimized kits (ÿÿ e.g., Random Primed DNA Labeling Kit Cat. No. 11 004 760 001) are available from Roche Applied Science.

** For a complete overview, refer to References 10 and 14.

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1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides Nick translation with DNA Polymerase I and DNase I

Principle Based on the ability of DNase I to introduce random nicks in dsDNA at ÿÿlow enzyme concentrations and in the presence of Mg2+.The ÿÿ E. coli DNA Polymerase I synthesizes DNA complementary to the intact strand in the 5´-3´direction using the 3´OH termini of the nicks as primers. The 5´-3´exonuclease activity of the enzyme simultaneously re moves nucleotides in the direction of synthesis that are replaced by nucleotides supplemented to the reaction.





nickMoving of the nick towards the 3 -́terminus





First nucleotide on the 5 -́phosphate side of the nick has been removed






A nick with a 3´-OH terminus

Replacement of removed nucleo tide by labeled dNTP*







* Incorporation of 1. Nonradioactive nucleo tides: digoxigenin, biotin, fluoro chromes 2. Radioactive nucleotides: [32P], [35S], [3H]


NT Buffer, 10x 500 mM Tris (pH 7.4), 100 mM MgClÿÿ2, 10 mM DTT, 500 µg/ml BSA.

Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 34

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: Prepare reaction mix on ice:ÿÿ

Components Nonradioactive Radioactive*Template DNA 30 ng – 2 μg 30 ng – 2 μgNucleotides, final concentration

100 μM of dATP, dCTP, dGTP each, 60 μM dTTP

20 μM of dATP, dGTP, dTTP each

Labeled nucleotide, final concentration

40 μM DIG-, Biotin- or ** fluorochrome-dUTP

[a32P]dCTP (3,000 Ci/mmol), 20 μCi (0.74 MBq)

Mixture of DNA Poly- merase I and DNase Ia

2 μl 2 μl

10x NT buffer 2 μl 2 μlH2O Add up to 20 μl Add up to 20 μlIncubation 90 minutes at +15°C 30 minutes at +15°C

* An incorporation rate of > 65% (~3 x 108 dpm/μg) is obtained after 30 minutes.a The ratio of DNA polymerase I versus DNase I determines the efficiency of the reaction.

A special optimized mixture is available from Roche Applied Science.

Size of DNA fragment to be labeled: from 400 bp to 800 bp.ÿÿ

Inactivation of enzyme Add 2 µl 0.2 M EDTA (pH 8.0) and/or heat to +65°C for 10 minutes.ÿÿ

Tip Premixed Nick Translation mixes (ÿÿ e.g., Cat. No. 11 745 808 910) and different kit systems (Cat. No. 10 976 776 001) are available from Roche Applied Science.

** For a complete overview, refer to References 10 and 14.

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1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides 3´end labeling with Terminal Transferase#

Principle Catalyzes the template-independent addition of dNTPs or ddNTPs to ÿÿthe 3´OH ends of ds and ssDNA and oligonucleotides.

5́ P ——— pNpNpN3́ OH

5́ P ——— 3́ OH

5́ P ——— pN3́ HddNTP



dNTP 5́ P pNpNpN3́ OH3´OHpNpNpN 5́ P

5́ P 3́ OH3́ OH 5́ P

5́ P pN3́ H3́ HpN 5́ P

Incorporation of – Nonradioactive deoxy- or dideoxynucleotides: digoxigenin, biotin, fluorochromes – Radioactive deoxy- or dideoxynucleotides: [32P]

Transferase buffer, 10x

2 M potassium cacodylate, 250 mM Tris, 2.5 mg/ml BSA, pH 6.6 at +25°C.ÿÿBuffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 35

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: Prepare reaction mix on ice:ÿÿ

Components Tailing with dNTPs 3' End Labeling with ddNTPs

Template DNA 10 to 100 pmol 3' ends 10 to 100 pmol 3' ends

Radioactive nucleotides, final concentration

[a32P]dNTP (3000 Ci/mmol), 50 μCi (1.85 MBq)

[a32P]ddNTP (3000 Ci/mmol), 50 μCi (1.85 MBq)

Nonradioactive nucleotides, final concentration

– 50 μM DIG, biotin or fluorochrome dUTP mixed with 500 μM dATP*

– 6.25 μM of dATP or dTTP*– 5 μM of dGTP or dCTP*

50 μM DIG, biotin or fluorochrome dUTP

CoCl2 A or T Tails: 1.5 mM G or C Tails: 0.75 mM

5 mM

Terminal Transferase* 400 units 400 units

10x transferase buffer 2 μl 2 μl

H2O Add up to 20 μl Add up to 20 μl

Incubation 15 minutes at +37°C 15 minutes at +37°C

* For more information on length of tail, type of tail (hom*o- or heteropolymeric), refer to Reference 10.

Inactivation of enzyme Add 2 µl 0.2 M EDTA (pH 8.0) and/or heat to +75°C for 10 minutes.ÿÿ

Tip DIG Oligonucleotide Tailing Kit, 2nd generation (Cat. No. 03 353 583 910) ÿÿand DIG Oligonucleotide 3'-End Labeling Kit, 2nd generation (Cat. No. 03 353 575 910) are available from Roche Applied Science.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Terminal Transferase#, recombinant (Cat. No. 03 333 574 001→ 24,000 U; Cat. No. 03 333 566 001→ 8,000 U).

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1.6. Labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides 5´end labeling with Polynucleotide Kinase

Principle Catalyzes the transfer of the terminal phosphate group of ATP to the ÿÿ5´OH termini of ds and ssDNA and RNA.ÿÿCatalyzes the exchange of terminal 5´ P groups of ds and ssDNA and RNA.ÿÿCatalyzes the removal of phosphate groups from the 3´ termini of ds and ÿÿssDNA and RNA.

5´OH 3´OH A-P-P-P 5´P 3´OH

5´P 3´OH A-P-P 5´P 3´OH

5´P 3´P 5´P 3´OH

Phosphorylation buffer, 10x

500 mM Tris, 100 mM MgClÿÿ2, 1 mM EDTA, 50 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM

spermidine, pH 8.2 at +25°C. Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots. ÿÿ

Exchange buffer, 10x 500 mM imidazole-HCl, 100 mM MgClÿÿ2, 1 mM EDTA, 50 mM

dithiothreitol, 1 mM spermidine, 3 mM ADP, pH 6.6 at +25°C.Buffer is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 36

Application and typical results

Standard Assay: Prepare reaction mix on ice:ÿÿ

Components Phosporylation of 5´OH Groups Exchange of 5´P Groups

Template DNA 20 pmol 5´OH ends 20 pmol of 5´P termini

Nucleotides, final concentration

20 pmol [32P]ATP 40 pmol [32P]ATP

Polynucleotide Kinase

10 units 10 units

Buffer 2 μl, Phosphorylation buffer,10x 2 μl, Exchange buffer, 10x

H2O Add up to 20 μl Add up to 20 μl

Incubation 30 minutes at +37°C 30 minutes at +37°C

Phosphorylation: More than 30% of [ÿÿ 32P] from [32P]ATP is incorporated.Exchange: More than 10% of [ÿÿ 32P] from [32P]ATP is incorporated.

Inactivation of enzyme Stop phosphorylation and exchange reaction by putting the sample on ice.ÿÿ

Tip A special Polynucleotide Kinase lacking the 3'phosphatase activity is ÿÿavailable from Roche Applied Science (Cat. No. 10 174 645 001→ 200 U; Cat. No. 10 633 542 001 → 1,000 U).

Labeling of PCR Products

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Amplification of DNA1.7. Avoiding contamination

Sources Laboratory benches, equipment, and pipetting devices can be contaminated ÿÿby previous DNA preparations, plasmid DNA, or by purified restriction enzyme fragments.Cross-contamination between samples during isolation of nucleic acids.ÿÿProducts from previous PCR amplifications.ÿÿ

Sample handling Use sterile technique and always wear fresh gloves. ÿÿAlways use new and/or sterilized glassware, plasticware, and pipettes to ÿÿ prepare the PCR reagents and template DNA.Sterilize all reagents and solutions by filtration through a 0.22 µm filter.ÿÿHave your own set of PCR reagents and solutions and use them only for ÿÿPCR reactions. Store these reagents in small aliquots.Always include a negative (all reaction components without DNA) and a ÿÿpositive control (e.g., a PCR that has been successfully used in previous experiments).

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Working with DNA1 37

Laboratory facilities Set up physically separated working places for: ÿÿTemplate preparation l

Setting up PCR reactions l

Post-PCR analysis l

Use dedicated (PCR use only) pipettes, micro-centrifuges, and disposable ÿÿgloves.Use aerosol resistant pipette tips.ÿÿSet up a PCR reaction under a fume hood (with UV light).ÿÿ

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Reaction components: template

Purity The purity of the template largely influences the outcome of the PCR. ÿÿLarge amounts of RNA in the sample can chelate Mgÿÿ 2+ and reduce the yield of the PCR. Impure templates may contain inhibitors (organic substances: phenol, ÿÿchloroform, ethanol) that decrease the efficiency of the reaction.Always use a purification product and/or procedure specially designed to ÿÿpurify DNA for PCR reactions (see page 7).

Integrity Template DNA should be of high molecular weight.ÿÿTo check the size and integrity of the DNA, run an aliquot on an agarose gel.ÿÿ

Amount The amount of template in a reaction strongly influences the performance ÿÿof the PCR. The recommended amount of template for a standard PCR is:ÿÿ

maximum 500 ng of human genomic DNA l

1 – 10 ng of bacterial DNA l

0.1 – 500 ng of plasmid DNA l

The optimal amount of template depends on the application and the ÿÿallowed error rate within the amplified DNA: the lower the amount of template, the higher the cycle number and the higher the probability for errors within the amplified DNA.

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Working with DNA1 38

Lower amounts of template will require specific reaction modifications, ÿÿsuch as changes in cycle numbers, redesign of primers, etc.

Tip When testing a new template, include a positive control with primers that ÿÿamplify a product of about the same size and produce a good yield.Do not dissolve the template in TE buffer since EDTA chelates Mgÿÿ 2+. Use 5–10 mM Tris (pH 7 – 8) or water to dissolve the template.ÿÿ

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Reaction components: primers

General Length: 18 to 24 nucleotides.ÿÿGC content: 40 – 60%, with a balanced distribution of G/C and A/T rich ÿÿdomains.Contains no internal secondary structure.ÿÿAre not complementary to each other at the 3´ends to avoid primer-dimer ÿÿformation.

Melting temperature Estimation of melting temperature Tÿÿm

: T

m = [2°C x (number of A and T bases)] + [4°C x (number of G and C

bases)]. See page 164 (Chapter 6.2. Formulas to Calculate Melting Tempera-ture) for more information.Design primers with similar Tÿÿ

m values.

Annealing temperature Optimal annealing temperatures are ~5 to 10°C lower than the Tÿÿm

values of the primers and have to be determined empirically. Design primers so that an annealing temperature of +55 to +65°C is ÿÿallowed; for maximum specificity, use temperatures of +62 to +72°C.

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Working with DNA1 39

Concentrations of primers

Concentrations between 0.1 and 0.6 µM are generally optimal.ÿÿRefer to page 39 to convert µM values into pmol values of primers.ÿÿHigher concentrations may promote mispriming and accumulation of ÿÿnonspecific products.Lower concentrations may be exhausted before the reaction is completed, ÿÿresulting in lower yields of the desired product.

Storage Stock solutions: dissolve lyophilized primers in a small volume of 5 mM ÿÿTris, pH 7.5 and store at –15 to –25°C.Working solution: to avoid repeated freezing and thawing, prepare small ÿÿaliquots of 10 pmol/µl and store at –15 to –25°C.

Tip When testing new primers, include a positive control reaction with a ÿÿ template that has been tested in PCR.

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Reaction components: oligonucleotides: commonly used formulas

Concentration 1 Aÿÿ260

unit of an oligonucleotide: 20 – 30 µg/ml H2O

Molecular weight (in Daltons)

MW = (NÿÿA x 312.2) + (N

G x 328.2) + (N

C x 288.2) + (N

T x 303.2) + P

NX = number of residues of respective nucleotide in the oligonucleotide P = + 17 for phosphorylated oligonucleotide P = – 61 for dephosphorylated oligonucleotide

Conversion of µg to pmol ÿ pmol of oligo = µg (of oligo) x

106 pgx

1 pmolx


µg (of oligo) x 3,030

1 µg 330 pg N N

e.g., 1 µg of a 20 base oligo = 151.5 pmol

ÿ µg of oligo = pmol (of oligo) x330 pg

x1 µg


=1 pmol 106 pg

= pmol (of oligo) x N x 3.3 x 10-4 e.g., 1 pmol of a 20 base oligo = 0.0066 µg

N = number of bases

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Working with DNA1 40

Conversion of µM to pmol

1 µl of a X µM primer solution = X pmol primersÿÿ ÿexample:Question: l

– Given primer solution: 2.5 µM – Amount of primers needed for experiment: 2 pmolAnswer: l

– 1 µl of a 2.5 µM primer solution = 2.5 pmol – 2 pmol = 0.8 µl

Conversion of pmol to µM

1 µl of a X pmol/µl primer solution = X µM primersÿÿExample:ÿÿ

Question: l

– Given primer solution: 20 pmol/µl – Amount of primers needed for experiment: 5 µMAnswer: l

– 1 µl of a 20 pmol/µl primer solution = 20 µM primers – 5 µM = 0.25 µl

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Software

Software+ Some web sites that provide tutorials, lectures, and tips on ÿÿprimer design:

Primer design software: l

– – – T l

m for a given primer:

– Web sites continually appear, disappear, and change addresses, quickly invalidating any list of “useful” sites.

All web sites listed here were operating in March 2011.

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Working with DNA1 41

Reaction components: MgCl2 concentration

Function of Mg2+ ions Mgÿÿ 2+ ions form soluble complexes with dNTPs and template DNA to produce the actual substrate that the polymerase recognizes.

Concentration of Mg2+ ions

The concentration of free Mgÿÿ 2+ ions depends on the concentrations of com pounds like dNTPs, free pyrophosphates (PPi) and EDTA (e.g., from TE buffer). These compounds bind to the ions via their negative charges.Therefore, the concentration of Mgÿÿ 2+ should always be higher than the con centration of these compounds.The most optimal concentration should be determined empirically and may ÿÿvary from 1 mM to 5 mM.The most commonly used MgClÿÿ

2 concentration is 1.5 mM, with a dNTP

concentration of 200 µM each.Excess Mgÿÿ 2+ in the reaction can increase non-specific primer binding and increase the non-specific background of the reaction.Too little Mgÿÿ 2+ in the reaction can result in a lower yield of the desired product.

Tip A PCR Optimization Kit (Cat. No. 11 636 138 001) – available from Roche ÿÿApplied Science – allows an easy and straightforward optimization of this reaction component.

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Reaction components: dNTP concentration

Concentration of dNTP

Always use balanced solutions of all four dNTPs to minimize the error rate. ÿÿThe final concentration of each dNTP should be between 50 and 500 µM; ÿÿthe most commonly used concentration is 200 µM.Increase the concentration of Mgÿÿ 2+ when increasing the concentration of dNTPs. Increases in dNTP concentrations reduce the concentration of free Mg2+, thereby interfering with the activity of the polymerase enzyme.For carryover prevention, dTTP is substituted by dUTP. A three times higher ÿÿconcentration of dUTP (e.g., 600 µM) compared with the other nucleotides normally results in a good amplification. For more information on this technique, refer to Reference 6.

Storage Store stock solutions at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿWorking solutions (ÿÿ e.g., 100 µl mixture of 10 mM of each nucleotide) are also stored at –15 to –25°C.

Tip Special PCR grade nucleotides° – available from Roche Applied Science – ÿÿare purified and tested to ensure optimal results and maximum sensitivity in all PCR applications.

° see Reference 7

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Working with DNA1 42

Reaction components: choice of polymerase (see Reference 6)

* compared to Taq DNA Polymerase

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Reaction components: hot start techniques

Principle Taq DNA Polymerase has a low activity at temperatures used to mix the ÿÿdif ferent reaction components (e.g., at room temperature or at +4°C).At these temperatures, the primers may anneal non-specifically and the ÿÿpolymerase may elongate these primers prior to the initial cycle, resulting in a series of nonspecific amplification products.The hot start technique prevents these nonspecific products.ÿÿ

Techniques Manual:ÿÿ 1 component – such as the polymerase or Mg2+ - is only added to the reaction tube after the temperature is > +70°C.Polymerase Antibodies:ÿÿ The polymerase is inactivated by a heat-sensitive antibody. As the temperature rises in the tube, the antibody is inactivated, setting the active polymerase free.Chemical Modification of Polymerases:ÿÿ Addition of heat-labile blocking groups to some amino acids renders the Taq DNA Polymerase inactive at room temperature. At higher temperatures, these blocking groups are removed and the enzyme is activated (e.g., FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase (Cat. No. 12 032 937 001) available from Roche Applied Science).

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Working with DNA1 43

Reaction components: other factors

Concentration of Polymerase

For most assays, the optimal amount of thermostable DNA Polymerase – ÿÿor blend of polymerases – is between 0.5 and 3.5 units per 50 µl reaction volume.Increased enzyme concentrations sometimes lead to decreased specificity.ÿÿ

pH In general, the pH of the reaction buffers supplied with the corresponding ÿÿthermostable DNA Polymerase (pH 8.3 – 9.0) gives optimal results.For some systems, raising the pH may stabilize the template and improve the ÿÿreaction.

Reaction additives In some cases, the following compounds can enhance the specificity ÿÿand/or efficiency of a PCR:

Betaine (0.5 – 2 M) l

Bovine Serum Albumin (100 ng/50 µl reaction mix) l

Dimethylsulfoxide (2 – 10%, v/v) l

Glycerol (1 – 5%, v/v) l

Pyrophosphatase (0.001 – 0.1 units/reaction) l

Spermidine, detergents, gelatine, T4 Gene 32 protein l

Formamide (2 – 10%) l

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1.7. Amplification of DNA Cycling profile for standard PCR

Initial denaturation It is very important to denature the template DNA completely by initial ÿÿ heating of the PCR mixture. Normally, heating for 2 minutes at +94 to +95°C is enough to denature complex genomic DNA.If the template DNA is only partially denatured, it will tend to snap back ÿÿvery quickly, thereby preventing efficient primer annealing and extension, or leading to “self-priming” (which can lead to false positive results).

Denaturation during cycling

Denaturation at +94 to +95°C for 20 to 30 seconds is usually sufficient but ÿÿmust be adapted for the thermal cycler and tubes being used.If the denaturation temperature is too low, the incompletely melted DNA ÿÿ“snaps back”, preventing efficient primer annealing and extension.Use a longer denaturation time or higher denaturation temperature for ÿÿGC-rich template DNA.Never use a longer denaturation time than absolutely required; unnecessarily ÿÿlong denaturation times decrease the activity of the polymerase.

Primer annealing The choice of the primer annealing temperature is a critical factor ÿÿin designing a high specificity PCR and – for most purposes – has to be optimized empirically (see page 38).If the temperature is too high, no annealing occurs.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 44

If the temperature is too low, nonspecific annealing will increase ÿÿ dramatically.If the primers have complementary bases, primer – dimer effects will occur.ÿÿ

Primer extension For fragments up to 3 kb, primer extension is carried out at +72°C. ÿÿTaq DNA Polymerase adds approximately 60 bases per second at +72°C.A 45 second extension is sufficient for fragments up to 1 kb.ÿÿFor extension of fragments up to 3 kb, allow about 45 seconds per kb. ÿÿHowever, this may need to be adjusted for specific templates.To improve yield, use the cycle extension feature of the cycler:ÿÿ

First 10 cycles: a constant extension time ( l e.g., 45 seconds for a 1 kb product)Next 20 cycles: increase the extension time by 2 – 5 seconds per cycle l

(e.g., 50 seconds for cycle 11, 55 seconds for cycle 12, …)This allows the enzyme more time to do its job because, as PCR l

progresses, there is more template to amplify and less active enzyme (due to denaturation of the protein during the prolonged high PCR temperatures) to perform the extension.

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Cycle number In an optimal reaction, less than 10 template molecules can be amplified ÿÿin less than 40 cycles to a product detectable by gel electrophoresis.Most PCRs should only include 25 – 35 cycles.ÿÿAs cycle number increases, non-specific products can accumulate.ÿÿ

Final extension Usually, after the last cycle, the reaction tubes are held at +72°C for ÿÿ5 – 15 minutes to promote completion of partial extension products and annealing of single-stranded complementary products.After the final extension, immediately put the samples on ice or store ÿÿat +4°C.

1.7. Amplification of DNA Cycling profile for standard PCR (continued)

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Working with DNA1 45

1.7. Amplification of DNA Standard pipetting scheme

Mix 1 (for 1 reaction):

Reagent Final Con centration

H20 variable

10 mM PCR Nucleotide Mix 1 μl Each dNTP, 200 μM

Upstream and downstream primer

variable 0.1 – 0.6 μM each

Template DNA variable 0.1 – 0.25 μg

Volume 25 µl

Mix 2 (for 1 reaction):

Reagent Taq PCR Final Con centrationH20 19.75 μl

Enzyme buffer, 10 x conc.

5 μl 1x

Enzyme (5U/μl) 0.25 μl 1.25 units

Volume 25 µl

Combine Mix 1 and 2 in a thin-walled PCR tube. Gently vortex the mixture to produce a hom*ogenous reaction, then centrifuge briefly to collect the sample at the bottom of the tube. Standard pipetting scheme applies for enzymes like Taq DNA Polymerase, Tth DNA Polymerase, and Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase. Most of the high-quality enzymes are also available as dNTPacks or master mixes.To ensure optimal performance, choose Roche Applied Science’s dNTPacks, convenient products that combine PCR-Grade Nucleotides, thermostable enzymes and enzyme blends, and all associated compo-nents such as buffers and PCR-enhancing additives. Each dNTPack contains the additive-free sodium salt nucleotides as a ready-to-use mix (10 mM of each dNTP).

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Standard PCR temperature profile

Profile A:

Temperature Time Cycle Number

Initial denaturation +94°C 2 min


+94°C+50 to +65°Ca


15 – 30 s30 – 60 s

45 s – 3 min

25 – 30

Final elongation +72°C 7 min

Profile B:

Temperature Time Cycle Number

Initial denaturation

+94°C 2 min


+94°C+50 to +65°Ca


15 – 30 s30 s

45 s – 3 min



+94°C+50 to +65°Ca


15 – 30 s30 s §

45 s – 3 min +5 added seconds/cycle

15 – 20

Final elongation

+72°C 7 min

a The exact annealing temperature depends on the melting temperature of the primers.§ This profile ensures a higher yield of amplification products.

Combine all the benefits of our amplification products with all the benefits of our PCR-GradeNucleotides in an ultimate convenient format. Roche Applied Science’s master mixes areready-to-use, double-concentrated solutions that contain all the reagents (except PCR primers and template) needed for running PCR: polymerase or polymerase blend, magnesium chloride, double- concentrated reaction buffer, and nucleotides (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, 0.4 mM each).

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Working with DNA1 46


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Quantitative Real-Time PCR1.8. Methods

Introduction Due to its sensitivity and dynamic range, PCR is the ideal technique to ÿÿquantify nucleic acids. Traditionally, the quantification of a given nucleic acid of interest was ÿÿde termined by methods such as competitive PCR, PCR ELISA, limiting dilu tion PCR, or radioactive methods. These methods are based upon endpoint analysis and have several ÿÿ limitations.

End point analysis

N: number of amplified molecules n: number of amplification cycles

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Working with DNA1 47

The figure above shows typical amplification curves. Each curve has 3 seg-ments:

Background phase ÿÿExponential (or log-linear) phaseÿÿPlateau phaseÿÿ

Endpoint analysis is not very suitable for quantitative PCR because it is done in the “plateau phase” of PCR where the reaction no longer follows exponen tial kinetics. In this phase, the reaction can no longer be described by a math-ematical formula. Thus, it is not possible to directly correlate the endpoint signal with the initial template amount or target copy number. Further, in the plateau phase, PCR efficiency decreases steadily, because reaction compounds are being consumed and inhibitors are accumulating. These effects vary from sample to sample, resulting in different endpoint signals.

Real­time PCR Real-time PCR offers an alternative method for both qualitative and quan-titative analysis. This type of analysis allows the amplification and fluores-cent detection steps to be performed by a single instrument in a single tube with data recorded online. A real-time PCR instrument measures the accu mulation of PCR products during amplification with fluorescent dyes. Because PCR itself and the detection of PCR products occur in the same reaction vessel, this setup is also called “hom*ogeneous PCR”.

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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Instrument-based systems

Principles of real­time PCR

Simultaneous amplification and detection of specific nucleic acid sequenc es via fluorescence-detecting thermocyclers.

LightCycler® System The LightCycler® System incorporates several features that make it the ÿÿide al tool for qualitative and quantitative PCR as well as mutation analysis in standard laboratory applications.It includes instrumentation, software, reagents, technical support, and ÿÿap plication-specific kits.

Three real-time PCR systems are available from Roche Applied Science:The LightCycler® Carousel-Based System (LightCycler® 2.0 Instrument, ÿÿCat. No. 03 531 414 201).

The LightCycler® 2.0 Instrument is optimized for two fluorescence de-tection formats: SYBR Green I and HybProbe probes. In addition, the instrument supports a wide variety of other fluorescence detection for-mats, such as monocolor SimpleProbe probes, hydrolysis probes, and other formats based on FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer).

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Working with DNA1 48

The LightCycler® 480 thermal block cycler for either 96- or 384-well plates ÿÿ(LightCycler® 480 Instrument II, Cat. No. 05 015 278 001 96-well version Cat. No. 05 015 243 001 384-well version).

The LightCycler® 480 System enables the use of all current generic DNA dyes (e.g., SYBR Green I, High Resolution Melting dye) and probes (Hyb-Probe probes, SimpleProbe probes, hydrolysis probes).The LightCycler® 1536 Instrument is a plate-based thermal block cycler ÿÿwith integrated real-time, online detection capabilities. The LightCycler® 1536 optical unit facilitates mono- and dual-color assays using the dyes FAM, VIC/Yellow 555, BrightGreen, and others by supporting formats including Universal ProbeLibrary (UPL) probes, hydrolysis probes, and intercalating dyes (e.g., BrightGreen).

For details concerning instrument, reagents, and software, refer to, www. and

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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Real-time PCR assay formats

All real-time PCR systems detect a fluorescent dye, and then correlate this fluorescence signal to the amount of PCR product in the reaction. There are several methods for detecting and evaluating PCR products fluorimetrically. The most commonly used fluorescent assay methods fall into two classes, se quence-independent detection assays and sequence-specific probe binding assays. Each has its uses and its limitations.

SYBR Green I Double stranded [ds] - specific intercalating dye.ÿÿ

Hybridization Probes The presence of a specific amplification product is quantitatively recorded ÿÿby an increase in fluorescence.

SimpleProbe Probes Single-label probe with fluorescein.ÿÿ

Hydrolysis Probes TaqMan® Probe technology using, for example, FAM, HEX, or VIC.ÿÿ

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Working with DNA1 49


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SYBR Green I FormatSequence-independent assays rely on fluorophores (typically SYBR Green I) that bind to all double-stranded DNA molecules regardless of sequence.When the SYBR Green I dye intercalates into dsDNA, its fluorescence greatly increases. During the dif ferent stages of PCR, the intensity of the fluorescent signal will vary depending on the amount of dsDNA that is present.

During annealing, PCR primers hybridize to the target and form small regions

of dsDNA where SYBR Green I intercalates; the fluorescent signal

slightly increases.


In the elongation phase, more dsDNA is formed and more SYBR Green I dye

can intercalate, resulting in a higher fluorescent signal.


1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Sequence-independent detection assays

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Working with DNA1 50

At the end of the elongation phase, all DNA has become double-stranded and

the maximum amount of SYBR Green I is intercalated. The fluorescence is

measured (530 nm) at the end of each elongation phase.


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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Sequence-specific probe binding assays

FRET PrincipleSequence-specific assays rely on oligonucleotide probes that hybridize to their complementary sequence in the target PCR product and thus only detect this specific product. Commonly used probe formats are hydrolysis probes, hybridization probes (e.g., HybProbe probes) or single-labeled probes (e.g., Simple-Probe probes). The probes are coupled to fluorophores that can be measured by the real-time PCR instru ment. Several other detection formats are available as well, but are less frequently used.The unique LightCycler® HybProbe format is based on the principle of fluorescence resonance energytransfer (FRET).

FRET Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transferÿÿ involves transfer of energy from a donor to an acceptor fluorophore. If the donor and the acceptor are in very close proximity, excitation of the donor by blue light results in energy transfer to the acceptor, which can emit light of a longer wavelength. Ex citation spectrum of the acceptor must overlap fluorescence emission spec trum of the donor (see figure below).

HybProbe Format The HybProbe format is suitable for both quantitative PCR and mutation ÿÿ(SNP) detection assays. It uses two specially designed oligonucleotides that hybridize, side by side, to an internal sequence of an amplified fragment during the annealing phase of PCR.

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Working with DNA1 51

The donor-dye probe is labeled with fluorescein at the 3' end and the acceptor-

dye probe is labeled with LightCycler® Red at the 5' end. Hybridization does not

take place during the denaturation phase of PCR and, thus, the distance bet-

ween the dyes is too large to allow energy transfer to occur.


During the annealing phase, the probes hybridize to the amplified DNA frag-

ment in a close head-to-tail arrangement. When fluorescein is excited by the

light from the LED, it emits green fluorescent light, transferring the energy to

LightCycler® Red, which then emits red fluorescent light. This red fluorescence

is measured at the end of each annealing step, when the fluorescence intensi-

ty is highest.


After annealing, the temperature is raised and the HybProbe probe is displaced

during elongation. At the end of this step, the PCR product is double-stranded

and the displaced HybProbe probes are again too far apart to allow FRET to

oc cur.


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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Sequence-specific probe binding assays (continued)

One of the advantages of the detection format is that the probes are not altered during PCR. At the end of amplification, both probes are still intact and may be used in a subsequent melting curve experiment (e.g., for mutation detection or SNP analysis).For the design of primers and hybridization probes for use with the LightCycler® System, Roche Applied Science offers the LightCycler® Probe Design Software.For more details, refer to

SimpleProbe FormatSimpleProbe probes are a special type of hybridization probe. They differ from HybProbe probes in one important way: instead of two probes working together, only a single probe is needed. This single probe hybridizes specifically to a target sequence that contains the SNP of interest. Once hybridized, the Sim pleProbe probe emits a greater fluorescent signal than it does when it is not hybridized to its target. As a result, changes in fluorescent signal depend solely on the hybridization status of the probe.

During the denaturation phase, no hybridization takes place; thus, only a low

fluorescence background is detected at 530 nm.


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Working with DNA1 52

During the annealing phase, the probe hybridizes to the amplified DNA

fragment and is no longer quenched. Fluorescein, when excited by the

LightCycler® LED, emits green fluorescent light which is measured only at

the end of each annealing step at maximum intensity.


During the subsequent elongation step, the SimpleProbe probe is displaced. C

At the end of the elongation step, the PCR product is double-stranded and the

displaced SimpleProbe probe is again quenched.


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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Sequence-specific probe binding assays (continued)

Hydrolysis Probe FormatHydrolysis probe assays, conventionally called “TaqMan®”assays, can technically be described as hom*oge nous 5'nuclease assays, since a single 3' non-extendable hydrolysis probe, which is cleaved during PCR amplification, is used to detect the accumulation of a specific target DNA sequence. This single probe contains two labels, a fluorescence reporter and a fluorescence quencher, in close proximity to each other. When the probe is intact, the quencher dye is close enough to the reporter dye to suppress the reporter fluorescent signal (fluorescence quenching takes place via FRET). During PCR, the 5'nucle-ase activity of the polymerase cleaves the hydrolysis probe, separating the reporter and quencher. In the cleaved probe, the reporter is no longer quenched and can emit a fluorescence signal when excited.

The probe carries two fluorescent dyes in close proximity, with the quencher

dye suppressing the reporter fluorescence signal. The 3‘ end of the Hydrolysis

probe is dephosphorylated, so it cannot be extended during PCR. During dena-

turation, the target double-stranded DNA is separated.


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Working with DNA1 53

In the annealing phase of PCR, primers and probes specifically anneal to the

target sequence.


As the DNA polymerase extends the primer, it encounters the probe. The

polymerase then cleaves the probe with its inherent 5' nuclease activity, dis-

places the probe fragments from the target, and continues to polymerize the

new amplicon.


In the cleaved probe, the reporter dye is no longer quenched and therefore can

emit fluorescent light that can be measured by one channel of the LightCycler®

optical unit. Thus, the increase in fluorescence from the reporter dye directly

correlates to the accumulation of PCR products.


Unlike HybProbe probes, hydrolysis probes are digested during PCR. Thus, these probes cannot be used in a subsequent melting curve experiment. This type of assay requires a different experimental approach for detecting a mutation or SNP.

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Universal ProbeLibrary A sophisticated application of the hydrolysis probe format is the Universal ÿÿProbeLibrary from Roche Applied Science. The Universal ProbeLibrary contains 165 prevalidated, double-labeled, real-time PCR probes that can be used to quantify virtually any transcript in the transcriptomes94 – 99 % of all transcripts of the organisms that can be selected on the ÿÿAssay Design Center can be detected with a UPL assay. A large number of those are intron-spanning. For all other organisms, assays can be designed with a high success rate by entering the specific sequence information. This almost universal coverage is due to the length (only 8 – 9 nucleotides) of the Universal ProbeLibrary probes. Each probe is much shorter than classic 25- to 35-nucleotide hydrolysis probes. To maintain the specificity, T

m, and assay

compatibility that hybridization probes require, the duplex-stabilizing DNA analogue LNA (Locked Nucleic Acid) is included in the sequence of each probe.UPL assays are compatible with all real-time PCR instruments capable of ÿÿdetecting fluorescein, FITC, FAM, and/or SYBR Green I. UPL probes may be purchased either individually or as part of preconfigured sets with 90 probes each, for human, mouse, and rat. The complete library is obtained when ordering the Universal ProbeLibrary Set, Human, containing probes # 1 – 90 and the Universal ProbeLibrary Extension Set, containing probes # 91 to 165.

1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Sequence-specific probe binding assays (continued)

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Working with DNA1 54

Note: PCR primers are not included with the Universal ProbeLibrary Sets, but can be ordered from any oligonucleotide supplier.Because they are short, each Universal ProbeLibrary probe can bind to ÿÿaround 7,000 transcripts, while each transcript is detected by around 16 different probes. Yet only one transcript is detected in a given PCR assay, a specificity ensured by the set of PCR primers chosen.Selection of the correct Universal ProbeLibrary probe and specific PCR ÿÿprimers for a given real-time PCR assay is a simple two-step procedure that involves the ProbeFinder Software, which is available online at the Assay Design Center ( Universal ProbeLibrary assays are compatible with all instruments capable ÿÿof detecting fluorescein, FITC, FAM, and/or SYBR Green I. Universal ProbeLibrary assays have been used successfully on the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System, the LightCycler® 480 System and other real-time PCR instruments from several suppliers.For the Roche LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR platform, Universal ÿÿProbeLibrary assays are also available in a ready-to-use, pre-plated format that can be configured and customized using the web-based RealTime ready Configurator (see for more informa-tion).

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RealTime ready qPCRAssays

Rapidly verify microarray screening results and quantify the expression levels ÿÿof your targets using function tested, ready-to-use RealTime ready qPCR Assays. Use the free, online RealTime ready Configurator to search and order single assays for any human target, or configure the custom panel with your choice of assays.RealTime ready qPCR Assays each contain target-specific primers and a ÿÿUniversal ProbeLibrary (UPL) probe. The assays are qualified to function in qPCR. Each assay must comply with the following stringent criteria:

Linear dynamic range of at least 3 logs l

PCR efficiency of 2.0 l

R l 2 value of standard curve between 0.99 and 1.00High amplification specificity with no side products in gel analysis l

RealTime ready CustomPanels for the LightCycler® 480 System

Design your own custom panels on LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates 96 or 384, using a multitude of different layouts. Assays are pre-plated and dried-down for a reaction volume of 20 µl on 96-well plates and 10 µl on 384-well plates; simply add sample cDNA and RealTime ready DNA Probes Master for fast and reliable results. In addition to your selected assays, up to three wells on the panel are reserved for your specific reference gene assays. Most layouts are also available with pre-plated error detection using RT+ and RT– controls.

1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Sequence-specific probe binding assays (continued)

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Working with DNA1 55

Linearity of amplification over five 10-fold dilution steps with efficiency values of 99.2 to 100 %.

The powerful combination of the ProbeFinder Software, the Universal ProbeLibrary, and the Transcrip-tor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit can revolutionize the way you design and perform real-time qPCR assays.For instruments requiring normalization with Rox reference dye, choose the FastStart Universal Probe Master (Rox) from Roche Applied Science. For two-step real-time RT-PCR using the LightCycler® Instruments, choose the LightCycler® 480 Probes Master.For one-step RT-PCR, the Universal ProbeLibrary probes can be combined on the LightCycler® 480 System Master Hydrolysis Probes (Cat. No. 04 991 885 001).

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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Other assay formats

Molecular beacons Hairpin-shaped oligonucleotides with an internally quenched fluor ophore ÿÿwhose fluorescence is restored when they bind to a target nucleic acid. The loop portion is complementary to the middle of the expected am plicon, and the stem is formed at the annealing temperature of the PCR. For more details, refer to

Scorpions Technology based on a stem-loop primer with an integral tail (which is ÿÿused to probe an extension product of the primer) containing a fluoro-phore and a quencher. The stem-loop tail is separated from the PCR primer by a stopper which prevents stem-loop sequences from being copied during PCR. Dur ing the annealing step, the “scorpion” tail curls back to hybridize to the target sequence in the PCR product. As the tail of the scorpion and the PCR prod uct are now part of the same strand of DNA, a fluorescence signal is generated.

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Working with DNA1 56


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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Principles of quantification

Quantification analysis in real-time PCR can be subdivided into two basic types, absolute and relative quantification. Each type uses the experimentally determined Cp values differently.

Absolute quantification In absolute quantification assays, the concentration of the target molecule ÿÿis expressed as an absolute value (e.g., copies, µg/µl, etc.). Absolute quan-tification methods use a standard curve, calculated from external standard samples of known concentration, to determine the concentration of the target molecule in the unknown. Thus, an absolute quantification assay system produces valid results only if the standards and the unknowns are amplified and detected with the same efficiency. Application: Absolute Quantification is very suitable for applications in vi rology and microbiology in which you need to determine the copy number of a specific target, or for the determination of absolute gene copy numbers. In a dual-color set-up, absolute quantification can be combined with inter nal standards to detect any false negative results.

Relative quantification In relative quantification assays, the target concentration is expressed as a ÿÿratio of target-to-reference gene in the same sample, rather than an abso lute value. The reference gene is an unregulated nucleic acid that is found at constant copy number in all samples.

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Working with DNA1 57

Relative quantification methods correct the sample for differences in qual ity and quantity like variations in initial sample amount, cDNA synthesis efficiency, or sample loading/pipetting errors. Because the quantity of a target and a reference gene is a function only of the PCR efficiency and the sample crossing point, these assays do not require a standard curve in each analysis run. Application: Quantification of mRNA expression levels or determination of gene dose values.

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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Principles of quantification (continued)

External Standards without a calibrator

Without efficiency correction

Calibrator normalized

relative quantification

External Standards

with internal control (dual color


External Standards

(mono color detection)

Relative Quantification

With efficiency correction

Absolute Quantification

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Working with DNA1 58


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1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Melting curve analysis

Besides monitoring the PCR process online, real-time PCR instruments (including the LightCycler® Car ousel-Based System, LightCycler® 480 System, and LightCycler® 1536 System) can monitor fluores-cence changes during temperature transitions. This allows the annealing and denaturation of nucleic acids to be followed in real-time. This procedure, called melting curve analysis, uses either dsDNA-spe-cific dyes (e.g., SYBR Green I) or se quence-specific oligonucleotide probes (e.g., HybProbe or SimpleProbe probes), and can be added at the end of PCR.

Melting curve analysis with SYBR Green I

Melting curve analysis with SYBR Green I is used for product characteriza-ÿÿtion (i.e., to determine whether the desired PCR product is free of nonspe-cific by-products). PCR products can be characterized by melting curve analysis because each double-stranded DNA molecule has a characteristic melting temperature (T

m), at which 50% of the DNA is double-stranded

and 50% is melted (i.e., single-stranded). During a melting curve run, the re action mixture is slowly heated to +95°C, which causes dsDNA to melt. A sharp decrease in SYBR Green I fluorescence occurs when the temperature reaches the T

m of a PCR product present in the reaction.

For instruments requiring normalization with Rox reference dye, choose the FastStart Universal SYBR Green Master (Rox) from Roche Applied Science.

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Working with DNA1 59

Genotyping with Hyb­Probe and SimpleProbe Probes and SNP detec­tion

In a genotyping experiment with HybProbe probes, one HybProbe oligo-ÿÿnucleotide hybridizes to a part of the target sequence that is not mutated; this probe functions as an anchor. The other HybProbe oligonucleotide (mutation or detection probe) spans the mutation site and has a T


approximately 5°C lower than the Tm

of the anchor probe. As the tempera-ture in creases, the shorter mutation probe dissociates first. When this happens, the two dyes are no longer close and the fluorescence signal decreases. Be cause the T

m of a probe-target hybrid depends not only on the

length and the GC content of the probe, but also on the degree of hom*ol-ogy in the hy brid, perfectly bound probes separate at a higher T

m than those

that are bound to DNA containing a destabilizing mismatch.

The precise temperature control of the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System, LightCycler® 480 Sys tem, and LightCycler® 1536 System allows these instruments to monitor specific fluorescent-labeled probes as they melt off a target se quence. When melting curve analysis is used to monitor the melting of short duplexes, such as hybrids between HybProbe or SimpleProbe probes and target, the assay can identify even single-base alterations in the amplicon. Thus, this is an ideal tool for detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or for genotyping.

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High resolution melting curve analysis

A new class of non-sequence specific DNA dyes (ÿÿ e.g., LightCycler® 480 ResoLight dye) binds to double-stranded DNA sequences in a saturating manner, providing very uniform, sharp signals during melting curve analysis. These binding characteristics can be used to detect subtle differ-ences in sequence between samples (e.g., SNPs, mutations), or within a sample (e.g., to differentiate heteroduplex from hom*oduplex DNA to identify heterozygotes).

Due to its uniform thermal profile across a plate and its optical system, the LightCycler® 480 System enables the acquisition and analysis of melting curves at high resolution. The LightCycler® 480 High Resolution Melting Master supports this method. Sequence variants resulting in different melting curve shapes can be detected using the LightCycler® 480 Gene Scanning Software (Cat. No. 05 103 908 001).

An overview of melting curve-based methods supported on the LightCycler® 480 System is shown in the figure below.

1.8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Melting curve analysis (continued)

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Working with DNA1 60

High resolution melting dye for gene scanningSYBR Green I for product identification

Fluorescence-labeled probes for genotyping

For up-to-date information on genotyping methods, visit

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1. Ausubel, F. M. et al. (1991) In: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 2. Brown, T. A. (1991) In: Molecular Biology LabFax. Bios Scientific Publishers, Academic Press. 3. Nonradioactive In Situ Hybridization Application Manual, Roche Applied Science. 4. Nucleic Acid Isolation and Purification Manual, Roche Applied Science. 5. Technical Data Sheets, Roche Applied Science. 6. PCR Application Manual, Roche Applied Science. 7. PCR Grade Deoxynucleotides, Roche Applied Science. 8. Rolfs, A. et al. (1992) PCR Clinical Diagnostics and Research. New York: Springer Verlag. 9. Sambrook. J., Fritsch, E. J. and Maniatis, T. (1989) In: Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd edition.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 10. The DIG Application Manual for Filter Hybridization, Roche Applied Science. 11. Molecular Weight Markers for Nucleic Acids, Roche Applied Science. 12. Nasri, M. et al. (1986) Nucleic Acid Research 14, 811. 13. Frey, B. et al. (1995) Biochemica 2, 8 – 9. 14. DIG Product Selection Guide, Roche Applied Science. 15. LightCycler® System, Roche Applied Science. 16. LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System, Roche Applied Science. 17. LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System, Roche Applied Science.

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Working with RNAChapter 2

2.1. Precautions for Handling RNA ..................................... 622.2. Commonly Used Formulas ............................................. 652.3. Isolating and Purifying RNA .......................................... 672.4. Analyzing RNA ................................................................... 702.5. RT-PCR ................................................................................... 722.6. Labeling of RNA ................................................................. 822.7. References ........................................................................... 84

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Precautions for Handling RNA2.1.

General information Working with RNA is more demanding than working with DNA, because ÿÿof the chemical instability of the RNA and the ubiquitous presence of RNases. Unlike DNases, RNases do not need metal ion co-factors and can maintain ÿÿactivity even after prolonged boiling or autoclaving. Therefore, special precautions should be taken when working with RNA.ÿÿ

Gloves and contact Always wear gloves when working with RNA. ÿÿAfter putting on gloves, do not touch surfaces and equipment to avoid ÿÿreintroduction of RNases to decontaminated material.

Workspace and working surfaces

Designate a special area for RNA work only. ÿÿTreat surfaces of benches and glassware with commercially available ÿÿRNase inactivating agents. Clean benches with 100% ethanol.

Equipment and disposable items

Use sterile, disposable plasticware.ÿÿElectrophoresis tanks for RNA analysis can be cleaned with 1% SDS, ÿÿrinsed with H

2O, rinsed with absolute ethanol, and finally soaked in

3% H2O

2 for 10 minutes. Rinse tanks with DEPC-treated H

2O before use.

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Working with RNA2 62

Glass and plasticware Glassware should be baked at +180°C to +200°C for at least 4 hours. ÿÿAutoclaving glassware is not sufficient to eliminate RNases.Use commercially available RNase-free plasticware.ÿÿIf plasticware should be reused, it must be soaked (2 hours, +37°C) in 0.1 M ÿÿNaOH/1 mM EDTA (or absolute ethanol with 1% SDS), rinsed with DEPC-treated H

2O, and heated to +100°C for 15 minutes.

Corex tubes should be treated with DEPC-treated Hÿÿ2O overnight at room

temperature, then autoclaved for 30 minutes to destroy unreacted DEPC.

Cleaning of pH electrodes

Incubate for 30 seconds in 70% ethanol, soak 5 minutes in 1 M NaOH, and ÿÿrinse with DEPC-treated H


DEPC = diethylpyrocarbonate

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2.1. Precautions for Handling RNA

Reagents Purchase reagents that are free of RNases.ÿÿReserve separate reagents for RNA work only. Wear gloves, and use baked ÿÿ spatulas and untouched weigh boats or weigh paper.All solutions should be made with DEPC-treated Hÿÿ

2O (see page 155).

Handling fresh and stored material before extraction of RNA

Extract RNA as quickly as possible after obtaining samples.ÿÿFor best results, use either fresh samples or samples that have been ÿÿquickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –70°C. This procedure minimizes degradation of crude RNA by limiting the activity of endogenous RNases.Blood and bone marrow samples can be stabilized with commercial ÿÿavail able stabilization reagentsa.All required reagents should be kept on ice.ÿÿ

a For example, RNA/DNA Stabilization Reagent for Blood and Bone Marrow (Cat. No. 11 934 317 001), available from Roche Applied Science

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Working with RNA2 63

RNase inhibitors RNase inhibitors* can be used to protect RNA from degradation during ÿÿ isolation and purification and in all downstream applications.The most commonly used inhibitor is a eukaryotic protein that inactivates ÿÿRNases via non-covalent and reversible binding.Use an RNase inhibitor that is active during cDNA synthesis and can protect ÿÿRNA, such as Protector RNase Inhibitor, which is active up to +60°C.To keep the inhibitor active, avoid solutions with strong denaturing ÿÿagents such as SDS or urea, maintain reducing conditions (1 mM DTT), and hold the temperature below +65°C.Other inhibitors include macaloid and vanadyl-ribonucleoside complexes.ÿÿ

Storage of RNA Store RNA aliquoted in ethanol or isopropanol at – 70°C. Most RNA is ÿÿ relatively stable at this temperature.Remove ethanol or isopropanol by centrifugation and resuspend in the ÿÿ appropriate RNase-free buffer.Store cDNA if possible.ÿÿ

Manipulation of RNA Always keep the RNA sample on ice when preparing an experiment.ÿÿ

Drying RNA Avoid overdrying of RNA after ethanol precipitation. ÿÿDry under vacuum or for 15 minutes at room temperature in a clean space.ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Protector RNase Inhibitor (Cat. No. 03 335 399 001→ 2,000 U; Cat. No. 03 335 402 001→ 10,000 U).

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2.1. Precautions for Handling RNA

Dissolving RNA Dissolve RNA by adding RNase-free buffer or water, PCR Grade*, and ÿÿincubate the tube on ice for 15 minutes. Gently tap the tube or vortex with care.

Pipetting RNA Use RNase-free tips or autoclave regular tips.ÿÿKeep pipettes clean.ÿÿ

Temperature sensitivity RNA is not stable at elevated temperatures; therefore, avoid high ÿÿ temperatures (> +65°C) since this will affect the integrity of the RNA. To melt secondary structures, heat RNA to +65°C for 15 minutes in the ÿÿpresence of denaturing buffers.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Water, PCR Grade (Cat. Nos.: 03 315 959 001 → 25 ml (1 x 25 ml); 03 315 932 001 → 25 ml (25 x 1 ml); 03 315 843 001 → 100 ml (4 x 25 ml)).

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Working with RNA2 64


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Commonly Used Formulas2.2.

Calculation of molecular weights in daltons

Average molecular weight (MW) of a ribonucleotide: 340 Dalton (Da)ÿÿMW of ssRNA = [number of bases] x [340 Da]

For example, MW of tRNA from E. coli (75 bases) = 25.5 x 103 Da = 25.5 kDa

Conversion of µg to pmol pmol of ssRNA = µg (of ssRNA) x

106 pg x

1 pmolx


µg (of ssRNA) x 2,941

1 µg 340 pg Nb


For example, 1 µg of a 100 base ssRNA


1 x 2,941= 29.4 pmol


The value calculated with this formula also represents the pmoles of ÿÿ5´ or 3´ ends.

Calculation of pmol of 5´ (or 3´) ends

See above calculation of conversion of µg to pmol.ÿÿ

Nb = number of bases

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Working with RNA2 65

Conversion of pmol to µg µg of ssRNA = pmol (of ssRNA) x

340 pgx

1 µgx N

b 1 pmol 106 pg

= pmol (of ssRNA) x Nb x 3.4 x 10-4

For example, 1 pmol of a 250 base ssRNA molecule = 0.085 µg

Nb = number of bases

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2.2. Commonly Used Formulas Examples

Organism Type Length (in bases) MW (in kDa)

E . coli, gram-negative bacterium





Drosophila melanogaster, fruit fly

18S rRNA28S rRNA


6721.3 x 103

Mus musculus, mouse 18S rRNA28S rRNA


6351.6 x 103

hom*o sapiens, human 18S rRNA28S rRNA


6351.7 x 103

Oryctolagus cuniculus, rabbit 18S rRNA28S rRNA


8042.15 x 103

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Working with RNA2 66


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Use this table to select a Roche product according to the type and origin of RNA (see Reference 3).

Type Origin Recommendation*

mRNACultured cells, tissues, total RNA

mRNA Isolation KitmRNA Capture Kit

Human whole blood/bone marrow mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/Bone marrow

Total RNA

Cultured cells, bacteria, yeast, blood High Pure RNA Isolation Kit

Tissue High Pure RNA Tissue Kit

Cultured cells, tissues, bacteria, yeast, blood, plant cells TriPure Isolation Reagent

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, fresh-frozen tissue High Pure RNA Paraffin Kit

Animal tissue, animal cell culture, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue High Pure miRNA Isolation Kit

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections High Pure FFPE RNA Micro Kit#

Viral RNA Serum, plasma, other body fluids, cell culture supernatant High Pure Viral RNA Acid Kit#

RNA fragments Removal of unincorporated nucleotides from labeled RNA moleculesQuick Spin Columnsmini Quick Spin Columns

* The amount of RNA that can be isolated with the kits depends on a variety of variables, such as the amount of sample applied, concentra-tion of RNA within the sample, buffer systems, etc. Refer to page 66 for a detailed overview.

Isolating and Purifying RNA 2.3.

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Working with RNA2 67

Use this table to select a Roche product according to the main application in which the RNA will be used (see reference 3).

Product RT­PCR DD*­RT­PCR cDNA SynthesisNorthern Blotting

RNase Protection

In Vitro Translation

High Pure RNA Tissue Kit l l l l l l

High Pure RNA Paraffin Kit l l l

High Pure miRNA Isolation Kit l l l

High Pure FFPE RNA Micro Kit# l l l

High Pure RNA Isolation Kit l l l l l l

High Pure Viral RNA Kit# l

mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/Bone Marrow l l l l l

mRNA Isolation Kit l l l l l

mRNA Capture Kit l

TriPure Isolation Reagent l l l l l l

mini Quick Spin RNA Columns l

Quick Spin Columns l

* DD = differential display

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2.3. Isolating and Purifying RNA

Use this table to select a Roche product according to its characteristics (see also reference 3).

Product Quantity of Starting Material Typical Yield

High Pure RNA Tissue Kit Tissue: 1 – 10 mg 0.5 – 3.0 μg/mga

High Pure RNA Isolation Kit Blood: 200 – 500 μlCultured cells: 106 cellsYeast: 108 cellsBacteria: 109 cells

For 10 RT-PCR reactions20 μgb

20 μg35 – 50 μg

High Pure miRNA Isolation Kit Tissue, cell culture, formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded tissue

Depending on miRNA

High Pure Viral RNA Kit# 200 – 600 μl of serum, plasma, urine, cell culture supernatant

Product detectable by RT-PCR

High Pure RNA Paraffin Kit fresh-frozen or formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue

0.3 to 1.5 μg/5 μm section2 – 6 μg/20 mg fresh frozen tissue

High Pure FFPE RNA Micro Kit# 1 – 10 μm FFPE tissue sections 1.5 – 3.5 μg/5 μm

mRNA Isolation Kit Tissue: 50 mg – 1 gCells: 2 x 105 – 108

Total RNA: 250 μg – 2.5 mg

7 – 14 μg/100 mg tissuea

0.3 – 25 μg/107 cellsb

1 – 5 μg/100 μg total RNA

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Working with RNA2 68

Product Quantity of Starting Material Typical Yield

mRNA Capture Kit Tissue: up to 20 mgCells: up to 5 x 105

total RNA: up to 40 μg

Product detectable by RT-PCRProduct detectable by RT-PCRProduct detectable by RT-PCR

TriPure Isolation Reagent RNA from liver, spleen: 50 mg – 1 gRNA from cultured epithelial cells: 106 - 107

6 – 10 μg/mg tissuea

8 – 15 μg/106 cellsb

mini Quick Spin RNA Columns 20 – 75 μl labeling mixture > 80%

Quick Spin Columns for radiolabeled RNA purification, Sephadex G-25

Up to 50 μl labeling mixture > 80%

Quick Spin Columns for radiolabeled RNA purification, Sephadex G-50

Up to 100 μl labeling mixture > 80%

a depends on type of tissueb depends on type of cells

For more information on nucleic acid isolation and purification, visit www.roche­applied­

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2.3. Isolating and Purifying RNA RNA content in various cells and tissues (see Reference 3)

107 Cells 3T3 Hela COS

Total RNA (μg) ~120 ~150 ~350

mRNA (μg) ~3 ~3 ~5

Mouse Tissue (100 mg) Brain Heart Intestine Kidney Liver Lung Spleen

Total RNA (μg) ~120 ~120 ~150 ~350 ~400 ~130 ~350

mRNA (μg) ~5 ~6 ~2 ~9 ~14 ~6 ~7

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Working with RNA2 69


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Analyzing RNA2.4. Concentration via OD measurement

Concentration of RNA

1 Aÿÿ260

Unit of ssRNA = 40 µg/ml H2O

Notes OD value should range between 0.1 and 1.0 to ensure an optimal measure-ÿÿment.The above mentioned value is based on the extinction coefficient of ÿÿRNA in H


Note that this coefficient – and hence the above mentioned value – may ÿÿdiffer in other buffers and/or solutions.Cuvettes should be RNase-free ÿÿ(see chapter 2.1. “Precautions for Handling RNA”, page 60).Example of calculation: ÿÿ

Volume of ssRNA sample: 100 µl l

Dilution: 25 µl of this sample + 475 µl H l2O (1/20 dilution)

A l260

of this dilution: 0.56 Concentration of ssRNA in sample: 0.56 x 40 µg/ml x 20 l

(= dilution factor) = 448 µg/ml Amount of ssRNA in sample: l

448 µg/ml x 0.1 ml (= sample volume) = 44.8 µg

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Working with RNA2 70

Purity via OD measurement

Purity of RNA Pure RNA: Aÿÿ260



Notes Buffered solutions provide more accurate values than water since ÿÿthe A


280 ratio is influenced by pH. Therefore, measure the ratio in a

low salt buffer.Pure RNA has a ratio of 1.9 – 2.1 in a 10 mM Tris buffer. ÿÿAn Aÿÿ


280 smaller than 2.0 means that the preparation is contaminated

with proteins and aromatic substances (e.g., phenol). In this case, purify the RNA again before using it in subsequent applications.The OD value gives no indication about the size of the RNA.ÿÿ

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2.4. Analyzing RNA Size estimation of RNA fragments

Agarose electrophoresis

In most cases, 1% Agarose MP*ÿÿ ,** gels (or variations between 0.8 and 1.2%) are used to separate ssRNA molecules. Denaturing conditions*** are crucial for the resolution and visualization ÿÿof the different fragments in a given gel.

Acrylamide electrophoresis

Efficient range of separation of ssRNA molecules:ÿÿ3.5% of Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide (29/1): 750 – 2,000 l

5.0% of Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide (29/1): 200 – 1,000 l

8.0% of Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide (29/1): 50 – 400 l

Size markers A variety of different molecular weight markers are available from ÿÿdifferent suppliers. Roche Applied Science offers:

RNA Molecular Weight Marker I, DIG­labeled l (0.3 – 6.9 kb), Cat. No. 11 526 529 910 9 fragments: 310, 438, 575, 1049, 1517, 1821, 2661, 4742, 6948 basesRNA Molecular Weight Marker II, DIG­labeled l (1.5 – 6.9 kb), Cat. No. 11 526 537 910 5 fragments: 1517, 1821, 2661, 4742, 6948 bases

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Working with RNA2 71

RNA Molecular Weight Marker III, DIG­labeled l (0.3 – 1.5 kb), Cat. No. 11 373 099 910 5 fragments: 310, 438, 575, 1049, 1517 bases

For more information, refer to Reference 10RNA, 16S- and 23S-ribosomal (1,500 b and 2,900 b) can also be used as ÿÿsize markers. Cat. No. 10 206 938 001

* Product available from Roche Applied Sience.

** Agarose MP multipurpose – available from Roche Applied Science (Cat. No. 11 388 983 001 – 100 g; Cat. No. 11 388 991 001 – 500 g) – is a high gel strength agarose (> 1,800 g/cm2: 1%) permitting the use of very low and very high concentrations, resulting in a broad range of linear RNA molecules that can be separated in the same type of agarose. This agarose is also function tested for the absence of DNases and RNases according to the current quality control procedures.

*** Refer to Chapter 5 “Preparing Buffers and Media” when preparing all buffers.

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RT-PCR2.5. Reaction components: template

Avoiding contamination

Refer to Chapter 1.7. “Amplification of DNA: Avoiding Contamina ÿÿ tion” (page 36) for the different sources of possible contaminations before and during amplification reactions and how to most optimally avoid them.

Type If possible, use purified mRNA as a template rather than total RNA. ÿÿStarting with poly(Aÿÿ +) mRNA will improve the likelihood of successful amplification of rare mRNA’s since the proportion of mRNAs in a total RNA preparation is very low (typically 1 – 5% of total RNA for a mammalian cell).

Integrity If a mRNA template is used and enough material is available, the integrity ÿÿof the mRNA can be checked by gel electrophoresis before using it in a RT-PCR. The mRNA should appear as a smear between 500 bp and 8 kb. Most of the ÿÿmRNA should be between 1.5 and 2 kb.

Avoiding RNase contamination

To minimize the activity of RNases that are released during cell lysis, ÿÿ include RNase inhibitors* in the lysis mix or use methods (see References 6 and 7) that simultaneously disrupt cells and inactivate RNases.

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Working with RNA2 72

Refer to Chapter 2.1. “Precautions for Handling RNA” (pages 60 –62)for a ÿÿcomprehensive overview of how to avoid RNase contamination.The most commonly used inhibitor is a eukaryotic protein that inactivates ÿÿRNases via non-covalent and reversible binding.Make sure that the RNase Inhibitor is also active during reverse transcrip-ÿÿtion at elevated temperatures to protect the RNA.Protector RNase Inhibitor is active up to +60°C. ÿÿMaintain performance even after adding up to 16-fold higher than the standard concentration.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Protector RNase Inhibitor (Cat. No. 03 335 399 001→ 2,000 U; Cat. No. 03 335 402 001→ 10,000 U).

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2.5. RT-PCR Reaction components: choice of reverse transcription primers

The primer used for reverse transcription affects both the size and the specificity of the cDNA produced. Four kinds of primers are commonly used in RT-PCR and each has its advantages:

Oligo(dT)N Generates full-length cDNAs.ÿÿIf template contains oligo(A) stretches, the primer may bind these and ÿÿlead to mispriming.

Anchored oligo(dT)N Prevents priming from internal sites of the poly(A) tail.ÿÿGenerates full-length cDNA.ÿÿPreferred priming method for most two-step RT-PCR applications.ÿÿAvailable as part of the Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit* and ÿÿTranscriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit*.

Random hexamers* Provides uniform representation of all RNA sequences in mRNA.ÿÿCan prime cDNA transcription from RNAs that do not contain a poly(A) ÿÿtail.Adjusting the ratio of random primers to RNA in the RT reaction controls ÿÿthe average length of cDNAs formed. Example: A high ratio will generate relatively short cDNAs, which will increase the chances of copying the com plete target sequence.Short cDNA transcripts may be the ideal way to overcome difficulties ÿÿpresen ted by RNA secondary structures.

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Working with RNA2 73

Sequence­specific Selects for a particular RNA, such as for diagnostic purposes.ÿÿGreatly increases the specificity of the RT-PCR.ÿÿOnly type of priming that can be used for one-step applications.ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, Cat. Nos.: 04 379 012 001Õ 1 kit (50 reactions, including 10 control reactions); 04 896 866 001Õ 1 kit (100 reactions); 04 897 030 001Õ 1 kit (200 reactions); Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit, Cat. Nos.: 05 081 955 001 Õ 1 kit (50 reactions, including 10 control reactions) 05 091 284 001 Õ 1 kit (100 reactions) 05 081 963 001 Õ 1 kit (200 reactions) Primer “random”, Cat. No.: 11 034 731 001. Available as part of the Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit and the Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit.

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2.5. RT-PCR Reaction components: design of reverse transcription primers

RT-PCR amplification of a particular mRNA sequence requires two PCR primers that are specific for that mRNA sequence. The primer design should also allow differentiation between the amplified product of cDNA and an amplified product derived from contaminating genomic DNA. There are two different strategies to design the required primersa:

Strategy 1 See Panel 1 on next page:ÿÿDesign primers that anneal to sequences in exons on both sides of an l

intron. With these primers, any product amplified from genomic DNA will be much larger than a product amplified from intronless mRNA.

Strategy 2 See Panel 2 on next page:ÿÿDesign primers that span exon/exon boundaries on the mRNA. l

Such primers should not amplify genomic DNA.a See Reference 4.

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Working with RNA2 74

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2.5. RT-PCR Reaction components: template design

Purity of template Start with the purest RNA template possibleIf your target is mRNA, start with purified mRNA as template, rather than ÿÿtotal RNA. The proportion of mRNA in a total RNA preparation is quite low. This will greatly increase the likelihood of successfully amplifying rare mRNAs.Use a template preparation product that is specifically designed for RNA ÿÿpurification. For details on RNA purification products available from Ro che Applied Science, see page 67.If your target is mRNA, check the integrity of the mRNA by gel ÿÿelectropho resis. The mRNA should appear as a smear between 500 bp and 8 kb. Most of the mRNA should be between 1.5 kb and 2 kb. If your target is eukaryotic total RNA, check the integrity of the total RNA ÿÿby gel electrophoresis. The total RNA is dominated by ribosomal RNA, so the 18S and 28S rRNA should appear as clear bands.

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Working with RNA2 75

Quality of template Eliminate RT inhibitors from the template preparationBefore using it as a template, precipitate the RNA using ethanol, then wash ÿÿit once with 70% ethanol. Remove all traces of ethanol before using the RNA in the RT reaction.Use a product specifically designed for RNA purification to prepare the ÿÿtemplate. Such products can help eliminate potential inhibitors during purification. For details on RNA purification products available from Roche Applied Science, see page 65.

Intactness of template

During cell lysis

During the purificati on procedure

Take rigorous and repeated precautions to prevent RNase contamination

Use isolation methods that simultaneously disrupt cells and inactivate ÿÿRNases (by adding SDS or guanidine).

Even if you don’t think RNases could be present at a particular step, ÿÿassume they are present.Include RNase inhibitors (ÿÿ e.g., Protector RNase Inhibitor*) in non-denatu ring purification steps.Use only sterile, RNase- and DNase-free plastic disposables (pipette tips, ÿÿetc.).

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After purification

Sterilize all glassware before use. RNases can be present on non-sterile ÿÿglassware.Always wear gloves throughout the isolation process. Skin is a rich source ÿÿof RNases.If necessary, analyze the product of each step in the isolation process by gel ÿÿelectrophoresis to ensure that the RNA is still RNase-free.

Short-term storage: Store the purified RNA template at +2 to +8°C ÿÿuntil use.Long-term storage: Store the purified RNA template at -70°C.ÿÿIf possible, store cDNA, as it is more stable than RNA.ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Protector RNase Inhibitor (Cat. No. 03 335 399 001→ 2,000 U; Cat. No. 03 335 402 001→ 10,000 U).

2.5. RT-PCR Reaction components: template design

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Working with RNA2 76

2.5. RT-PCR Reaction components: choice of enzymes

Temperature optimum Higher incubation temperatures help eliminate problems of template ÿÿsecondary structures.High temperature improves the specificity of reverse transcription by ÿÿdecreasing false priming.Transcribe GC-rich templates with high secondary structures at +55°C to ÿÿ+65°C with the thermostable Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase* or Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit*

Divalent ionrequirement

Most reverse transcriptases require divalent ions for activity.ÿÿEnzymes that use Mgÿÿ 2+ are likely to produce more accurate cDNA copies than those that use Mn2+, since Mn2+ adversely affects the fidelity of the DNA synthesis.

Sensitivity Reverse transcriptases differ in their ability to copy smaller amounts of ÿÿtemplate (see product characteristics table in this chapter, page 78).

Specificity Reverse transcriptases differ in their ability to transcribe RNA secondary ÿÿstructures accurately (see product characteristics table in this chapter, page 78).

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Reverse Transcriptase – DNA polymerase combinations

Using different reverse transcriptase – DNA polymerase combinations will ÿÿallow you to optimally amplify certain target lengths.

Error rate Retroviral reverse transcriptases commonly used for cDNA synthesis exhibit ÿÿa higher error rate than other DNA polymerases used in nucleic acid analysis techniques. This lack in accuracy leads to a significant number of base exchanges or frameshifts, which are further propagated in subsequent PCR reactions. High fidelity (proofreading) PCR enzymes have been available for many years; Roche Applied Science offers a high-accuracy reverse tran-scriptase - Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit - that synthesizes high yields of full-length cDNA. The core component of the kit is the Transcriptor High Fidelity Reverse Transcriptase, a blend of a recombinant reverse transcriptase and a proofreading mediating enzyme. The synergy between both enzymes is the key to the ability of the enzyme blend to reverse transcribe RNA templates with 7-fold higher fidelity compared to other commonly used reverse transcriptases.High mutation rate is a hallmark of retrovirus replication. This originates in the ÿÿmechanism of genome replication by the viral-encoded reverse transcriptase, which converts the genomic RNA of the virus to a dsDNA. During this process, reverse transcription produces frequent replication errors. One accepted explanation of this inaccuracy is the lack of RT 3'-5' exonuclease activity. The naturally high error rate of reverse transcriptases is not optimal for many different applications.

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Working with RNA2 77

RNAse H If the RNA template is not degraded after first strand cDNA synthesis, it can ÿÿbind to the newly synthesized cDNA and restrict the accessibility of primers during subsequent PCR amplification. RNase H-mediated destruction of the template can prevent this problem and improve the sensitivity of RT-PCR analysis.However, an additional RNase H incubation step prolongs the reaction time ÿÿand incurs additional costs for the often expensive RNase H. The Roche Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase has endogenous RNase H activity, ideal for digesting the original RNA template.Polumuri ÿÿ et al. showed that reverse transcriptases without RNase H activity can limit the sensitivity of RT-PCR detection. Polumuri and colleagues tested the effects of RNase H treatment on RT-PCR detection sensitivity using SuperScript II M-MuLV RNase H- RT to amplify 3 genes (NCX1, NCX2, NCX3). Of these 3 targets, one (NCX2) was detected much more readily when an RNase H step was included after the reverse transcription.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase (Cat. Nos.: 03 531 317 001 Õ 250 U, 03 531 295 001 Õ 500 U, 03 531 287 001 Õ 2,000 U); Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Cat. Nos.: 04 379 012 001 Õ 1 kit (50 reactions, including 10 control reactions); 04 896 866 001 Õ 1 kit (100 reactions); 04 897 030 001 Õ 1 kit (200 reactions)). Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit (Cat. Nos.: 05 081 955 001 Õ 1 kit (50 reactions, including 10 control reactions); 05 091 284 001 Õ 1 kit (100 reactions); 05 081 963 001 Õ 1 kit (200 reactions)).

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2.5. RT-PCR Procedures

Two Step Procedure One­Tube, One­Step Procedure

ÿ Two­tube, two­step procedure:l In the first tube, the first strand cDNA synthesis is performed

under optimal conditions.l An aliquot of this RT reaction is then transferred to another

tube containing all reagents for the subsequent PCR.

ÿ One­tube, two­step procedure:l In the first step, the reverse transcriptase produces

first-strand cDNA synthesis in the presence of Mg2+ ions, high concentrations of dNTP’s, and primers.

l Following this reaction, PCR buffer (without Mg2+ ions), a thermostable DNA polymerase, and specific primers are added to the tube and the PCR is performed.

ÿ Both cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification are performed with the same buffer and site-specific primers, eliminating the need to open the reaction tube between the RT and PCR steps.

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Working with RNA2 78

Advantages of Two­Step Procedure Advantages of One­Tube, One­Step Procedure

ÿ Optimal reaction conditions:l The two-step format allows both reverse transcription and

PCR to be performed under optimal conditions, ensuring an efficient and accurate amplification.

ÿ Flexibility:l Two-step procedures allow the product of a single cDNA

synthesis reaction to be used in several PCR reactions for analysis of multiple transcripts.

l Allows choice of primers (oligo (dT), anchored oligo (dT), random hexamer, or sequence-specific primers).

l Allows a wider choice of RT and PCR enzymes.

ÿ Amplifies long sequences:l With the right combination of reverse transcriptases and

thermo stable DNA polymerases, two-step RT-PCR can amplify RNA sequences up to 14 kb long.

ÿ Minimal time required:l The one-step reaction has fewer pipetting steps than the

two-step reaction, thereby significantly lowering the time needed for the experiment and reducing pipetting errors.

ÿ Reduced risks for contamination:l The entire one-step reaction takes place in a single tube

with no transfers required and no need to open the reaction tube (steps where contamination can occur).

ÿ Improved sensitivity and specificity: Two characteristics of the one-step reaction provide increased

yield and efficiency:l The cDNA reaction is performed at a high temperature,

thereby eliminating problems with secondary RNA structures.

l The entire cDNA sample is used as template for the PCR. Use of sequence-specific primers enhance specificity and


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2.5. RT-PCR Reaction components: choice of enzyme for one-step and two-step PCR

14 kb

12 kb

9 kb

6 kb

3 kb

Product Size

Two-Step RT-PCR One-Step RT-PCR

Yield � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Sensitivity � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Diffi cult Templates � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Reaction Temperature 42 — 65°C 45 — 55°C 42 — 65°C 45 — 60°C

Full-Length cDNA � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Performacne in qRT-PCR � � � � � � � � � � � � −+

Proofreading Activity no yes no no

Hot Start Activity no no no yesTranscriptor Reverse


Transcriptor High Fidelity

cDNA Synthesis Kit

Transcriptor First Strand

cDNA Synthesis Kit

Transcriptor One-Step


For one-step qRT-PCR, refer to the respective LightCycler® and RealTime Ready Kits at www.roche­applied­

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Working with RNA2 79


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Reaction components: choice of enzyme for two-step RT-PCR

Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase

Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit

Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

Enzyme component A recombinant reverse transcriptase

A blend of Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase and a proofreading mediating enzyme

A recombinant reverse transcriptase

Product size Up to 14 kb Up to 14 kb Up to 14 kb

Priming Oligo (dT), specific, random hexamers

Oligo (dT), specific, random hexamers

Oligo (dT), specific, random hexamers

Reaction temperature +42 to +65°C +45 to +55°C +42 to +65°C

Performance in qRT­PCR ++++ ++++ ++++

RNase H activity yes yes yes

Sensitivity ++++ ++++ ++++

Ability to transcribe difficult templates

++++ ++++ ++++

Full­length cDNA ++++ ++++ ++++

Proofreading activity no yes no

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Working with RNA2 80

Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase

Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit

Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

Incorporation of modified nucleotides

yes not tested yes

Product configuration ÿ Enzymeÿ Reaction buffer

ÿ Enzymeÿ Reaction bufferÿ Protector RNase Inhibitor ÿ Deoxynucleotide Mixÿ Primers (anchored-oligo(dT)18

and random hexamers)ÿ Controls

ÿ Enzymeÿ Reaction bufferÿ Protector RNase Inhibitor ÿ Deoxynucleotide Mixÿ Primers (anchored-oligo(dT)18

and random hexamers)ÿ Controls

Intended use ÿ Robust reverse transcription of all kinds of templates

ÿ Especially useful for difficult templates

ÿ Generation of full-length cDNAs

ÿ High-fidelity reverse transcription

ÿ Useful for of all kinds of templates, even difficult GC-rich RNA

ÿ Generation of full-length cDNAs

ÿ Sensitive RT-PCR on real-time instruments and block cyclers

ÿ Accurate linear quantificationÿ Efficient qPCR curvesÿ Robust reverse transcription of

all kinds of templates, even difficult GC-rich RNA

ÿ Generation of full-length cDNAs

Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit is also available as Transcriptor Universal cDNA Master (Cat. No.: 05 893 151 001 (100 reactions)).

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Reaction components: choice of enzyme for one-step RT-PCR

Tth DNA Polymerase Transcriptor One­Step RT­PCR Kit

Enzyme component Thermostable DNA polymerase with intrinsic reverse transcriptase activity.

Blend of Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase, Protector RNase Inhibitor, Taq DNA Polymerase, and a proofreading polymerase.

Product size Up to 1 kb Up to 6.5 kb

Priming Specific Specific

Reaction temperature +55 to +70°C +45 to +60°C

Hot start activity no yes

RNase H activity no yes

Sensitivity + ++++

Ability to transcribe difficult templates

+ ++++

Full­length cDNA - +++

Incorporation of modified nucleotides

yes yes

Carryover prevention + -

Product configuration ÿ Enzymeÿ PCR reaction bufferÿ RT-PCR reaction bufferÿ Mn(OAc)2 solution

ÿ Enzyme Blendÿ Reaction Bufferÿ Controls

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Working with RNA2 81

Benefit from the availability of a broad range of reverse transcriptases to find the best possible pro duct ÿÿfor your application.

Get the most out of your precious RNA samples and your assays by using well characterized reverse ÿÿtranscriptases that are function tested over a broad range of different applications.

Tth DNA Polymerase Transcriptor One­Step RT­PCR Kit

Intended use ÿ One-step RT-PCR of short normal templates ÿ Hot start one-step RT-PCR on block cyclersÿ Specific, reduced primer-dimersÿ Sensitive and fast RT-PCR ÿ Useful for of all kinds of templates, even difficult

GC-rich RNA

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Labeling of RNA2.6. Overview of different techniques

Application Labeling Method Relative Sensitivity

Northern blotting Southern blotting

ÿ Labeling RNA by in vitro transcriptionÿ 5’-end labeling+

ÿ 3’-end labeling+

+++ ++ ++

Dot/slot blotting ÿ Labeling RNA by in vitro transcriptionÿ 5’-end labeling+

ÿ 3’-end labeling+

+++ ++ ++

In situ hybridization ÿ Labeling RNA by in vitro transcriptionÿ 5’-end labeling+

ÿ 3’-end labeling+

+++ ++ ++

+ See References 8, 9, and 11 for an overview and a selection guide for DIG labeling of nucleic acids.

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Working with RNA2 82

See pages 90-93 for further information on the conversion of nucleic acids to proteins.

Labeling Methods DIG­Labeling Reagents Other Labeling Reagents

By In Vitro Transcription Expression plasmid


Label+ T3/T7/SP6

RNA Polymerase


Labeled probe

Kits for labeling DIG Northern Starter Kit*DIG RNA Labeling Kit (SP6/T7)*

SP6/T7 Transcription Kit*

Mixes for labeling with enzyme

DIG RNA Labeling Mix* Biotin RNA Labeling Mix*Fluorescein RNA Labeling Mix*

Nucleotides for labeling

Digoxigenin­11­UTP* Biotin­16­UTP*Fluorescein­12­UTP*Biotin­11­CTP*

Enzymes SP6 RNA Polymerase*T3 RNA Polymerase*T7 RNA Polymerase*

SP6 RNA Polymerase*T3 RNA Polymerase* T7 RNA Polymerase*

Additional products

Protector RNase Inhibitor* Protector RNase Inhibitor*

RNA Labeling Guide

* Products available from Roche Applied Science.

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2.6. Labeling of RNA SP6, T7, and T3 polymerases

Properties DNA dependent RNA polymerases, specific for their corresponding ÿÿpromoter.

10x Transcription buffer

400 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 60 mM MgClÿÿ2, 100 mM DTT, 20 mM spermidine.

Buffer without nucleotides is stable at –15 to –25°C, stored in aliquots.ÿÿ

Application and typical results

Generate hom*ogeneously labeled single-stranded RNA molecules as ÿÿprobes for hybridization experiments.Radioactive nucleotides (ÿÿ 32P, 35S) and nonradioactive nucleotides (biotin, digoxigenin, fluorochromes) can be incorporated.

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Working with RNA2 83

Standard Assay:ÿÿ

Components Radioactive Nonradioactive+ Cold (without label)

Template DNA 0.5 μg 1 μg 1 μg

Nucleotides, final concentration

ATP, GTP, UTP each 0.5 mM final

ATP, GTP, CTP, each 1 mM final UTP 0.65 mM final

ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP each 1 mM final

Labeled nucleotide, final concentration

[a32P] CTP (400 Ci/mmol), 50 μCi (1.85 MBq/mmol)

DIG, Biotin, or fluoro chrome UTP, 0.35 mM final

10x transcription buffer

2 μl 2 μl 2 μl

RNA polymerase 20 units 40 units 40 units

RNase inhibitor 20 units 20 units 20 units

H2O Add H2O to 20 μl Add H2O to 20 μl Add H2O to 20 μl

Incubation 20 minutes +37°C 2 hours +37°C 2 hours +37°C

This standard assay incorporates > 50% of the input radioactivity.ÿÿ

Inactivation of enzyme Add 2 µl 0.2 M EDTA and/or heat to +65°C for 10 minutes.ÿÿ+ For a complete overview, see References 8 and 9.

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1. Ausubel, F. M. et al. (1991) In: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 2. Brown, T. A. (1991) In: Molecular Biology LabFax. Bios Scientific Publishers, Academic Press. 3. Nucleic Acid Isolation and Purification Manual, Roche Applied Science. 4. PCR Application Manual, Roche Applied Science. 5. Polumuri, S. K. et al. (2002) BioTechniques 32, 1224-1225. 6. Technical Data Sheets, Roche Applied Science. 7. Rolfs, A. et al. (1992) PCR Clinical Diagnositcs and Research, New York: Springer Verlag. 8. Sambrook. J., Fritsch, E. J. and Maniatis, T. (1989) In: Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd edition.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 9. The DIG Application Manual for Filter Hybridization, Roche Applied Science. 10. DIG Product Selection Guide, Roche Applied Science. 11. Tools for Mapping and Cloning, Roche Applied Science. 12. Nonradioactive In Situ Hybridization Application Manual, Roche Applied Science.


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Working with ProteinsChapter 3

3.1. Precautions for Handling Proteins .............................. 853.2. Conversion from Nucleic Acids to Proteins ............. 913.3. Analyzing Proteins ............................................................. 943.4. Quantification of Proteins ............................................. 1003.5. Purifying Proteins ............................................................. 1043.6. References ......................................................................... 112

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Precautions for Handling Proteins3.1.

Avoiding degradation of proteins

For successful isolation or purification of proteins from biological ÿÿ extracts, include protease inhibitors throughout the procedure.Proteases are ubiquitous and difficult to separate from proteins.ÿÿAs a general rule, assume that proteases are present; inhibit early and ÿÿ inhibit often (for more detailed information, refer to page 83 and/or Reference 1).

Avoiding dephosphorylation of proteins

The regulation of many biological processes and pathways is accomplished ÿÿby the formation and cleavage of phosphate esters.The phosphorylation of proteins is carefully balanced by an interplay of ÿÿprotein kinases and phosphatases.Phosphatases are ubiquitous.ÿÿA preservation of the phosphorylation pattern is important to get an ÿÿaccu rate view about general or specific phosphorylation status (for more detailed information, refer to page 84).

Storage of proteins

Aliquot protein solutions and store at different temperatures and in ÿÿ different buffer systems. Test activity of the protein to find the most optimal storage condition.Refrigeration, with the appropriate stabilization reagent, is often sufficient ÿÿto maintain the biological activity of proteins.

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Working with Proteins3 85

For protein solutions in glycerol (50%, v/v) or suspensions in ammonium ÿÿsulfate (3.2 M), freezing should be avoided because of the cold denaturation effect.Ice crystals can cause physical shearing and denaturation of proteins. ÿÿAvoid repeated freezing and thawing of enzyme solutions. If the enzyme is ÿÿto be stored frozen, store it in small portions.Shock freezing of proteins in liquid nitrogen and long-term storage can be ÿÿperformed after addition of 10 – 20% glycerol.

Manipulation of proteins

Always keep the protein sample on ice during experiments.ÿÿUse a fresh pipette tip for each sample that has to be removed from the ÿÿ parent vial.Never return unused material to the parent vial.ÿÿAlways wear gloves to prevent contamination with other proteins and ÿÿ proteases.Avoid vigorous vortexing and pipetting of protein solutions to minimize ÿÿdenaturation.Avoid dust forming during the experiment – dust contains approximately ÿÿ60% ceratines (approximately 60 kDa).Always work with small quantities in small volumes to avoid contamina-ÿÿtion, and work as quickly as possible.

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3.1. Precautions for Handling ProteinsInhibition of protease activity

Proteases are ubiquitous in all living cells. At the time of cell lysis, proteasesare released and can quickly degrade any proteins in the extract. During iso lation and purification, proteolytic damage can affect functionality and reduce yields of protein. To get complete protection against a multitude of proteases, different protease inhibitors are needed.

cOmplete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail Tablets* eliminate the time-con-ÿÿsuming search for the right protease inhibitors.cOmplete tablets inhibit proteolytic activity in extracts from almost any ÿÿtissue or cell type, including animals, plants, yeast, bacteria, and fungi (for examp les, see non-toxic cOmplete tablets inhibit a multitude of protease classes, ÿÿincluding serine proteases, cysteine proteases, and metalloproteases.cOmplete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail Tablets, EDTA-free*, maintain the ÿÿstability of metal-dependent proteins and effectiveness of purification techniques (i.e., IMAC [immo bilized metal affinity chromatography] for isolation of Poly-His-tagged proteins).

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: cOmplete (Cat. No. 04 693 116 001, Pack size 20 tablets (each for 50 ml)); cOmplete, EDTA-free (Cat. No. 04 693 132 001, Pack size 20 tablets (each for 50 ml).

For other pack sizes and more information, visit: www.roche­applied­

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Working with Proteins3 86

3.1. Precautions for Handling Proteins Inhibition of protease activity (see Reference 1)

Protease Inhibitor Tablets

Serine Proteasesa

Cysteine Proteasesb

Aspartic Proteasesd


Inhibition of

cOmplete ULTRA Tablets*

cOmplete ULTRA Tablets, ETDA­free*

Individual Protease Inhibitors

Antipain Dihydrochloride Papain, Trypsin,Plasmin


Bestatin Aminopeptidases

Calpain Inhibitor l Calpain I,Calpain II

Protease Inhibitor Selection Guide

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3.1. Precautions for Handling ProteinsInhibition of protease activity (continued)

a) Contains serine and histidine in the active center

b) Contains cysteine (thiol, SH-) in the active center

c) Contains aspartic (acidic) group in the active center

d) Contains metal ions (e.g., Zn2+, Ca2+, Mn2+) in the active center

* When extractions or single-step isolations are necessary in the acidic

pH range, include Pepstatin along with cOmplete Tablets to ensure

aspartic (acid) protease inhibition.† Inhibits serine and cysteine proteases with trypsin-like specificity.

Individual Protease Inhibitors

Chymostatin Chymotrypsin




Pefabloc® SC

Pefabloc® SC PLUS



Trypsin Inhibitors(chicken egg white, soybean)


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Working with Proteins3 87

Mammalian Cells Bacteria Insect Cells

Cell lysis reagents with cOmplete ULTRA Tablet including EDTA

cOmplete Lysis-M (04 719 956 001)

Cell lysis reagents with cOmplete ULTRA Tablet without EDTA

cOmplete Lysis-M, EDTA-free (04 719 964 001)

cOmplete Lysis-B (2x), EDTA-free (04 719 948 001)

cOmplete Lysis-B (2x), EDTA-free (04 719 948 001)

3.1. Precautions for Handling ProteinsInhibition of protease activity (continued)

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3.1. Precautions for Handling ProteinsInhibition of phosphatase activity

The phosphorylation states can be the difference between an active and an inactive protein. To avoid changing these states during protein purification or analysis, individual phosphatase inhibitors or a co*cktail against a broad range of phophatases can be used.

PhosSTOP Phosphatase Inhibitor co*cktail Tablets* eliminate the time-ÿÿcon suming search for the right phosphatase inhibitors. PhosSTOP inhibitor protects phosphorylated protein(s) against dephos-ÿÿphorylation. It shows an effective inhibition of a broad spectrum of phosphatases such as acid and alkaline phosphatases, serine/threonine phosphatase classes (e.g., PP1, PP2A and PP2B), tyrosine phosphatase (PTP), and dual-specificity phosphatases.The tablets inhibit phosphatases in a variety of sample materials including ÿÿmammalian, insect, or plant cells. PhosSTOP inhibitor is also well-suited for buffers containing formalin for the formalin-fixation of paraffin- embedded (FFPE) tissue sections.The non-toxic PhosSTOP tablets are easy to use and can be combined with ÿÿcOmplete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail Tablets to simultaneously protect pro teins against dephosphorylation and proteolytic degradation.

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Working with Proteins3 88

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Cat. No. 04 906 845 001 Pack size10 tablets (for 10 ml each), Cat. No. 04 906 837 001 Pack size 20 tablets (for 10 ml each).

For more information, visit: www.roche­applied­

Effectively inhibit a broad range of phosphatases with a single PhosSTOP Tablet. After 15 minutes incubation (1 tablet per 10 ml), the inhibitory efficiency of PhosSTOP inhibitor was evaluated for alkaline (AP) and acid (SP) phosphatases, as well as for serine/threonine (PPI and PP2A), and tyrosine protein phosphatases (PTP).

PhosSTOP inhibitor delivers more effective phosphatase inhibition than other suppliers' liquid phosphatase inhibitor co*cktails in lysates from the A431 human cancer cell line.S1 = Supplier S Phosphatase Inhibitor co*cktail 1S2 = Supplier S Phosphatase Inhibitor co*cktail 2C4 = Supplier C Phosphatase Inhibitor co*cktail 4AP = Alkaline PhosphataseSP = Acid PhosphatasePTP = Protein Tyrosine PhosphatasesPP1, PP2A, and PP2B = Serine/Threonine Phosphatases

Phosphatases Units (U/10 ml) % Inhibition

Calf alkaline phosphatase 140 U 98.4%

Potato acidic phosphatase 2 U 93.7%

Human acidic phosphatase 640 U 99.5%

Rabbit PP1 200 U 98.6%

Human PP2A 500 U 94.4%

Human PTP 500 U 96.7%

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3.1. Precautions for Handling Proteins Stabilization

General Low molecular weight substances such as glycerol or sucrose can help ÿÿstabilize proteins. However, care has to be taken when choosing these reagents since ÿÿthey can alter the activity of the protein of interest; for example, sucrose and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are good stabilizers for invertase, but have denaturing effects on lysozyme.

Addition of salts Certain salts (anions and cations) can significantly stabilize proteins in ÿÿ solution. Effectiveness of the stabilization effect of ions ÿÿ(according to Hofmeister, see Reference 12):


4N+ > NH

4+> K+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Ba2+


2– > Cl– > Br– > NO3

– > ClO4

– > SCN–

Note that the widely used stabilization reagent ammonium sulfate ÿÿ contains two of the most effective stabilizing ions: NH

44+ and SO


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Working with Proteins3 89

Addition of proteins Highly diluted protein solutions are generally unstable. ÿÿIf rapid concentration is not possible, other proteins (ÿÿ e.g., BSA, up to ~1%) may be added to stabilize the sample.

Addition of osmolytes Poly-alcohols, mono- and polysaccharides, neutral polymers, and amino ÿÿacids are not strongly charged and may not affect enzyme activity. Typical concentrations for poly-alcohols and sugars are 10–40% (w/v). ÿÿUse non-reducing sugars or corresponding sugar alcohols (ÿÿ e.g., glycerol, xylitol) to avoid inactivation of proteins by reaction between amino groups and reducing sugars.Polymers (ÿÿ e.g., PEG) in a concentration range of 1–15% increase the viscosity of single-phase solvents and help prevent aggregation. Amino acids without charge (glycine and alanine) can act as stabilizers ÿÿin a concentration range of 20 to 500 mM. Related compounds such as -amino butyric acid (GABA) and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) can also be used in a range of 20 to 500 mM.

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3.1. Precautions for Handling Proteins Stabilization (continued)

Addition of substrates and specific ligands

Addition of specific substrates, cofactors, or competitive inhibitors to ÿÿ purified proteins often results in good stabilizing effects. The protein adopts a more tightly folded conformation, thereby reducing the tendency to unfold and rendering it less susceptible to proteolytic degradation. Note that dialysis may be necessary to avoid carryover effects of the ÿÿ substrate or inhibitor when the protein is removed from storage for use in particular situations where maximal activity is desired.

Addition of reducing agents

Metal ions activate molecular oxygen and, as a result, the oxidation ÿÿof thiol groups of cysteine residues.Complexation of these metal ions with EDTA (for example) leads to ÿÿstabilization of proteins.Destructive oxidative reactions of thiol groups of cysteine can also ÿÿbe prevented by adding reducing agents such as β-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol.

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βÿÿ -Mercaptoethanol (β-ME): Add l β-ME to a final concentration of 5–20 mM and keep – if possible – solution under anaerobic conditions (e.g., via an inert gas). β-ME can form disulfide bridges with thiol groups of proteins, leading to aggregation and/or inactivation. At pH 6.5 and +20°C, the half-life of β-ME is more than 100 hours. At pH 8.5 and +20°C, the half-life decreases to 4 hours.

Dithiothreitol (DTT):ÿÿDTT is effective at lower concentrations ranging from 0.5–1 mM. l

The concentration should not exceed 1 mM, because it can act as a denaturant at higher concentrations and is not soluble in high salt. Oxidation of DTT forms internal disulfide bridges, resulting in deactivation, but does not interfere with protein molecules. At pH 6.5 and +20°C, the half-life of DTT is 40 hours. At pH 8.5 and +20°C, the half-life decreases to 1.4 hours.

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Conversion from Nucleic Acids to Proteins3.2. Principle of protein biosynthesis (see Reference 2)

Since there are 43 = 64 possible nucleotide triplets, but only 20 amino acids plus some stop codons, most amino acids are encoded by several nucleotide triplets (synonyms, at maximum 6 in the cases of Arg, Leu, and Ser). Most variants occur in the 3rd position of the code (“wobble hypothesis”). The code is therefore called degenerate. The relationship between triplets and encoded amino acids is shown in the figure on the next page.

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Working with Proteins3 91

3.2. Conversion from Nucleic Acids to Proteins The genetic code (see Reference 2)

The triplet sequence is read from the center outwards. The mRNA nucleotide terminology is shown. For DNA nucleotide sequences, replace U with T. Basic amino acids are shown in blue, acidic amino acids in red, neutral amino acids in black, and amino acids with uncharged, polar residues in orange.

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Although the code has been assumed to be universal among living species, several exceptions in mitochondria have been found. Furthermore, in mycoplasma, UGA codes for Trp, while in some ciliated protozoa, the normal “stop” codons UAG and UAA specify Gln, and UGA specifies Cys instead.

Codon differences in mitochondria: Codons with special functions:

UGA AUA CU(A,C,G,U) AG(A,G) CGG Start Codons Stop Codons

General code Stop Ile Leu Arg Arg

General code

AUG (codes also for Met) UAG, UAA, UGA (amber, ochre, opal)


Eukarya AUG (codes also for Met), CUG (rare), ACG (rare), GUG (rare)


Mammals Trp Met/start

Stop Bacteria AUG, GUG, UUG (rare) UAG, UAA, UGA

Drosophila Trp Met/start

Ser (AGA only)

Mito - chondria

AUA (codes also for Met), AUG

AGA, AGG (mammals)

Protozoa Trp

Higher plants Trp

S . cerevisiae Trp Met/start


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3.2. Conversion from Nucleic Acids to Proteins Characteristics of amino acidsAmino Acid Symbol MW (in Da) Side Group Genetic CodeAlanine A – Ala 89 -CH3 GCU GCC GCA GCGArginine R – Arg 174 -(CH2)3-NH-CNH-NH2 CGU CGC CGA CGG AGA AGGAsparagine N – Asn 132 -CH2-CONH2 AAU AACAspartic acid D – Asp 133 -CH2-COOH GAU GACCysteine C – Cys 121 -CH2-SH UGU UGCGlutamine Q – Gln 146 -CH2-CH2-CONH2 CAA CAGGlutamic acid E – Glu 147 -CH2-CH2-COOH GAA GAGGlycine G – Gly 75 -H GGU GGC GGA GGGHistidine H – His 155 -C3N2H3 CAU CACIsoleucine I – Ile 131 -CH(CH3)-CH2-CH3 AUU AUC AUALeucine L – Leu 131 -CH2-CH(CH3)2 CUU CUC CUA CUG UUA UUGLysine K – Lys 146 -(CH2)4-NH2 AAA AAGMethionine M – Met 149 -CH2-CH2-S-CH3 AUGPhenylalanine F – Phe 165 -CH2-C6H5 UUU UUCProline P – Pro 115 -C3H6 CCU CCC CCA CCGSerine S – Ser 105 -CH2-OH UCU UCC UCA UCG AGU AGCThreonine T – Thr 119 -CH(CH3)-OH ACU ACC ACA ACGTryptophan W – Trp 204 -C8NH5 UGGTyrosine Y – Tyr 181 -CH2-C6H4-OH UAU UACValine V – Val 117 -CH-(CH3)2 GUU GUC GUA GUG

Basic amino acids are shown in blue, acidic amino acids in red, neutral amino acids in black, and amino acids with uncharged, polar residues in yellow. Average molecular weight of amino acid: 110 Daltons.

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3.2. Conversion from Nucleic Acids to Proteins Codon usage

Rarest codons (from E. coli) preferred by selected organisms:

Codon frequencies are expressed as codons used per 1,000 codons encountered. A complete compilation of codon usage of the sequences placed in the gene bank database can be found at frequencies of more than 15 codons/1,000 codons are shown in bold to help identify a codon bias that may cause problems for high level expression in E. coli. The arginine codons AGG and AGA are recognized by the same tRNA (product of argU gene), and should therefore be combined. However, regardless of the origin of the coding region of interest, each gene should be addressed individually.

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Working with Proteins3 93







Escherichia coli 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.3

hom*o sapiens 11.0 11.3 6.1 6.5 6.9 20.3

Drosophila melanogaster 4.7 5.7 7.6 7.2 8.3 18.6

Caenorhabditis elegans 3.8 15.6 11.5 7.9 9.8 4.3

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 21.3 9.3 3.0 13.4 17.8 6.8

Plasmodium falciparum 26.6 20.2 0.5 15.2 33.2 8.5

Clostridium pasteurianum 2.4 32.8 0.8 6.0 52.5 1.0

Thermus aquaticus 13.7 1.4 1.4 3.2 2.0 43.0

Arabidopsis thaliana 10.9 18.4 6.0 9.8 12.6 5.2

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% Acrylamide**

6% 8% 10% 12% 15%

Range of separation of proteins

200 kDa

100 kDa

90 kDa

80 kDa

70 kDa

60 kDa

50 kDa

40 kDa

30 kDa

20 kDa

10 kDa

0 kDa

* Glycine buffer** Molar ratio of acrylamide:bisacrylamide is 29:1.

Refer to Chapter 5 “Preparing Buffers and Media” when preparing denaturing SDS-PAGE gels.

Analyzing Proteins3.3. Separation ranges of proteins in denaturing SDS-PAGE*

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Sizes of commonly used markers in denaturing SDS-PAGE

Marker Molecular weight (in kDa)

Myosin heavy chain (rabbit muscle) 205

β-Galactosidase (E . coli ) 116

Phosphorylase b (rabbit muscle) 97.4

Fructose 6 phosphate kinase (rabbit muscle) 85.2

Bovine Serum Albumin 66.2

Glutamate dehydrogenase (bovine liver) 55.6

Aldolase (rabbit muscle) 39.2

Triose phosphate isomerase (rabbit muscle) 26.6

Trypsin inhibitor (hen egg white) 28.0

Trypsin inhibitor (soybean) 20.1

Lysozyme (hen egg white) 14.3

Cytochrome c (horse heart) 12.5

Aprotinin 6.5

Insulin chain B 3.4

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3.3. Analyzing Proteins Staining of proteins on denaturing SDS-PAGE gels

Method Detection Limit

Coomassie Brilliant Blue R 250 staining – standard method

300 – 1,000 ng per band

Coomassie Brilliant Blue R 250 staining – maximal sensitivity

50 – 100 ng per band

Silver staining – neutral silver staining

1 – 10 ng per band

Silver staining – ammonium silver staining

1 – 10 ng per band

Copper staining 10 – 100 ng per band for 0.5 mm gels 1,000 ng per band for 1 mm gels

Staining with colloidal gold 3 ng per band

Staining with SYPRO fluorescent dyes 1 – 2 ng per band

Refer to “Harlow and Lane: Antibodies, a Laboratory Manual, page 649 – 654” when preparing dyes.

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Working with Proteins3 95

Staining and detection of proteins on membranes*

Staining Destaining Immunodetection

Method Detection Limit NC Nylon PVDF NC PVDF NC PVDF

Amido black ~ 2,000 ng C D C D D F FPonceau S 1,000 – 2,000 ng C D C C C C CCoomassie Blue R 250

500 – 1,000 ng F D C

D300 – 500 ng C C C

India ink 10 – 20 ng C D C D D D DColloidal gold 3 ng C D C D D

NC = nitrocellulosePVDF = polyvinylidene difluoride* Product available from Roche Applied Science: PVDF Western Blotting Membranes, Cat. No. 03 010 040 001 (1 roll).

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3.3. Analyzing Proteins Buffer exchange via gel filtration

Matrix Material pH Stability (in aqueous buffer)

Separation Range in kDa (for globular proteins)


G – 25 Dextran 2 – 10 1 – 5

G – 50 1.5 – 30

G – 75 3 – 80


6B Agarose 3 – 13 10 – 4,000

4B 60 – 20,000

2B 70 – 40,000


30 Agarose/dextran 3 – 12 0 – 10

75 3 – 70

200 10 – 600


S – 100HR Dextran/bisacrylamide 3 – 11 1 – 100

S – 200HR 5 – 250

S – 300HR 10 – 1,500


P – 2 Polyacrylamide 2 – 10 0.1 – 1.8

P – 4 0.8 – 4

P – 10 1.5 – 20

P – 60 3 – 60

P – 100 5 – 100

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Working with Proteins3 96

Properties of commonly used detergents: definitions (see Reference 3)

Definitions The MWCO (ÿÿ Molecular Weight Cut Off) is the minimum molecular weight of a molecule that will be retained by the membrane of the dialysis tubes.

Critical micellar concentration (CMC) (in mM)

The minimum concentration at which detergents begin to form micelles. ÿÿIn practice, the CMC is the maximum concentration of detergent ÿÿ monomers that can exist in H


The CMC of a detergent may be changed by pH, temperature, and the ÿÿionic strength of the solution.The CMC affects the dialysis of a non-ionic detergent. A detergent with a ÿÿhigh CMC (and no ionic charge) is readily removed from detergent- protein complexes by dialysis, whereas a detergent with a low CMC dialyzes away very slowly.

Monomeric molecular weight (MMW) (in Da)

Molecular weight of the detergent in its monomeric form.ÿÿ

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3.3. Analyzing Proteins Properties of commonly used detergents: definitions (continued)

Micellar molecular weight (MMr) (in Da)

The average size of 1 micelle of a detergent (AuS). ÿÿAuS = MMW x aggregation number (= average number of monomers in one micelle).In general, a detergent with a low CMC will have a high micellar ÿÿmolecular weight, while a detergent with a high CMC will have a low micellar molecular weight.

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Working with Proteins3 97

Characteristics of detergentsDetergent CMC MMW MMr Working

ConcentrationEase of



SDS* (Sodium dodecylsulfate) 8.3 288.4 18,000 > 10 mg per mg protein D

Good denaturing agent for proteins. Ideal for PAGE.

DOC (Deoxycholic acid) 1 – 4 416.6 4,200 0.1 – 10 mg membrane lipid F

Solubilization of membrane proteins.


CCHAPS* (3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate)

4 614.9 6,150 6.5 – 13 mM Solubilization of membrane proteins.


Nonidet. P-40* [Ethylphenolpoly (ethyleneglycolether)n]

0.25 606.6 (n = 11)

90,000 1–10 mM DProtein solubilization

n-Octylglucoside* 14.5 292.4 46 mM

CMild, non-denaturing detergent for the solubilization and reconstitution of membrane proteins. Easily removed via dialysis.

Sucrose monolaurate 0.2 524.6 0.2% – 5% (w/v) D

Gentle solubilization and stabilization of membrane proteins.

Triton X-100* [Octylphenolpoly (ethyleneglycol ether)n]

0.2 647 (n = 10)

90,000 13.5 DSolubilization of proteins and PAGE.

Tween 20* [Poly(oxyethylene)n sorbitan-monolaurate]

0.06 1228 (n = 20)

> 10 mg/mg membrane lipid D

Used for ELISA and immunoblots.

* Products available from Roche Applied Science.

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3.3. Analyzing Proteins Removal of detergents

Removal of detergents from protein solutions depends on three different variables:The physical properties of the detergentÿÿThe characteristics (ÿÿ e.g., hydrophobic/hydrophilic) of the proteinThe components of the buffer systemÿÿ

Ionic detergents Add urea to 8 M, then bind detergent to an ion-exchange column. ÿÿThe protein will flow through in 8 M urea, then dialyze to remove urea.Gel filtration via a G-25 column. For some proteins, the column should ÿÿbe equilibrated in another detergent below its CMC.For ionic detergents with a relatively low micellar size and low CMC, ÿÿdilute the sample as much as possible and dialyze. Add a mixed-bed resin to the dialysate to increase the exchange rate.

Non­ionic detergents Gel filtration via a G-200 column.ÿÿDilute the sample and dialyze against deoxycholate, then remove ÿÿ deoxycholate by dialysis.Velocity sedimentation into sucrose without detergent.ÿÿBind protein to an affinity matrix or ion-exchange column, wash ÿÿto remove detergent, and elute protein. For some proteins, the column should be equilibrated in another detergent below its CMC.

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Ammonium sulfate precipitation

Amounts of ammonium sulfate (in g/l solution) to change the concentration of a solution from an initial percentage of saturation to a desired target percentage saturation at 0°C:

Target Percentage SaturationInitial Percentage Saturation 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

0 106 134 164 194 226 258 291 326 361 398 436 476 516 559 603 650 6975 79 108 137 166 197 229 262 296 331 368 405 444 484 526 570 615 66210 53 81 109 139 169 200 233 266 301 337 374 412 452 493 536 581 62715 26 54 82 111 141 172 204 237 271 306 343 381 420 460 503 547 59220 27 55 83 113 143 175 207 241 276 312 349 387 427 469 512 55725 27 56 84 115 146 179 211 245 280 317 355 395 436 478 52230 28 56 86 117 148 181 214 249 285 323 362 402 445 48835 28 57 87 118 151 184 218 254 291 329 369 410 45340 29 58 89 120 153 187 222 258 296 335 376 41845 29 59 90 123 156 190 226 263 302 342 38350 30 60 92 125 159 194 230 268 308 34855 30 61 93 127 161 197 235 273 31360 31 62 95 129 164 201 239 27965 31 63 97 132 168 205 24470 32 65 99 134 171 20975 32 66 101 137 17480 33 67 103 13985 34 68 10590 34 7095 35

Add – step by step – small portions of the required amount of ammonium sulfate, allowing each portion to dissolve before the next portion is added. This will prevent accumulation of undesirable high local salt concentrations.

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3.3. Analyzing Proteins Other precipitation techniques

Trichloroacetic acid (> 5 µg/ml)

Add equal volume of 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to the sample and vortex.ÿÿPlace on ice for 20 minutes or at – 20°C for 15 minutes.ÿÿCentrifuge for 5 minutes at 6,000 – 10,000 x ÿÿ g.Remove the supernatant.ÿÿResuspend the pellet with 0.1 M NaOH or wash the pellet with an ethanol/ÿÿether (1/1) solution and resuspend the pellet in a buffer solution.

Acetone precipitation (< 1 µg/ml)

Add 5 volumes of cold (–20°C) acetone to the sample and vortex.ÿÿLeave for 30 minutes at –20°C.ÿÿCentrifuge for 5 minutes at 6,000 – 10,000 x ÿÿ g.Remove the supernatant and let the pellet air dry.ÿÿResuspend the pellet in buffer.ÿÿ

Chloroform­methanol precipitation (∼1 µg/ml)

Add 3 volumes of methanol and 1 volume of chloroform to the ÿÿsample and vortex.Add 3 volumes Hÿÿ

2O, vortex for ~1 minute.

Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 6,000 – 10,000 x ÿÿ g and discard the upper phase.Add 3 volumes of methanol and vortex.ÿÿCentrifuge for 5 minutes at 6,000 – 10,000 x ÿÿ g.Remove the supernatant and let pellet air dry.ÿÿResuspend the dry pellet in buffer.ÿÿ

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Pure protein solutions Read the absorbance of the protein solution versus a suitable control (solvent blank) at 280 nm or 205 nm. A rough approximation for proteins is:

Samples with absorbance > 2.0 should be diluted in the appropriate solvent to obtain absorbances < 2.0.

1 A280 Unit of proteins = 1 mg/ml (for ranges of protein concentrations from 20 to 3,000 μg/ml)

Typical A280 values for 1 mg/ml protein are:


0.70 1.35 1.20

Protein concentration (in mg/ml) = A205/31 (for ranges of protein concentrations from 1–100 μg/ml)

Protein solutions contaminated with nucleic acids

Read the absorbance versus a suitable control (e .g ., buffer blank) at 280 nm and 260 nm or 280 nm and 205 nm. Calculate the approximate concentration using one of the following equations:

(nucleic acid content up to 20% w/v or A280/A260 < 0.6)

Protein concentration (in mg/ml) = (1.55 x A280) – (0.76 x A260)

Protein concentration (in mg/ml) = A205/(27 + A280/A205)

Molar conversions for proteins Protein/DNA conversions (1 kb of DNA encodes 333 amino acids = 3.7 x 104 Da)

100 pmol protein μg protein Protein DNA

10 kDa 1 10 kDa 270 bp

30 kDa 3 30 kDa 810 bp

100 kDa 10 100 KDa 2.7 kbp

Quantification of Proteins3.4. OD measurement

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Lowry method Reagent A: ÿÿDissolve 10 g Na l


3 in 500 ml H

2O. Dissolve 0.5 g CuSO

4 – 5H


and 1 g Na-tartrate in 500 ml of H2O. Add the Na


3 solution slowly

to the copper/tartrate solution on a magnetic stirrer. This solution can be stored at +2 to +8°C for one year. l

Before usage: Reagent Aÿÿ activated

Combine one volume of the reagent A with 2 volumes of 5% SDS l

and 1 volume of 0.8 M NaOH.This solution is stable at room temperature for 2 weeks. l

Reagent B:ÿÿCombine 1 volume of 2 N Folin-Ciocalteau Phenol reagent with l

5 volumes H2O.

This solution is stable for several months in a dark bottle at room l

temperature.Prepare samples of 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 µg/ml BSA in Hÿÿ

2O. Add 1 ml of

reagent Aactivated

, mix and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.Add 0.5 ml of Reagent B, mix immediately, and incubate at room tempera-ÿÿture for 30 minutes.Read absorbance at 750 nm, prepare a linear standard curve, and calculate ÿÿconcentration.

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3.4. Quantification of Proteins Assays (continued)

Bicinchoninic acid method

Reagent A and Reagent B are commercially available.ÿÿMix 1 volume of Reagent A to 50 volumes of Reagent B.ÿÿPrepare samples of 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 µg/100 µl of BSA.ÿÿAdd 2 ml of the combined reagent to each sample and incubate for ÿÿ30 minutes at +37°C.Read the samples versus an appropriate blank at 562 nm.ÿÿPrepare a linear standard curve and calculate concentration.ÿÿ

Bradford method Dissolve 100 mg Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250 in 50 ml 95% ethanol. ÿÿAdd 100 ml concentrated phosphoric acid. Add H

2O to a final volume of

200 ml. The Bradford dye concentrate is stable for 6 months at +2 to +8°C.Prepare samples of 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 µg/100 µl in the same buffer ÿÿ solution as your protein sample.Dilute the Bradford dye concentrate 5 x with Hÿÿ

2O. Filter if precipitation

occurs.Add 5 ml of the diluted dye to each sample. The red dye will turn blue ÿÿwhen binding to the protein. Allow color to develop for at least 5 minutes, but not longer than 30 minutes.Read the absorbance at 595 nm, prepare a linear standard curve, and ÿÿcalculate concentration.

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Working with Proteins3 101

Biuret method Biuret Reagent: ÿÿDissolve 1.5 g CuSO l

4 – 5H

2O and 6 g sodium potassium tartrate in

500 ml of water. Add 300 ml 10% (w/v) NaOH and make up to 1 liter with H l


Store in a plastic container in the dark. This solution will keep l

indefinitely if 1 g of potassium iodide is added to inhibit the reduction of copper.

Prepare samples with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mg of BSA. Add 2.5 ml of ÿÿBiuret reagent. Allow to react for 30 minutes.Measure absorbance at 540 nm against a blank containing 0.5 ml of sample ÿÿbuffer plus 2.5 ml of Biuret reagent.Prepare a linear standard curve and calculate concentration.ÿÿ

Note that this test has a low sensitivity range (1 – 6 mg protein/ml).

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3.4. Quantification of Proteins Concentration limits of interfering reagents for assays

Use this table to select the appropriate wavelength, depending on the contents of your buffer:

Reagents A205 A280 Reagents A205 A280

Ammonium sulfate 9% (w/v) > 50% (w/v) NaOH 25 mM > 1 M

Brij 35 1% (v/v) 1% (v/v) Phosphate buffer 50 mM 100 mM

DTT 0.1 mM 3 mM SDS 0.1% (w/v) 0.1% (w/v)

EDTA 0.2 mM 30 mM Sucrose 0.5 M 2 M

Glycerol 5% (v/v) 40% (v/v) Tris buffer 40 mM 0.5 M

KCl 50 mM 100 mM Triton X-100 < 0.01% (v/v) 0.02% (v/v)

β-ME <10 mM 10 mm TCA < 1% (w/v) 10% (w/v)

NaCl 0.6 M > 1 M Urea < 0.1 M > 1 M

DTT: dithiothreitol EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid β-ME: β-mercaptoethanol SDS: sodium dodecylsulfate TCA: trichloroacetic acid

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Working with Proteins3 102

Compatibility of different buffer systems with protein quantification assays

BCA Lowry Bradford BCA Lowry Bradford


For more information on pH buffering ranges, see Chapter 5.1, page 150.

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3.4. Quantification of Proteins Compatibility of different buffer systems with protein quantification assays (continued)

Abbreviations ACES (N-(2-Acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid)ÿÿADA (N-(2-Acetamido)(2-iminodiacetic acid)ÿÿBES (N,N-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid)ÿÿBicine (N,N-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-glycine)ÿÿBis-Tris (bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-iminotris-(hydroxymethyl)-methane)ÿÿCAPS (3-Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid)ÿÿCHES (2-(N-Cyclo-hexylamine)-ethanesulfonic acid)ÿÿDIPSO (3-N,N-Bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-amino-2-hydroxypropanesulÿÿ fonic acid)HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid)ÿÿHEPPS (4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-1-propanesulfonic acid)ÿÿHEPPSO (4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-1(2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid)ÿÿMES (2- Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid)ÿÿMOPS (3-Morpholinopropanesulfonic acid)ÿÿMOPSO (3-Morpholino-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid)ÿÿPIPES (Piperazine-1, 4-bis-(2-ethanesulfoic acid)ÿÿPOPSO (Piperazine-1, 4-bis-(2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid))ÿÿTAPS (N-[Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl]-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid)ÿÿTAPSO (N-[Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl]-3-amino-2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid)ÿÿTES (N-[Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl]-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid)ÿÿTricin (N-[Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl]-glycine)ÿÿ

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Purifying Proteins3.5. Characteristics of different expression systems

CharacteristicsE. coli Yeast Mammalian

CellsInsect Cells

Expression of toxic proteins D D D DExpression from PCR templates D D D DProteolytic cleavage§ F F C CGlycosylation D F C FSecretion F C C CFolding F F C CPhosphorylation D F C FPercentage yield (dry weight) 1 – 5% 1% < 1% 30%

Labeling D D D D§ inhibited by, for example, cOmplete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail Tablets

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Working with Proteins3 104

Sources of antibodies

Source Type Quantity of Total Antibody

Quantity of Specific Antibody

Contaminating Antibodies

Purity of Specific Antibody


Serum Poly- clonal

10 mg/ml < 1 mg /ml Other serum antibodies

10% (except for antigen affinity column)

Antigen-affinity purification procedure

Culture supernatant with 10% FCS

Mono -clonal

1 mg/ml 0.01 – 0.05 mg/ml Background from calf serum

> 95%, no cross-reaction high quality

Purification with protein A or G columns+

Culture supernatant with serum-free medium

Mono -clonal

0.05 mg/ml 0.05 mg/ml None > 95%, no cross-reaction high quality

Purification with protein A or G columns+

Ascites Mono -clonal

1 – 10 mg/ml 0.9 – 9 mg/ml Background from mouse antibodies

Max. 90%, cross-reactions possible

Antigen affinity purification procedure

+ not recommended for IgM

Product available from Roche Applied Science: Protein A Agarose (Cat. No. 11 719 408 001 → 2 ml; Cat. No. 11 134 515 001 → 5 ml; Cat. No. 05 015 979 001 → 15 ml) Protein G Agarose (Cat. No. 11 719 416 001 → 2 ml; Cat. No.11 243 233 001 → 5 ml; Cat. No. 05 015 952 001 → 15 ml).

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Choices of animals for immunization

Animal Maximal Amount of Serum+

Possibility to Generate Monoclonal Antibodies

Inbred Comments

Rabbit ~500 ml D D Best choice for polyclonal antibodies

Mice ~2 ml C C Best choice for monoclonal antibodies

Rat ~20 ml C C Good choice for monoclonal antibodies

Hamster ~20 ml D D Good choice for polyclonal antibodies

Guinea Pig ~30 ml D D Hard to bleed

Chicken ~20 ml/egg D D Antibodies are available during entire life of chicken

+ during the course of one immunization regime

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Doses of immunogens for rabbits

Type of Antigen Examples Routes of Injections Dose

Soluble proteins ÿ Enzymesÿ Carrier proteins conjugated with peptidesÿ Immune complexes

ÿ Subcutaneousÿ Intramuscularÿ Intradermalÿ Intravenous

50 – 1,000 μg

Particulate proteins ÿ Viruses (killed)ÿ Yeast (killed)ÿ Bacteria (killed)ÿ Structural proteins

ÿ Subcutaneousÿ Intramuscularÿ Intradermal

50 – 1,000 μg

Insoluble proteins ÿ Bacterially produced from inclusion bodiesÿ Immunopurified proteins bound to beads

ÿ Subcutaneousÿ Intramuscularÿ Intradermal

50 – 1,000 μg

Carbohydrates ÿ Polysaccharidesÿ Glycoproteins

ÿ Subcutaneousÿ Intramuscularÿ Intradermalÿ Intravenous

50 – 1,000 μg

Nucleic acids ÿ Carrier proteins conjugated to nucleic acids ÿ Subcutaneousÿ Intramuscularÿ Intradermalÿ Intravenous

50 – 1,000 μg

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Working with Proteins3 106

Routes of injections for rabbits

Routes Maximum Volume Adjuvant Immunogen Comments

Subcutaneous 800 μl per site, 10 sites per animal

Possible Soluble or insoluble Easy injections

Intramuscular 500 μl Possible Soluble or insoluble Slow release

Intradermal 100 μl per site, 40 sites per animal

Possible Soluble or insoluble Injections more difficult, slow release

Intravenous 1,000 μl No Soluble, ionic detergent < 0.2%Non-ionic detergent < 0.5%Salt < 0.3 MUrea < 1 M

Not effective for primary immunizations

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Purifying antibodies using Protein A*, Protein G*, and Protein L

Use this table to select the appropriate product to purify antibodies from solutions:

Organism Antibody Protein A Protein G Protein L Organism Antibody Protein A Protein G Protein LHuman IgG1 ++ ++ ++ Rat IgG1 – + ++

IgG2 ++ ++ ++ IgG2a – ++ ++

IgG3 – ++ ++ IgG2b – + ++

IgG4 ++ ++ ++ IgG2c + ++ ++

IgM + – ++ Rabbit IgG ++ ++ +

IgA + – ++ Horse IgG + ++ –

IgE – – ++ Pig IgG ++ ++ ++

IgD – – ++ Sheep IgG1 – ++ –

Fab + + ++ IgG2 +/- ++ –

F(ab)2 + + ++ Goat IgG ++ ++ –

k light chain – – ++ Chicken IgY – – ++

scFv + – ++ Cow IgG1 – ++ –

Mouse IgG1 + ++ ++ IgG2 ++ ++ –

IgG2a ++ ++ ++++ = strong binding+ = moderate binding– = no binding

IgG2b ++ ++ ++

IgG3 – + ++

IgM + – ++

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Protein A Agarose (Cat. No. 11 719 408 001 → 2 ml; Cat. No. 11 134 515 001 → 5 ml; Cat. No. 05 015 979 001 → 15 ml) Protein G Agarose (Cat. No. 11 719 416 001 → 2 ml; Cat. No.11 243 233 001 → 5 ml; Cat. No. 05 015 952 001 → 15 ml).

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Working with Proteins3 107


Cell preparation Wash cells/tissue at least twice with ice-cold PBS to remove remaining ÿÿ serum proteins from the culture medium.A sample volume of 1 to 3 ml per immunoprecipitation reaction is ÿÿ recommended.

Cell lysis Composition of 1ÿÿ lysis buffer:50 mM Tris, pH 7.5; 150 mM NaCl l

1% Nonidet P40 l *; 0.5% sodium deoxycholate1 cOmplete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail Tablet l * per 25 to 50 ml buffer

Stability of lysis buffer: ÿÿStable for 24 hours at +2 to +8°C l

Stable – in aliquots – for at least 4 weeks at – 20°C l

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Nonidet P40 (Cat. No. 11 332 473 001); cOmplete (e .g ., Cat. No. 04 693 116 001, see Refer-ence 14 for additional information).

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Immunoprecipitation (continued)

Note In rare cases, aspartic acid proteases can interfere during isolations in ÿÿ animal tissues. However, these proteases only exhibit pronounced activities in the acid pH range. If extractions have to be performed at these pH values, it is recommended to add pepstatin* to the above lysis buffer at a concentration of 0.7 µg/ml. Detergents are essential for breaking up the cells and keeping proteins ÿÿin a soluble state. In most cases, the detergents included in the above mentioned lysis buffer are suitable. However, for some antigens, more sophisticated solubilization protocols may be applied when the protein has to be obtained in a functionally active state.

Wash buffers Low-salt wash buffer: ÿÿSame buffer as lysis buffer l

High-salt wash buffer (1x concentrated):ÿÿ50 mM Tris, pH 7.5 l

500 mM NaCl l

0.1% Nonidet P40 l

0.05% sodium deoxycholate l

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Stability of wash buffers: ÿÿStable for 24 hours at +2 to +8°C l

Stable in aliquots for at least 4 weeks at –15 to –25°C l

Add 20% glycerol to these wash buffers if solutions need to be stored ÿÿat –15 to –25°C.Note: ÿÿ The tighter the binding between antibody and antigen, the more stringent the washing conditions should be. The washing buffers described are used if low stringency conditions are appropriate. If higher stringency is required, increase salt concentrations and ionic strength by using 0.5 M NaCl or 0.5 M LiCl in the first wash. Additionally, 0.1% SDS may be applied during cell lysis and the first two washes.

Tips Keep temperature during the whole procedure between 0 and +4°C to help ÿÿreduce enzymatic degradation.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science: Pepstatin (Cat. No. 10 253 286 001 → 2 mg; Cat. No. 11 359 053 001 → 10 mg; Cat. No. 11 524 488 001 → 50 mg).

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Ion exchange chromatography

Principle Ion exchange chromatography depends on the reversible absorption of ÿÿcharged solute biomolecules to immobilized ion exchange groups.Every soluble biomolecule will have a specific interaction with ÿÿthe resin, depending on its charge under the chosen pH and counterion- conditions.These conditions have to be established experimentally to find the optimal ÿÿproportions to elute the molecule of interest from the resin. Neutralizing the ionic interactions with counterions such as salts or by changing the pH desorbs the molecule from the resin.

Types There exist two types of ion exchange groups:ÿÿAnion exchangers with the charged groups l

Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE, weak anion exchanger) and Quaternary ammonium (Q, strong anion exchanger)Cation exchangers with the charged groups l

Carboxymethyl (CM, weak cation exchanger) and Sulphopropyl (SP, strong cation exchanger)

Strong ion exchangers are more stable in their behavior under different ÿÿpH conditions.

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Working with Proteins3 109

These groups are coupled to a broad variety of immobile phases that define ÿÿthe ligand density and the physical and chemical properties of the resin.For a more comprehensive overview of the different types of commercially ÿÿavailable products, see References 4, 7, 9, and 10, and the product specifica-tions of the different manufacturers of columns and media.

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Ion exchange chromatography: experimental setup

An easy experiment for establishing chromatographic conditions for proteins:

1. Adjust the pH of the sample in 0.5 pH steps between pH 6 and pH 9.

2. Incubate 20 µl of the sample with 10 µl chromatographic resin, equilibrated at the same pH and buffer conditions, for 10 minutes at an appropriate temperature with careful mixing.

3. Spin down the chromatographic resin in a desktop centrifuge.

4. Test the supernatant for the protein in comparison to the load, and measure the total content of the supernatant.

5. Choose the pH at which the protein of interest binds to the resin (nothing in the supernatant) and most of the total protein is in the supernatant, and test under which counterion conditions the protein will no longer bind to the resin.

6. Adjust the counterion (e.g., KCl or NaCl) concentration of the sample in 50 mM steps between 100 mM and 1 M.

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7. Incubate 20 µl of the sample with 10 µl chromatographic resin, equilibrated to the same counterion concentration of the sample, for 10 minutes at an appropriate temperature with careful mixing.

8. Spin down the chromatographic resin in a desktop centrifuge.

9. Test the supernatant for your protein in comparison to the load, and measure the total content of the supernatant.

10. These tests should be performed with different ion-exchangers to find the most optimal resin. You can also use the obtained information to find conditions where most contaminants bind, but the protein of interest remains unbound. However, the binding and elution from a resin is more desir-able because it yields concentrated protein.

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3.5. Purifying Proteins Tagging

Tag Size Remarks/ Sequence Host CleavageDetection via Western blot ting

Immunoprecipita tionImmunoaffinity purification


AviTag 15 aa Mono-biotinylation of proteins via the AviTag sequence/GLNDIFEAQKIEWHE

Mammalian cells Bacterial cells Insect cells Yeast

None Streptavidin-POD* Streptavidin Mutein Matrix*

Streptavidin Mutein Matrix* Lowered biotin dis sociation constant (1.3x10-7M) allows elution of bioti nylated proteins

Avidin-Fluorescein or Avidin-Rhodamine

Flag 8 aa Synthetic peptide Sequence: DYKDDDDK

Mammalian cellsBacterial cellsYeast

Enterokinase Anti-Flag Anti-Flag Anti-Flag agrose affinity gels

Anti-Flag with seconda ry antibody

β-gal 120 kDa

β-galacto sidase Mammalian cellsBacterial cells

Factor Xa Anti-β-gal Anti-β-gal APTG- Agarose Anti-β-gal with secondary antibody

GFP 27 kDa

Green fluorescent protein

Mammalian cells None Anti-GFP* Anti-GFP* Anti-GFP* Direct green fluo rescence of fused proteins or Anti-GFP with secondary antibody

GST 26 kDa

Glutathione-S- transferase

Bacterial cellsInsect cells

Thrombin Fac tor Xa

Anti-GST GST- Agarose Beads

Glutathione agarose beads

Anti-GST with seconda ry antibody

HA 9 aa Peptide of human influ enza virus Sequence: YPYDVPDYA

Mammalian cells Bacterial cells

None Anti-HA*Anti-HA High Affinity*Anti-HA Biotin*Anti-HA Biotin High Affinity*Anti-HA POD*Anti-HA POD High Affinity*

Anti-HA*, Anti-HA Affinity Matrix* Anti-HA High Affinity*

Anti-HA*, Anti-HA Affinity Matrix*

Anti-HA- Biotin*, Fluorescein* or Anti-HA Fluorescein, High Affinity*, Anti-HA-Rhodamine

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Working with Proteins3 111

Tag Size Remarks/ Sequence Host CleavageDetection via Western blot ting

Immunoprecipita tionImmunoaffinity purification


His6 or His10

6 aa or 10 aa

Polyhistidine binds metal ligand (affinity chromatography)

Mammalian cells Bacterial cells Yeast Insect cells

Thrombin entero kinase

Anti-His6-POD*Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)*

Anti-His6*Anti-His6 (2)*

Poly-His- Protein Pu rification-KitcOmplete His-Taq Purification Resin*

Anti-His6 (2)*

Intein 55 kDa Protein splicing element from the Yeast VMA 1 gene

Bacterial cells Mediated self-cleavage

Anti-Intein Anti-Intein Chitin-beads Anti-Intein with secondary antibody

MBP 44 kDa Maltose bind ing protein

Bacterial cells Factor Xa Anti-MBP Amylose Resin

c-myc 10 aa Human c-myc protein Sequence: EQKLISEEDL

Mammalian cellsBacterial cells

None Anti-c-myc*Anti-c-myc POD*

Anti-c-myc* Anti-c-myc* Anti-c-myc with secondary antibody

Protein C 12 aa Ca2+ dependent binding of Anti-Protein C antibodySequence: EDQVDPRLIDGK

Mammalian cells Bacterial cells

None Anti-Protein C-POD Anti-Protein C, Anti-Protein C Affinity Matrix*

Anti-Protein C, Anti-Protein C Affinity Matrix*

Anti-Protein C with secondary antibody

VSV-G 11 aa Vesicular Stomatitis Vi rus Sequence: YTDIEMNRLGK

Mammalian cells Bacterial cells

None Anti-VSV-G-POD Anti-VSV-G* Anti-VSV-G* Anti-VSV-G with secondary antibody

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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1. The Complete Guide for Protease Inhibition, Roche Applied Science. 2. Michal, G. (2006) Biochemical Pathways: An Atlas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Spektrum Verlag,

Heidelberg. 3. Biochemica Information (1994), Roche Applied Science. 4. Doonan, S. (1998) Protein Purification Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. 5. Harlow, E. and Lane, D. (1988) Antibodies, a Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 6. Brown, T. A. (1991) In: Molecular Biology LabFax. Bios Scientific Publishers, Academic Press. 7. Sambrook. J., Fritsch, E. J. and Maniatis, T. (1989) In: Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd edition. Cold

Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 8. Technical Data Sheets , Roche Applied Science. 9. Harris et al. (1990) Protein Purification Applications, a practical approach, IRL Press. 10. Wheelwright, S. (1991) Protein Purification, Hanser Publishers. 11. Hofmeister, F. (1888) Arch. Exp. Path. Pharmakol. 24, 247 – 260.


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Working with CellsChapter 4

4.1 Handling of Cells .............................................................. 1134.2. Basic Information ............................................................. 1194.3. Manipulating Cells .......................................................... 1254.4. Analyzing Cells based on Multi-Parameter Cell Counting ..................................................................... 1354.5. Flow Cytometry ................................................................. 1394.6. Analyzing Cells on Molecular Level .......................... 1424.7. Real-Time Monitoring of Cells .................................... 1494.8 References ......................................................................... 151

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Handling of Cells4.1. Quality control

General Rapid and accurate assessment of cell quality is an important requirement ÿÿin many in vitro and in vivo studies.For adequate quality control, at least two of the following parameters ÿÿshould be determined: (1) cell proliferation, (2) cell viability, (3) metabolic activity. Depending on the experimental situation, these parameters can be mea-ÿÿsured using molecular assays (see Chapter 4.6, page 147), or on the level of the whole cell by measuring cell density (cell counting) and cell integrity based on the permeability of the cell membrane (see Chapter 4.4, page 135).Additional parameters that address the metabolic state of cells include cell ÿÿsize, cell compactness, cell aggregation, and the amount of cell debris (see Chapter 4.4, page 135).

Cell viability This parameter defines the number of healthy cells in a cell culture. ÿÿWhether the cells are actively dividing or quiescent is not differentiated. The metabolic activity of viable cells can vary over a wide range.Cell viability assays are useful for determining optimal growth conditions ÿÿfor non-dividing cells, such as primary cells that have been isolated and maintained in culture.

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Methods for determining viable cell number use direct cell counting with a ÿÿhemocytometer, an automated cell analyzer using trypan blue staining, or electrical current exclusion (see Chapter 4.4, page 137). Alternatively, the release of internal cell components, such as LDH, can be measured (see Chapter 4.6, page 148).

Metabolic activity This parameter measures metabolic turnover in a cell culture. Cells must ÿÿbe viable to carry out metabolic activity. Whether the cells are actively dividing or just increasing their volume is not differentiated.Methods for determining metabolic activity usually measure mitochon-ÿÿdrial activity using the reduction of an exogenously provided tetrazolium compound (see Chapter 4.6, page 148).

Cell proliferation This parameter measures the increase in cell number in a cell culture due ÿÿto cell division. Dividing cells will also show high metabolic activity.Methods for determining cell proliferation include clonogenic assays ÿÿ(plating cells on a matrix), DNA synthesis measurements using 3H-thymi-dine or bromodeoxyuridine incorporation (see Chapter 4.6, page 148), as well as indirect methods, such as the measurement of cell cycle regulating proteins and growth curves generated by cell counting (see Chapter 4.4, page 135).

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General Optimize growth conditions of your cells: use only fresh media and ÿÿadditives, minimize variations, and control the quality of your cells by measuring cell density and cell viability on a regular basis (see Chapter 4.4, page 135).

Basic medium Various commercial media are available (ÿÿ e.g., RPMI 1640, DMEM). Medium constituents are nutrients (amino acids, glucose), vitamins, inor ganic salts, and buffer substances. Some constituents are quite unstable and therefore may cause problems when not freshly added. Many cells need additional factors for proper growth.

Fetal calf serum Serum is an extremely complex mixture of albumins, globulins, growth ÿÿpromoters, and growth inhibitors. The quantity and quality of these com ponents are affected by the age, nutrition, and health of the animals from which the serum is obtained. Serum is also subject to significant biological variation.

Additives Some cells are dependent on additional substances/components which are ÿÿneccessary for viability or dividing activity, such as growth factors, trace elements, essential metabolites, and proteins.

4.1. Handling of Cells Tissue culture reagents

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CO2 incubator Cells are grown at +37°C in a COÿÿ2-incubator at 100% relative humidity.

COÿÿ2 is needed to control pH.

Cell physiology is highly sensitive to pH variations. ÿÿSome media need a concentration of 5% COÿÿ

2, other media have to be run

at 10% CO2.

Inconsistent conditions within an incubator may cause variances between ÿÿculture plates. Pollution, chemicals, and fungal or bacterial contamination from the incuba-ÿÿtor may affect cell physiology.

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4.1. Handling of Cells Tissue culture reagents

Commonly used antibiotics in cell culture

Antibiotic Concentration a)Gram­positive



BacteriaMycoplasma Yeast Fungi


at +37°C

Ampicillin* 100 U/ml + + - - - 3 days

Amphotericin B 0.25 to 25 μg/ml - - - + + 3 days

Cabenicillin 100 U/ml + + - - - 3 days

Ciprofloxacin 10 μg/ml + 5 days

BM-Cyclin* (Pleuronutilin and Tetracycline derivatives)

10 μg/ml5 μg/ml

+ + + - - 3 days

Erythromycin 100 μg/ml + + + - - 3 days

Gentamicin 5 to 50 μg/ml + + + + - 3 days

Kanamycin* 100 μg/ml + + +/- - - 5 days

Lincomycin 50 μg/ml + - - - - 4 days

Neomycin 50 μg/ml + + - - - 5 days

Nystatin 100 U/ml - - - + + 3 days

Penicillin G* 50 to 100 U/ml + - - - - 3 days

Polymixin B 100 U/ml - + - - - 5 days

Streptomycin* 50 to 100 μg/ml + + - - - 5 days

a Two or more antibiotics at the suggested concentration may cause cytopathic effects* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Working with Cells 4 115

Decontamination of cell culture:

1) Dilute and seed cells into 96-well plate with antibiotic-free medium.ÿÿ2) Add antibiotic at different concentrations.ÿÿ3) Check survival rate at highest concentration of antibiotic.ÿÿ4) Reduce the concentration 1- to 2-times in future treatments.ÿÿ5) Cultivate the cells in medium without antibiotic.ÿÿ6) Repeat Steps 1 to 5 until the culture is free of contamination.ÿÿ

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4.1. Handling of Cells Growth areas and yields of cellsa in culture vessels

Cell Culture Vessel Growth Areab (cm2) Number of Cellsc

Multiwell plates

96-well 0.32 – 0.6 ~ 4 x 104

48-well 1 ~ 1 x 105

24-well 2 ~ 2.5 x 105

12-well 4 ~ 5 x 105

6-well 9.5 ~ 1 x 106


Ø 35 mm 8 ~ 1 x 106

Ø 60 mm 21 ~ 2.5 x 106

Ø 100 mm 56 ~ 7 x 106

Ø 145 – 150 mm 145 ~ 2 x 107


40 – 50 ml 25 ~ 3 x 106

250 – 300 ml 75 ~ 1 x 107

650 – 750 ml 162 – 175 ~ 2 x 107

900 ml 225 ~ 3 x 107

a such as 3T3, Hela, or CHO cellsb per well, if multiwell plates are used; varies slightly depending on supplierc assuming confluent growth

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Working with Cells 4 116

4.1. Handling of Cells Trypsinization of adherently growing cells

Adherently growing cells attach themselves to the surface of the culture plate and each other. This is made possible by surface proteins acting as bridges. To dissociate cells from the culture flasks or dishes and each other, these protein bridges must be broken.

Trypsin is a digestive enzyme, able to break the protein connections between cells and culture surfaces. “Trypsinization” is used for passaging cells and to obtain a suspension for further analysis (e.g., cell counting). To increase trypsin efficiency, EDTA is added, reducing the incubation time required by dissociating Ca2+-bridges.

Recommended solution: 0.05% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA in PBS.

General method: Remove media from the flask or dish.ÿÿRinse remaining adherent cells with pre-heated (+37°C) PBS solution.ÿÿAdd trypsin/EDTA. ÿÿIncubate for 3 – 5 minutes at +37°C.ÿÿDetach cell layer by tapping the surface of the flask. ÿÿ

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4.1. Handling of Cells Trypsinization of adherently growing cells

Add 2 volumes of serum-containing media to the flask or dish to stop ÿÿtrypsinization.Dissociate cells by pipetting the suspension gently up and down.ÿÿTransfer cells into a centrifuge tube.ÿÿCentrifuge at 500 x ÿÿ g for 5 – 10 minutes.Remove supernatant carefully using a pipette.ÿÿRe-suspend the cells in an appropriate cell culture media.ÿÿ

Note: Varying the procedure, especially the incubation time, can affect the quality of the separated cells. Each cell line may require slightly different conditions to achieve best results.

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Working with Cells 4 117

IntroductionMycoplasma is a common and serious contamination of cell cultures, and one of the major problems in biological research using cultured cells. It has been shown that on average, 30% (variation from 5% to 85%) of cell cultures are contaminated with mycoplasma, the main contaminants being the species M. orale, M. laidlawaii, M. arginii, and M. hyorhinis.

It is important to keep in mind that mycoplasma do not always reveal their presence with macroscopic alterations of the cells or medium. Many mycoplasma contaminants, particularly in continuous cell lines, grow slowly and do not destroy host cells. They are able, however, to affect various parameters (e.g., changes in metabolism, growth, viability, morphology) and thus can interfere with experiments in cell culture. Therefore, routine, periodic assays are required to detect possible contamination of cell cultures. This is particularly important with continuous or established cell lines.

The major sources of mycoplasma contamination are:Cells purchased from outsideÿÿPeople handling cellsÿÿSerum, medium, and additivesÿÿLiquid nitrogenÿÿ

Mycoplasma contamination

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4.1. Handling of Cells Mycoplasma contamination

Indications for mycoplasma contamination

Symptom Cause Recommendation+

Cells not adhering to culture vessel Mycoplasma contamination Segregate culture and test for mycoplasma infection. Clean fume hood and incubator.

Overlay trypsinized cells

No attachment factors in medium

Decreased growth of culture Mycoplasma contamination Segregate culture and test for mycoplasma infection. Clean fume hood and incubator.

Low level bacterial or fungal contamination

Depletion, absence, or breakdown of essen tial growth-promoting components

Inproper storage of reagents

Very low initial cell inoculum

+ Note that the recommendation is identical no matter what the symptom is.

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Suspension cells clumping together Mycoplasma contamination Segregate culture and test for mycoplasma infection. Clean fume hood and incubator.

Presence of calcium and magnesium ions

Cell lysis and release of DNA resulting from overdigestion with proteolytic enzymes.

Detection of mycoplasma contamination

Overview of different assays

Assay Sensitivity Specifity

DNA staining with DAPI* +/- +/-

DNA-RNA hybridization + +

ELISA** +/- +

PCR + +

Culture +/- +/-

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4.1. Handling of Cells Detection of mycoplasma contamination

Assay Principle

DAPI* (4‘,6-diamide-2‘-phenylindole dihydrochloride)

DAPI is a fluorescent dye that specifically stains double-stranded DNA.

Culture Combination of direct mycoplasma cultivation in aerobic and anaerobic conditions. A species-specific assay should follow the isolation.

ELISA** Determination of each species is done separately.

PCR Use multiplex PCR for the most common mycoplasma strains.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science** Product available from Roche Applied Science: Mycoplasma PCR ELISA (Cat. No. 11 663 925 910)

Elimination of mycoplasma in cell cultureBM-Cyclin*: 5–10 µg/ml mediumÿÿGentamicin: 50 µg/ml mediumÿÿCiprofloxacin: 10 µg/ml mediumÿÿ

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Working with Cells 4 119

Basic Information4.2. Typical properties of bacterial cells

Domain Bacteria

Kingdom Bacteria

Nucleus no (common term: prokarya)

Genomecircular, approximately 106 to 5 x 107 kb,extra plasmids

RNA polymerase one type

Starting amino acid for translation


Reproduction binary scission

Cellular organization

unicellular (some are aggregated)

Nutritionchemoorganotrophic, photoautotrophic, or photoheterotrophic

Size of cells average 1 – 5 μm, wide variation

Cell membranes rigid, contain peptidoglycans (murein)

Internal membranes noAfter Campbell, N.A.: Biology 4/e. Benjamin/Cummings 1996.

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4.2. Basic Information Typical properties of plant cells

Domain Eukarya

Kingdom Plantae

Nucleus yes

Genomelinear, 107 to > 1011 kb,organized in several chromosomes

RNA polymerase several types

Starting amino acid for translation


Reproduction asexual/sexual

Cellular organization


Nutrition photoautotrophic

Size of cells average 10 – 100 μm, wide variation

Cell membranes rigid, contain cellulose and lignin

Internal membranes yes, enclosing organelles/vesicles

After Campbell, N.A.: Biology 4/e. Benjamin/Cummings 1996.

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Working with Cells 4 120

Domain Eukarya

Kingdom Animalia

Nucleus yes

Genomelinear, 107 to > 1011 kb,organized in several chromosomes

RNA polymerase several types

Starting amino acid for translation


Reproduction asexual/sexual

Cellular organization


Nutrition chemoheterotrophic

Size of cells average 10 – 100 μm, wide variation

Cell membranes soft, lipid bilayer only

Internal membranes yes, enclosing organelles/vesicles

After Campbell, N.A.: Biology 4/e. Benjamin/Cummings 1996.

Typical properties of animal cells

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4.2. Basic Information Nucleic acid and protein content of a bacterial cella

Cell Data Per Cell Per Liter Culture (109 cells/ml)

Wet weight 950 fg 950 mg

Dry weight 280 fg 280 mg

Total protein 155 fg 155 mg

Total genomic DNA 17 fg 17 mg

Total RNA 100 fg 100 mg

Volume 1.15 μm3 = 1 picoliter

Intracellular protein concentration 135 μg/ml

Theoretical maximum yield for a 1-liter culture (109 cells/ml) of protein of interest is:0.1% of total protein: 155 µg per literÿÿ2.0% of total protein: 3 mg per literÿÿ50.0% of total protein: 77 mg per literÿÿ

a values for Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium

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Working with Cells 4 121

Nucleic acid content in mammalian cells

Nucleic acid content in a typical human cell RNA distribution in a typical mammalian cell

Cell Data Per Cell RNA Species Relative Amount

Total DNA ~ 6 pg rRNA (28S, 18S, 5S) 80 – 85%

Total RNA ~ 10 – 30 pg tRNAs, snRNAs 15 – 20%

Proportion of total RNA in nucleus ~ 14% mRNAs 1 – 5%

DNA:RNA in nucleus ~ 2 : 1

Human genome size (haploid) 3.3 x 109

Coding sequences/genomic DNA 3%

Number of genes 0.5 – 1 x 105

Active genes 1.5 x 104

mRNA molecules 2 x 105 – 1 x 106

Average size of mRNA molecule 1,900 b

Different mRNA species 1 – 3 x 104

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4.2. Basic Information Nucleic acid and protein content in human blood+

Data Erythrocytes Leukocytes Thrombocytes

Function O2/CO2 transport Immune response Wound healing

Cells per ml 5 x 109 4 – 7 x 106 3 – 4 x 108

DNA content – 30 – 60 μg/ml (6 pg/cell) –

RNA content – 1 – 5 μg/ml –

Hemoglobin content ~ 150 mg/ml (30 pg/cell) – –

Plasma protein content – – 60 – 80 mg/ml

+ From a healthy individual

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4.2. Basic Information Cell cycle

G1 phasegrowth phase

G2 phaserepair andpreparation phase

S phaseDNA synthesis


M phasemitosis

G0 phaseresting state,dividing activitycompletely halted

Cytokinesiscontractile rings,furrowing organelledivide

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Working with Cells 4 123


condensation,centriole duplication

Prometaphasenuclear envelope


Telophasecontractile ringformation


Metaphasespindle formation,

chromosomes alignat equator

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4.2. Basic Information Arresting cells

Synchronization of mammalian somatic cells

Production of Synchronized Cells in Cell Cycle Phase

Method Inhibition Reversibility of Block

Suitable for

G0Depriviation of serum from medium

Protein synthesis + Fibroblasts

Late G1L-mimosine Formation of hyposunine

from lysine+/- CHO cells, HL-60

Early S Hydroxyureathymidine

Synthesis of dNTPs +/- Transformed human cells

G/S Aphidicolin DNA polymerase + Human fibroblastsTransformed humancells

G2 Topoisomerase II Topoisomerase II inhibitors

+ Transformed humancells

M Nocodazole(followed by shake-off)

Depolymerization of microtubuli

+ Human fibroblasts Transformed humancells

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Manipulating Cells4.3. Transfection of mammalian cells

Ca2+ Liposomal Transfection Transduction Electroporation Microinjection

Principle Calcium phosphate / DNA aggregates are transferred through the cell membrane

DNA / lipophilic agent complexes are transferred through the membrane

Reagent cou pled to a “translocation peptide”

A high-voltage pulse is used to open the membrane of the cells

Injection directly into the nucleus or cytoplasm using micro glass capillaries

Use for DNA C C C C CUse for RNA D C C C CUse for peptides D C C C CUse for antibodies D C F C CCells Eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells


Eukaryotic cells

Costs for equipment/ reagents

Low / low Low / medium Medium High / low High / medium

Efficiency Low Medium - high Low - high Medium - high Very high

Remarks Inefficient but simple, high volumes possible

Purity of DNA is important

Trends in Cell Biology 10 (2000)290–295.Nature Biotechnology 19 (2001), 360–364.

Standard method for many bacteria, sur vival rate is critical for eukaryotic cells

Non-random method, comparably fewer cells can be used, method of choice for antibodies

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Working with Cells 4 125

Transfection of mammalian cells (continued)

General Several well etablished methods for delivery of molecules exist, especially nucleic ÿÿacids into eukaryotic cells. However, no single technique alone is suitable for the multitude of different cellular systems used for transfection experiments. Depending on the cell type and the specific experimental require ments, such as the transfection of difficult cell lines, primary cells, easy cell lines, different molecules (DNA, RNA, oligonucleotides, proteins), or even high throughput purposes, each transfer method may possess advantages or disad vantages.Keep an eye on your cells: meaÿÿ sure cell density and cell viability (see Chapter 4.4, page 135) to make sure that they are in good condition. Set a suitable plating protocol for optimal cell density from start to end of transfection.

Dividing versus non­dividing cells

Dividing cells tend to be more accessible for uptake and expression of ÿÿforeign DNA compared to quiescent cells. Mitogenic stimuli (e.g., virus transformation, growth factors, conditioned media, feeder cells) are often used to activate primary cells.

Adherent versus suspension cells

Transfection efficiencies differ by orders of magnitude between adherent ÿÿand suspension cells. It is speculated that the limiting step is the uptake by endocytosis. However, a plausible mechanistic explanation on molecular level does not exist so far. Therefore, the search for more efficient trans-fection reagents is mainly empirical.

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Transfection of mammalian cells (continued)

Splitting protocol Before splitting, adherent cells have to be trypsinized (see page 116) in ÿÿorder to remove them from the substrate. This routine step causes a severe obstruction of normal cellular functions. Differences in the splitting protocol (e.g., extension of trypsinization, inactivation of trypsin, time until transfection starts) could have an impact on the efficiency of transfection experiments.

Passage number Cell lines tend to be unstable. Therefore, features may change with time in ÿÿculture. The passage number indicates how often a cell line has been split (normally within one lab). The exact passage number untill the line has been established is unknown in most cases.Different culture conditions could lead to clonal selection. Cell lines with ÿÿthe same name could therefore differ significantly with respect to physiol-ogy and morphology (and transfectability).

Cell number (grade of confluency)

Cell lines divide exponentially when there is space on the substrate (tissue ÿÿculture dish). Growth rate is negatively affected by cell density (contact inhibition), depletion of nutrients or metabolic endproducts (e.g., pH). The extent of reporter gene expression is directly correlated with cell number at transfection start and growth rate until cell lysis.

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Working with Cells 4 126

DNA influences on transfection

General Control your vector. Check the quality of your purified DNA and consider ÿÿsuitability of functional sequences for your special cellular system. Always use a control vector.ÿÿ

Vector integrity Functionality of a vector depends on the structural integrity of the plasmid ÿÿpreparation. Supercoiled form versus relaxed form, double strand breaks, degradation by nucleases, and physical stress during storage and handling can all influence transfection efficiency.

Vector preparation Vectors are produced in bacterial systems and purified according to ÿÿvarious protocols. Contaminants in the vector preparation (e.g., CsCl) may influence transfection efficiency.

Vector architecture (enhancer / promoter / cDNA / poly A signal)

Often, transfection systems are optimized and compared by the use of ÿÿcontrol vectors with strong viral regulatory elements (e.g., RSVa, CMVb, SV40c). However, the relative efficiency of viral promotor/enhancer systems can differ from cell line to cell line in a range of two orders of magnitude. In some cell lines expressing the large T antigen (e.g., COS), the SV40 system is highly efficient due to autonomous plasmid amplification. In many other cell lines, the CMV promoter is most efficient.

a Respiratory Syncitial Virus b Cytomegalovirus c Simian Virus 40

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Transfection protocol

General Establish a suitable transfection protocol. Start with the standard protocol ÿÿand optimize using variations in ratio and dose.

Preparation of trans­fection complex

It is a common feature of all transfection reagents that DNA is packed into ÿÿcompact, highly condensed particles. In this form, the DNA tends to be highly resistant to degradation by nucleases and inaccessible to interca-lating dyes. Variables like transfection reagent/DNA ratio, ionic strength, buffer/pH, DNA/lipid concentrations, and temperature affect the composi-tion and the functionality of the transfection complexes.

Transfection reagent / DNA ratio (charge ratio)

Transfection complexes are predominantly formed by charge interaction. ÿÿGenerally, in in vitro transfection experiments (cell lines, primary cells), complexes with a positive net charge seem to give highest expression rates. It has often been argued that positive complexes are more efficiently ad-sorbed to the negatively charged cell surface. On the other hand, in in vivo approaches, complexes with an excess of negative charges have proven to be most efficient.

Dose dependence Many transfection reagents show an optimum characteristic when the ÿÿamount of transfection complex is increased. The ascending part of the curve reflects the increasing amount of DNA transfected into the cells.

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Working with Cells 4 127

The declining part of the curve reflects the cytostatic (sometimes cytotox ic) ÿÿeffect of larger amounts of transfection complex on cells.

Application of transfec­tion complex

There are two alternative ways to apply the transfection complex to the cells. ÿÿEither the transfection complex is applied directly dropwise to the medium of the cultured cells, or the addition of the transfection complex is combined with a medium exchange and applied to the cells prediluted with medium during the medium exchange. The first option is more convenient. The latter option allows a more constant application, which avoids local toxic doses.

Transfection medium The medium present during the transfection affects transfection ÿÿefficiency in a positive or negative manner. This is true for different basic medium compositions and especially when calf serum has to be included. With a number of transfection reagents, the efficiency is reduced in the presence of FCS (fetal calf serum). Some companies provide optimized serum-free transfection media** to be used in combination with the trans-fection reagents. However, X-tremeGENE DNA Transfection Reagents* are effective in the presence or absence of serum.

* Available from Roche Applied Science.** Nutridoma-CS; -SP are also offered by Roche Applied Science.

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Time course of transfection

General Set up a suitable time course for your transfection experiment for optimal ÿÿexpression of your protein of interest.

Start of transfection 12 hours before transfection, split the cells into culture plates. At the ÿÿbeginning of transfection, the culture should be about 50% confluent, in order to nearly reach confluency at the end of the experiment. If serum is taken away during transfection, cells may arrest for some time. The uptake of transfection complex by cells takes place within a period of ÿÿhours (0.5 to 6 hours). The kinetic has a saturation characteristic, which means that after a certain point, no further increase in efficiency can be detected.

Medium exchange After the application of the transfection complex, the medium has to ÿÿbe replaced by normal growth medium. This step is absolutely essential if transfection has to be performed in the absence of FCS. With non-toxic transfection reagents* which work in the presence of serum (e.g., X-tremeGENE DNA Transfection Reagents*), this step could be eliminated, if there is enough medium for the following expression period.

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Time of analysis Reporter gene expression is analyzed 24 to 48 hours after the start of ÿÿtransfec tion. Within this period, there is a constant increase in concentration of reporter gene product. The best time for harvesting the cells mainly depends on the sensitivity of the reporter gene assay (strength of promoter) and the proliferation rate of the cells (for determination of cell density, see page 138, Electrical Current Exclusion).

* Products available from Roche Applied Science; visit and bookmark www.x­

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The day before transfection, plate cells from exponential growth phase ÿÿ(1 – 4 x 105 cells/ml) into 12-well or 60 mm plates.

One hour before the precipitate is added, the medium should be changed ÿÿwith fresh medium.

A solution of 100 µl 2.5 M CaClÿÿ2 and up to 25 µg plasmid DNA is diluted

with low TE buffer (1 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 7.6) to a final volume of 1 ml.

One volume of this 2 x Caÿÿ 2+/DNA solution is added quickly to an equal volume of 2x HEPES solution (140 mM NaCl, 1.5 mM Na



50 mM HEPES, pH 7.05 at +23°C).

The cells are precipitated for 2 to 6 hours at +37°C (pH of 7.3 – 7.6).ÿÿ

After incubation, for some cell lines, for example, CHO cells, a “glycerol ÿÿshock” is advised. Cells are exposed to 20% glycerol in PBS. After 1 minute, the glycerol is removed by adding fresh medium, aspiration of the mixture, and replacement with fresh medium. If no “glycerol shock” is used, just replace with fresh medium.

For detailed information, see: Jordan M., Schallhorn A., and Wurm F.M., Transfecting mammalian cells: optimization of critical parameters affecting calcium-phosphate precipitate formation, Nucleic Acids Research, 24 (4) pp 596–601, 1996.

4.3. Manipulating Cells Calcium phosphate-DNA coprecipitation

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Working with Cells 4 129

Liposomal and non-liposomal transfection reagents

Transfection of siRNA oli gos for gene knockdown applications

X­tremeGENE siRNA Transfection Reagent

Proprietary blend of lipids and other components, filtered through a 0.2 μm pore size membrane and free of components derived from an imals. It enables the efficient transfection of a wide range of cell lines with low cytoxic side effects and siRNA- and cotransfection-based gene knockdown experiments. It also functions exceptionally well in the presence and absence of serum.

Transfection of plasmids and linear DNA fragments for cellular analysis, pro tein expression, and gene knockdown applications (using shRNA-expressing plasmids)

X­tremeGENE 9 and HP DNA Transfection Reagents

Next-generation proprietary non-liposomal reagent that is free of animal-derived components. As proven by many scientists, it combines minimal cytotoxic side effects with excellent transfection efficiency in many cell lines not transfected well by other reagents (e .g ., cell lines commonly used in oncology research, stem cells, and many other difficult-to-transfect cell lines). The reagent functions in serum-containing medium and requires a limited amount of handling steps (dilute plasmid DNA, mix with X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent, incubate, and pipet the complex directly to the cells).

For more information and a database of successfully transfected cells, consult www.x­

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Electroporation

Electroporation uses a transmembrane electric field pulse to induce ÿÿmicroscopic pathways (pores) in a biomembrane. All major manufactur ers of electroporation devices offer detailed protocols for many cell lines. Electroporation is not restricted to any substance. Almost any substance that can be dissolved or dispersed in water can be transferred into living cells. Two very different methods are used, long millisecond pulses and short mi crosecond pulses. The latter method is much more physiologically compatible.

The cells should be in the exponential growing phase before harvesting. ÿÿAdherent cells should not be more confluent than 70%.

Keep treatment of adherent cells with trypsin as short as possible (see page ÿÿ116, Trypsinization). Other wise, the membrane may be damaged. Dissolve the DNA in water or in low TE (1 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 7.6). EDTA inside the cell has very toxic effects.

After electroporation, the cell membrane is open. Handle cells with extreme ÿÿcare. Do no shake, and aspirate very slowly with a pipette.

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Working with Cells 4 130

Times and temperature are critical. Resealing of the holes in the membrane ÿÿoccurs after approximately 1 – 3 minutes at room temperature.

Note: Do not keep cells on ice, because after 30 minutes, the cells leak out and the ion gradient is destroyed.

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Electroporation

Calculating the required field strength for electroporation

A standard value for the required field strength can be calculated using the following formula:

Ec =


1.5 x a

Example:Cell radius a = 10 µm = 10 · 10-4 cmCritical breakdown voltage at room temperature V

c = 1 V [V

c (4°C) = 2 V]

Critical field strength Ec =

1 V

1.5 x 10 x 10-4 cm = 666



The voltage required for the multiporator can be calculated using the field strength (which has been cal culated) and the distance between the electrodes in the cuvette (d: distance between electrodes in cm):

V = Ec · d

Example for 2 mm cuvettes: 666 V

cm x 0.2 cm = 133


cm Suggestion for a test series:

1. Voltage applied: 130 V2. Voltage applied: 160 V3. Voltage applied: 200 V4. Additional voltage 240 V and in appropriate increments

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Working with Cells 4 131

Voltage profile







ge v


� = 30 µs Time [µs]

Voltage profile of Eppendorf Multiporator in mammalian transfection mode

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Microinjection

This physical method offers the best possible transfection efficiency, as the DNA is brought directly intothe cell nucleus. Cells are injected using an extremely fine glass capillary (e.g., Eppendorf Femtotips), which is filled with DNA, RNA, or any other liquid reagent. With the aid of a micromanipulator (e.g., Eppendorf Inject-Man), this glass capillary is moved into the cells and with the aid of a microinjector (e.g., Eppendorf FemtoJet). Pressure is applied to force the liquid into the cells.

Microinjection is the only non-random transfection method available. It has some unique advantages and limitations as well.

Advantages1. It is the only method where the user can actively decide which cells

should be transfected. 2. It is possible to inject directly into the nucleus or the cytoplasm of a cell.3. Cells remain in their cellular context; thus, intra- and extracellular signals

or transport processes can be analyzed.4. Co-transfection of different reagents is possible.5. The cells can be monitored in real time during the transfection process.6. In principle, any kind of cells or substances can be used for


Limitations1. The number of cells that can be analyzed is

limited. Using automatic microinjectors, a maxi mum of about 1,000 adherent cells per hour can be transfected. If suspension cells are used, this number is even lower.

2. The equipment is rather expensive.3. It takes time to be an expert with this technique.

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Working with Cells 4 132

Use of selection markers for stable cell lines

Seed cells at 25% confluence, and let the cells grow overnight.ÿÿAdd medium containing varying concentrations of selection reagent.ÿÿReplace the selection medium every 3 to 4 days. ÿÿDetermine the appropiate concentration of selection reagent.ÿÿ

Selection Reagent Concentration Cell Death After

Blasticidin 1 to 20 μg/ml 7 to 10 days

G-418* (Neomycin) 50 to 1,000 μg/ml 7 to 14 days

Hygromycin* 10 to 500 μg/ml 7 to 14 days

Zeocin 50 to 1,000 μg/ml 7 to 14 days

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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4.3. Manipulating Cells Overview of reporter gene assays

Reporter C D

Chemiluminescence ELISA Histology Western Blot








e (h









e (h









CAT Non-endoge-nous activity

Narrow linear range– – – 10 pg E* 4 C C 1 ng/band

b­gal Bio- and chemical assays

Endogeneous activity (mammalian cells)20 fg E* 1.5 – 2.5 10 pg E* 4 C C 1 ng/band

GFP Auto-fluores-cence

Requires post-translational modifications – – – – – – – –5 ng/band

hGH* Secreted protein Cell lines with defects in the secretary pathway

–– – 1 pg S* 4

– –1 ng/band

Luc High specific activity

Requires sub strate + O2 + ATP

5 fg –1 pg E* 0.5– – – – C –

SEAP Secreted protein Endogeneous activity in some cells and cell lines with defects in the secretary pathway

10 fg S* 1– – – – –

1 ng/band

* E = Extract * no cross reactivity with rat GH ** S = Supernatant

Reporter systems contribute to the study of eukaryotic gene expression and regulation by joining a promoter sequence to an early detectable “reporter” gene.Reporter systems are also used to check transfection efficiency.

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Reporter systems contribute to the study of eukaryotic gene expression and regulation by joining a promoter sequence to an early detectable “reporter” gene.

Reporter systems are also used to check transfection efficiency.

CAT* Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferaseb-Gal* b-GalactosidaseLuc* LuciferasehGH* Human Growth HormoneSEAP* Secreted Human Placental Alkaline PhosphataseGFP Green Fluorescent Protein

* Nonradioactive Reporter Gene Assays available from Roche Applied Science; visit www.roche­applied­

4.3. Manipulating Cells Overview of reporter gene assays

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Method/Detection Advantages Detection Range/SensitivityCAT ELISA ÿ ELISA determines total

ex pressed (active and inactive) CAT enzyme

ÿ Colorimetric, fluorescent, or chemiluminescent detection

ÿ Highly sensitive ÿ Master-lot standardization+ ÿ Anti-CAT-coated tubes and microplates

available for detectionÿ Optimized lysis buffer for dual reporter


50 pg/ml ( 10 pg/well)

CAT ELISA performed with various detection systems

b­Gal ELISA ÿÿELISA determines total ex pressed (active and inactive) b-Gal enzyme

ÿÿColorimetric, fluorescent, or chemiluminescent detection

ÿÿNonradioactive assay ÿÿMaster-lot standardization+

ÿÿSpecific for bacterial b-glactosidase ÿÿOptimized lysis buffer for dual reporter


30 pg/ml ( 6 pg/well)

b­Gal Staining Set ÿÿMeasures enzymatic activityÿÿHistochemical stain for

b-Gal expressing cells or tissue sections

ÿÿEasy to use. Mix reagents and apply to cells or tissue section

4.3. Manipulating Cells Overview of reporter gene assays

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Working with Cells 4 134

Method/Detection Advantages Detection Range/Sensitivity

b­Gal Reporter Gene Assay, chemiluminescent

ÿÿQuantify enzymatically active b-Gal

ÿ Galacton PlusTM Chemilu-minescent Substrate

ÿ Highly sensitive ÿ Measures only active enzyme ÿ Extended light emission (t1/2 Q 10 minutes)ÿ Optimized lysis buffer for dual reporter


20 fg to 20 ng

hGH ELISA(secreted human growth hormone)

ÿ ELISA for hGH secreted in culture medium

ÿ Measure total (active and in active) hGH

ÿ Colorimetric, fluorescent, or chemiluminescent detection

ÿ 20 times more sensitive than isotopic hGH assays

ÿ No cell lysis requiredÿ Study protein expression ki netics over

extended periodsÿ Master-lot standardization+

5 pg/ml ( 1 pg/well)

Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay, high sensitivity

ÿ Quantify enzymatically active luciferase D-Luciferin/ chemiluminescence

ÿ Produces a high intensity light emission (t1/2 Q 5 min)

ÿ Optimized lysis buffer for dual reporter genes assays

1 pg/ml to 1 μg/ml based on a sample volume of 10 μl

SEAP Reporter Gene Assay,chemiluminescent (secreted alkaline phosphatase)

ÿ Quantify enzymatically ac tive alkaline phosphatase in culture medium

ÿ CSPD Chemiluminescent Substrate

ÿ No cell lysis required ÿ Ex tended light emission (t1/2 Q 1 hour) ÿ Assay culture medium for reporter proteinÿ Study protein expression kinetics

10 fg to 1 ng in a 50-μl aliquot

+ Master-lot standardized controls and the provided lot-specific information enable direct comparison of data from different sets of experiments, even when kits from different production lots are used. As a result, you can compare results from assays run at different times.

All reporter gene assays listed are available from Roche Applied Science.

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Continuous cell quality control is required to guarantee reliable results with all types of experiments and processes using cell cultures. In addition to metabolic parameters, cell concentration and cell viability have proven to be important characteristics when optimizing cell proliferation and cell growth condi-tions.

These two cell culture parameters are required to:Achieve reproducible cell seeding ÿÿDefine the ideal time point to add fresh mediaÿÿPinpoint the ideal time point to start a cell culture experimentÿÿDetermine when it is best to harvest cellsÿÿ

Typically, cell characteristics are compared based on data determined for a collection of cells, and expressed as a value per individual cell. The reliability of such calculations about individual cells ultimately depends on the accuracy of the cell counting that has been performed.

Modern automated cell counters and analyzers, such as Cedex XS and CASY Systems, count cells using multi­parameter cellular analysis technology. In addition to cell concentration and cell viability, these systems measure (1) cell diameter, (2) cell compactness, and (3) cell volume. Importantly, they are also able to quantify (4) cell debris and the degree of (5) cell aggregation. This essential information provides significant additional insight into the metabolic state of the cells in culture.

Analyzing Cells based on Multi-Parameter Cell Counting 4.4.

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Working with Cells 4 135

Trypan blue is a diazo dye (C34




4) used to differentiate between dead and viable cells. Viable

cells have an intact plasma membrane that is impermeable to trypan blue. The dye is thus excluded by viable cells and they are not stained. In contrast, dead cells are leaky due to a permeable cell membrane, resulting in selective staining that is easily detected as blue colored cells using light microscopy.

For best results, prepare a 2 x 10ÿÿ 5 to 2 x 106 cells/ml suspension in PBS.For adherent cells, use trypsinization (see page 116) to dissociate cells.ÿÿSeparate cells as much as possible by pipetting them several times. ÿÿ

Caution: Large cell clusters will result in a significant underestimation of cell numbers!Transfer 10 to 100 µl of this cell suspension into a cup and gently mix it in the same volume of 0.2% ÿÿtrypan blue solution in saline or PBS.Incubate for 3 minutes at room temperature. ÿÿ

Caution: Incubation of the samples with trypan blue for more than 3 minutes may result in low viability readings!

Trypan blue dye exclusion

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Counting with hemocytometer (Neubauer chamber)

Thoroughly clean the counting chamber and cover it with a new coverslip.ÿÿWithdraw 10 µl stained cell suspension and load the chamber by applying ÿÿthe suspension to the slit between the base and the coverslip. The chamber fills by capillary action.Under a microscope, immediately count the number of viable and non-ÿÿviable (stained) cells in 4 large quadrants.Calculate the arithmetic mean of the 4 counted quadrants and multiply ÿÿthis value by 2 x 104 to obtain the concentration (cells/ml) in the unstained cell suspension as prepared above.Calculate Viability (%): Viable cell count / Total cell count x 100ÿÿ

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Working with Cells 4 136

Counting with Cedex XS Load 10 µl stained cell suspension into a free chamber of a Cedex Smart ÿÿSlide by applying the suspension to the slit at the side of the chamber. The chamber fills by capillary action.Put the slide on the systems sample tray, push it into the corresponding ÿÿposition, and start counting according to the systems operation guide.All results, including cell concentration, cell viability, cell diameter, and ÿÿcell compactness are displayed after 20 seconds and automatically stored in the Cedex database.

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ECE is based on the electrical sensing zone method (ISO 13319) for particle counting and recording of size distributions. To achieve label-free viability determination, this method is combined with digital pulse processing features. Cells are suspended in an isotonic buffer and aspirated through a high-precision measuring pore with a defined diameter and length. When a cell passes through the pore, an electrical signal is generated depending on the volume and state of the cell. Viable cells with an intact membrane exclude electrical current and are measured with respect to their true volume. Dead cells having a permeable cell mem-brane are measured with respect to the volume of their cell nucleus and can therefore be quantified as a separated peak in the size distribution analysis.

For best results, prepare a 1 x 10ÿÿ 5 to 2 x 107 cells/ml suspension in cell culture medium.For adherent cells, use trypsinization ÿÿ(see page 116) to dissociate cells. Separate cells as much as possible by ÿÿpipetting them several times.

4.4. Analyzing Cells based on Multi-Parameter Cell Counting Electrical current exclusion (ECE)

Dead cells have a membrane permeable to electrical current. They are measured by the size of their cell nucleus.

Viable cells have an intact membrane, excluding the electrical current. They are measured with their true cell volume.

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Working with Cells 4 137

Counting with the CASY System

Fill a CASY cup with 10 ml of CASY ton and add an aliquot of the cell ÿÿsuspension (5 - 100 µl) to obtain a measuring concentration of 1,000 – 20,000 cells/ml.Carefully mix the sample by securing the lid and inverting the CASY cup ÿÿthree times.

Caution: Avoid the formation of foam! Long-term cell storage in CASY ton may affect the results.ÿÿMake sure that the appropriate cell specific setup is loaded on the CASY ÿÿsystem.Place the CASY cup underneath the measuring capillary and start count-ÿÿing according to the systems operation guide.All results, including cell concentration, cell viability, size distribution, and ÿÿcell volume are displayed after 10 seconds and stored as individual mea-surement files.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 281 04.10.2011 17:44:32

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Manual Cell Counting by Hemocytometer

Automated Cell Counting byCedex XS

Automated Cell Counting byCASY System

Cell Types

Mammalian cells 3 3 3

Insect cells 3 3 3

Blood cells 3 n/a 3

Yeast 3 n/a 3

Algae 3 n/a 3

Pollen 3 n/a 3

Platelets With special counting chambers n/a 3

Sperm With special counting chambers n/a 3

Bacteria With special counting chambers n/a 3


Cell count 3 3 3

Cell viability 3

With the appropriate dyes3 3

Mammalian and insect cells, algae

Cell debris n/a n/a 3

Aggregation factor n/a n/a 3

Cell diameter n/a 3 3

Cell volume/biomass n/a n/a 3

Cell compactness n/a 3 n/a

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Working with Cells 4 138

Manual Cell Counting by Hemocytometer

Automated Cell Counting by Cedex XS

Automated Cell Counting by CASY System

Method of data assessment Light microscopy Digital image analysis Electrical sensing zone method

Method of viability measurement Trypan blue dye exclusion Trypan blue dye exclusion Electrical current exclusion (ECE) label-free, non-invasive

Typical number of counted cells affecting statistical reliability

40 – 400When evaluating 4 large quadrants

40 – 2,000 1,000 – 20,000

Typical concentration range 2 x 105 – 2 x 106 counts/ml 1 x 105 – 5 x 106 counts/ml 2 x 102 – 2 x 107 counts/ml

Typical sample volume 10 – 100 μl 10 – 100 μl 5 – 100 μl

Maximum cluster size that can be reliably measured

Up tot 5 Up to 10 Up to 500

Size resolution Depending on microscopeand objective

0.8 μm 0.003 – 0.3 μm Depending on system and settings

Time needed for sample preparation

3 min 3 min 30 sec

Time needed for measurement 1 min 20 sec 10 sec

Cell counting reproducibility (variation)

± 20%Even higher when comparing the

results of different users

± 10% ± 2%

Skill requirements / risk ofdifferent results by 2 individuals

High Low Low

Price equipment Very low Low Medium

Price consumables Low Medium Low

Typical number of samples/week Up to the user 5 – 100 20 – 1,000

Factors to consider Cytotoxicity of trypan blue Cytotoxicity of trypan blue Interference with particulate sample contaminations

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FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorting)

General Powerful technique used in flow cytometry to physically separate and ÿÿidentify specific types of cells from heterogeneous populations.

Procedure: Staining of surface proteins on intact cells

Sensitivity: +++ Duration: + Sensitivity: ++ Duration: ++ Sensitivity: + Duration: +++

Biotin­streptavidin enhancement Directly labeled 2nd antibody Directly labeled primary antibody

Harvest cells (5 x 105) per stain. For suspending adherent cells, first try EDTA, 2 mM in PBS, incubated at +37°C.Trypsin solutions might damage surface antigens and preclude their detection.

Wash cells once with FACS buffer.

Incubate with first antibody 30 minutes (1–10 μg/ml). Incubate with directly labeled antibody.

Wash cells with FACS buffer.

Add biotinylated 2nd antibody (1–10 μg/ml). Add labeled 2nd antibody, incubate 30 minutes.

Wash cells with FACS buffer.

Add streptavidin-linked fluorochrome (1–5 μg/ml) and incubate 15–30 minutes.

Wash, resuspend in FACS buffer, measure.

All incubations should be done on ice. Keep solutions in the dark after addition of the fluorochrome.

Flow Cytometry 4.5.

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Working with Cells 4 139

For discrimination of dead cells, propidium iodide (PI) or 7-aminoactin-ÿÿomycin-D (7-AAD) can be added in the final step.Propidium iodide (PI) and 7-aminoactinomycin-D (7-AAD) selectively ÿÿenter dead cells and lead to high fluorescence in FL3, allowing exclusion of those cells from analysis (dead cells may bind antibodies nonspecifically).


Control Type Parameter Controlled Influenced by

Cells only in FACS-Buffer Autofluorescence, used for setting up instrument

Cell type, cell treatment (some chemicals exhibit strong autofluorescence!); dead cells might exhibit stronger autofluorescence.

Omit first antibody (not for directly labeled) Controls nonspecific binding of secondary reagents

Immunoglobulin receptors on the cell surface (might bind secondary antibody)

Isotype control antibody instead of primary antibody

Controls specificity of staining for primary antibody

Secondary reagents might stick to dead (permeabilized) cells

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4.5. Flow Cytometry FACS


Name Measured Parameter

FSC (forward scatter) Size of cell

SSC (side scatter) Granularity of cell

FL 1–4 (fluorescence channel 1–4) Detection of antibodies, fluorescent proteins (e .g ., GFP), and DNA-binding molecules

1: Switch on FACS, check levels of sheath, waste etc. (ask operator).

2: With the unstained cells as sample, set up the following:

Set up dot plot view of FSC versus SSC adjust amplification levels so that bulk of cells is in window. ÿÿSet gate on population to be measured (see Figure 1 below).ÿÿSet up histogram view of fluorescence channel(s) to be measured. Adjust fluorescence level of ÿÿchannel(s) to be used, so that the bulk of the cells is in the first decade (see Figure 2 below).

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Working with Cells 4 140

Figure 1: ÿÿ FSC vs. SSC plot. Intact cells are located in the gate R1 (red). Dead cells and debris are in the gate R2 (green).

Figure 2: ÿÿ Overlay of measurements of population R1 from Figure1. Black: Autofluorescence. Blue: Isotype control antibody. Red: Specific antibody.

Figure 1 Figure 2

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4.5. Flow Cytometry FACS

Troubleshooting No signal/no cells visible in FSC/SSC plot:ÿÿ Cells lost during staining? Check with a microscope. FSC/SSC amplification too high or low (cells are not in the window):

Try lowering/raising the amplification. Problem with the FACS system. Restart the system.

No clear population, cells are spread in FSC SSC plot:ÿÿ Air bubbles are aspirated? Refill flow path with buffer (“Prime”). Cells lost? Check with a microscope.

Tips Stainings can be conveniently done in 96-well round-bottom plates, for easy ÿÿhandling with a multichannel pipettor.Small samples (50 – 200 µl) can be measured in (H3) tubes. Just put one of ÿÿthe small tubes in a larger FACS tube.For measurement of small samples, the outer needle jacket should be ÿÿremoved to prevent complete sample aspiration.

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Working with Cells 4 141


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Terminology of cell death

Cell death can occur by either of two distinctÿÿ 6,7 mechanisms: necrosis or apoptosis. In addition, certain chemical compounds and cells are said to be cytotoxic to the cell, that is, to cause its death.Someone new to the field might ask what the difference is between these ÿÿterms. To clear up any possible confusion, we start with some basic definitions.

Necrosis and apoptosis The two mechanisms of cell death may briefly be defined:Necrosis (“accidental” cell death) is the pathological process which occurs ÿÿwhen cells are exposed to a serious physical or chemical insult.Apoptosis (“normal” or “programmed” cell death) is the physiological ÿÿprocess by which unwanted or useless cells are eliminated during embryo-genesis and other normal biological processes.

Cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity is the cell-killing property of a chemical compound (such as a ÿÿfood, cosmetic, or pharmaceutical) or a mediator cell (cytotoxic T cell). In contrast to necrosis and apoptosis, the term cytotoxicity does not indicate a specific cellular death mechanism.For example, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (that is, cell death mediated by ÿÿei ther cytotoxic T lymphocytes [CTL] or natural killer [NK] cells) com-bines some aspects of both necrosis and apoptosis.

Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level4.6. Apoptosis/necrosis

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Working with Cells 4 142

Illustration of the morphological features of necrosis and apoptosis

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4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level Apoptosis/necrosis

Differences between necrosis and apoptosis

There are many observable morphological and biochemical differences ÿÿbetween necrosis and apoptosis.

Necrosis occurs when cells are exposed to extreme variance from physio-ÿÿlogical conditions (e.g., hypothermia, hypoxia) which may result in damage to the plasma membrane. Under physiological conditions, direct damage to the plasma membrane is evoked by agents, such as complement and lytic viruses.

Necrosis begins with an impairment of the cell’s ability to maintain ÿÿ home ostasis, leading to an influx of water and extracellular ions. Intracellu-lar or ganelles (most notably the mitochondria) and the entire cell swell and rupture (cell lysis). Due to the ultimate breakdown of the plasma mem brane, the cytoplasmic contents, including lysosomal enzymes, are released into the extracellular fluid. Therefore, in vivo, necrotic cell death is often associated with extensive damage, resulting in an intense inflammatory response.

Apoptosis, in contrast, is a mode of cell death that occurs under normal ÿÿphysiological conditions and the cell is an active participant in its own demise (“cellular suicide”).

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Working with Cells 4 143

Apoptosis is most often found during normal cell turnover and tissue ÿÿhomeostasis, embryogenesis, induction and maintenance of immune tolerance, development of the nervous system, and endocrine-dependent tissue atrophy.

Cells undergoing apoptosis show characteristic morphological and bio-ÿÿchemical features. These features include chromatin aggregation, nuclear and cytoplasmic condensation, and partition of cytoplasm and nucleus into membrane-bound vesicles (apoptotic bodies) that contain ribosomes, morphologically intact mitochondria, and nuclear material. In vivo, these apoptotic bodies are rapidly recognized and phagocytized by either macro-phages or adjacent epithelial cells. Due to this efficient mechanism for the removal of apoptotic cells in vivo, no inflammatory response is elicited. In vitro, the apoptotic bodies as well as the remaining cell fragments ultimate ly swell and finally lyse. This terminal phase of in vitro cell death has been termed “secondary necrosis”.

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4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level Apoptosis/Necrosis

Necrosis Apoptosis

Morphological features

ÿ Loss of membrane integrity

ÿ Begins with swelling of cytoplasm and mitochondriaÿ Ends with total cell lysisÿ No vesicle formation, complete lysisÿ Disintegration (swelling) of organelles

ÿ Membrane blebbing, but no loss of integrityÿ Aggregation of chromatin at the nuclear membraneÿ Begins with shrinking of cytoplasm and condensa-

tion of nucleusÿ Ends with fragmentation of cell into smaller bodiesÿ Formation of membrane-bound vesicles (apoptotic

bodies)ÿ Mitochondria become leaky due to pore formation

involving proteins of the bcl-2 family

Physiological significance

ÿ Affects groups of contiguous cellsÿ Evoked by non-physiological disturbances

(comple ment attack, lytic viruses, hypothermia, hypoxia, ischemic, metabolic poisons)

ÿ Phagocytosis by macrophagesÿ Significant inflammatory response

ÿ Affects individual cellsÿ Inducted by physiological stimuli (lack of growth

factors, changes in hormonal environment)

ÿ Phagocytosis by adjacent cells or macrophagesÿ No inflammatory response

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Working with Cells 4 144

Biochemical features

ÿ Loss of regulation of ion homeostasisÿ No energy requirement (passive process, also occurs

at +4°C)

ÿ Random digestion of DNA (smear of DNA after aga rose gel electrophoresis)

ÿ Postlytic DNA fragmentation (= late event of death)

ÿ Tightly regulated process involving activation and enzymatic steps

ÿ Energy (ATP)-dependent (active process, does not occur at +4°C)

ÿ Non-random mono- and oligo-nucleosomal length fragmentation of DNA (ladder pattern after agarose gel electrophoresis)

ÿ Prelytic DNA fragmentationÿ Release of various factors (cytochrome C, AIF) into

cytoplasm by mitochondriaÿ Activation of caspase cascadeÿ Alternations in membrane asymmetry (i .e.,

transloca tion of phosphatidylserine from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular side of the membrane)

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4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level Apoptosis assay methods

Originally, to study both forms of cell death, necrosis and apoptosis, cytotoxicity assays were used. These assays were principally of two types:

Radioactive, dye based, and electrical-current based assays that measure ÿÿincreases in plasma membrane permeability, since dying cells become leaky.Colorimetric assays that measure reduction in the metabolic activity of ÿÿmitochondria, since mitochondria in dead cells cannot metabolize dyes, while mitochondria in living cells can.

However, as more information on apoptosis became available, it was shown that both types of cytotoxic-ity assays vastly underestimated the extent and timing of apoptosis. For instance, early phases of apopto-sis do not affect membrane permeability, nor do they alter mitochondrial activity. Although the cytotox-icity assays might be suitable for detecting the later stages of apoptosis, other assays were needed to detect the early events of apoptosis.

In relation to increased understanding of the physiological events that occour during apoptosis, a number of new assay methods have been developed. For instance, these assays can measure one of the following apoptotic parameters:

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Working with Cells 4 145

Fragmentation of DNA in populations of cells or in individual cells, in ÿÿwhich apoptotic DNA breaks into different fragments.

Alternations in membrane asymmetry. Phosphatidylserine translocates from ÿÿthe cytoplasmic to the extracellular side of the cell membrane.

Activation of apoptotic caspases. This family of proteases sets off a cascade ÿÿof events that disable a multitude of cellular functions.

Release of cytochrome C and AIF into cytoplasma by mitochondria.ÿÿ

For more details, visit www.roche­applied­

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4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level Apoptosis assay methods: selection guide

Apoptosis, C

ytotoxicity, and Cell P

roliferation Manual


Apoptosis P

roduct Selection Guide



Apoptosis P

roduct Selection Guide 1


A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit, PO

D11 684 817 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit, A

P11 684 809 910

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001


brane modification



11 828 690 001


A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,


11 684 817 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit, A

P11 684 809 910


A fragm

entation, quantitative


ell Death D

etection ELISAPLU

S11 774 425 00111 920 685 001


A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,


red12 156 792 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,

Fluorescein11 684 795 910


brane modification


nnexin-V-Alexa 568

03 703 126 001



S 11 828 681 001



S Staining Kit

11 858 777 00111 988 549 001

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH, Fluorescein

12 156 857 001


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001

If you are studyingcell populations single cells

cell cultures,blood cells, etc.

tissue sections


Caspase activity, quantitative


aspase 3 Activity A

ssay12 012 952 001


omogeneous C

aspases A

ssay, fluorimetric

03 005 372 00112 236 869 001

using detection bylightm



orfluorescence m



A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,


red12 156 792 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,

Fluorescein11 684 795 910

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH, Fluorescein

12 156 857 001


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001


S or

fluorescence microscopy

using detection bylight m


Caspase activity, indirect


nti-Poly (AD


Polymerase (PA


11 835 238 001


A fragm

entation, qualitative


poptotic DN

A Ladder K

it11 835 246 001

using detection by

using detection bycolorim

etric ELIS





western blot

or gel electrophoresis


using detection byw

estern blot

gel electro-phoresis


incorporation in DN

A fragm

ents, quantitative


ellular DN

A Fragm

entation ELISA

11 585 045 001

Follow th

e selection gu

ide below to determ

ine th

e appropriate R

oche A

pplied Science produ

ct for the

study of apoptosis to m

eet your n

eeds. See page 90 for produ

cts to study cytotoxicity an

d page 114 for produ

cts to study cell proliferation

. If you

need addition

al help, please visit



Apoptosis P

roduct Selection G


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Working with Cells 4 146

All Products are available from

Roche A

pplied Science w








poptosis, Cytotoxicity, and C

ell Proliferation M


Apoptosis P

roduct Selection Guide



Apoptosis P

roduct Selection Guide 1


A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit, PO

D11 684 817 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit, A

P11 684 809 910

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001


brane modification



11 828 690 001


A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,


11 684 817 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit, A

P11 684 809 910


A fragm

entation, quantitative


ell Death D

etection ELISAPLU

S11 774 425 00111 920 685 001


A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,


red12 156 792 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,

Fluorescein11 684 795 910


brane modification


nnexin-V-Alexa 568

03 703 126 001



S 11 828 681 001



S Staining Kit

11 858 777 00111 988 549 001

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH, Fluorescein

12 156 857 001


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001

If you are studyingcell populations single cells

cell cultures,blood cells, etc.

tissue sections


Caspase activity, quantitative


aspase 3 Activity A

ssay12 012 952 001


omogeneous C

aspases A

ssay, fluorimetric

03 005 372 00112 236 869 001

using detection bylightm



orfluorescence m



A fragm


In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,


red12 156 792 910

In Situ C

ell Death D

etection Kit,

Fluorescein11 684 795 910

Caspase activity, indirect


30 CytoD

EATH, Fluorescein

12 156 857 001


30 CytoD

EATH12 140 322 00112 140 349 001


S or

fluorescence microscopy

using detection bylight m


Caspase activity, indirect


nti-Poly (AD


Polymerase (PA


11 835 238 001


A fragm

entation, qualitative


poptotic DN

A Ladder K

it11 835 246 001

using detection by

using detection bycolorim

etric ELIS





western blot

or gel electrophoresis


using detection byw

estern blot

gel electro-phoresis


incorporation in DN

A fragm

ents, quantitative


ellular DN

A Fragm

entation ELISA

11 585 045 001

Follow th

e selection gu

ide below to determ

ine th

e appropriate R

oche A

pplied Science produ

ct for the

study of apoptosis to m

eet your n

eeds. See page 90 for produ

cts to study cytotoxicity an

d page 114 for produ

cts to study cell proliferation

. If you

need addition

al help, please visit



Apoptosis P

roduct Selection G


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4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level Cell proliferation and viability

General Rapid and accurate assessment of viable cell number and cell proliferation ÿÿis an important requirement in many experimental situations involving in vitro and in vivo studies.Usually, both parameters are determined to measure the health of cells.ÿÿ

Cell viability Defined as the number of healthy cells in a sample. Whether the cells are ÿÿactively dividing or are quiescent is not distinguished. Cell viability as says are often useful when non-dividing cells (such as primary cells) are isolated and maintained in culture to determine optimal culture conditions for cell populations.Methods for determining viable cell number include direct counting of the ÿÿcells (see page 135), cell morphology (staining), and metabolic activity.

Cell proliferation The measurement of the number of cells that are dividing in a culture.ÿÿMethods for determination: clonogenic assays (plate cells on matrix), ÿÿestablishment of growth curves (time-consuming), measurement of DNA synthesis (3H-thymidine or bromodeoxyuridine), and indirect parameters (measure cell cycle regulating molecules).

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Working with Cells 4 147


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4.6. Analyzing Cells on the Molecular Level Proliferation assay methods: selection guide

Apoptosis, C

ytotoxicity, and Cell P

roliferation Manual


Cell P

roliferation Product Selection G



Cell P

roliferation Product S

election Guide

Follow th

e selection gu

ide below to determ

ine th

e appropriate Roch

e Applied Scien

ce produ

ct for the stu

dy of cell proliferation to meet you

r needs. If you

need addition

al h

elp, please visit ww



If you are studying

single cells in vivo or in vitro

cell populationsin vitro


incorporation during DN

A synthesis

In Situ C

ell Proliferation Kit, FLU


11 810 740 001


rdU Labeling and D

etection Kit I

(Fluorescein)11 296 736 001


incorporation during DN

A synthesis


rdU Labeling and D

etection Kit II


11 299 964 001

and you want to m

easure D



and you want

to measure

Metabolic activity: tetrazolium

salt conversion


ell Proliferation Reagent W

ST-111 644 807 00105 015 944 001


incorporation during DN

A synthesis


ell Proliferation ELISA, B



inescent)11 669 915 001


incorporation during DN

A synthesis


ell Proliferation ELISA, B



11 647 229 001

using detection by




S or

fluorescence m


using detection bycolorim

etric ELISA

using detection by




inescent ELIS



activity of living cells




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Working with Cells 4 148

All Products are available from

Roche A

pplied Science, w








Apoptosis, C

ytotoxicity, and Cell P

roliferation Manual


Cytotoxicity P

roduct Selection Guide


Cytotoxicity P

roduct Selection G


Follow th

e selection gu

ide below to determ

ine th

e appropriate Roch

e Applied Scien

ce produ

ct for the stu

dy of cytotoxicity to meet you

r needs. If you

need addition

al help,

please visit ww


Metabolic activity: tetrazolium

salt conversion


ell Proliferation Reagent W

ST-111 644 807 00105 015 944 001


released from dam

aged cells


ytotoxicity Detection K



04 744 926 00104 744 934 001


released from dam

aged cells


ytotoxicity Detection K



04 744 926 00104 744 934 001

Metabolic activity: tetrazolium

salt conversion


ell Proliferation Reagent W

ST-111 644 807 00105 015 944 001


released from dam

aged cells


ytotoxicity Detection K



04 744 926 00104 744 934 001


incorporation during DN

A synthesis


ellular DN

A Fragm

entation ELISA11 585 045 001


released from dam

aged cells


ytotoxicity Detection K



04 744 926 00104 744 934 001


incorporation during DN

A synthesis


ell Proliferation ELISA, B



inescent)11 669 915 001


and you are studying



using detection bychem


inescent ELIS




using detection bycolorim

etric ELISA

in cells that proliferate in vitro

Do your cells proliferate in vitro?



Do your cells proliferate in vitro?





incorporation during DN

A synthesis


ell Proliferation ELISA, B



11 647 229 001


ellular DN

A Fragm

entation ELISA11 585 045 001

Cytotoxicity assay methods: selection guide

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Label-free impedance techniques monitor cell responses continuously without exogenous labels. They non-invasively measure a wide range of cellular events. In the xCELLigence System, cells in contact with microelectrodes at the bottom of each E-Plate well change the local ionic environment at electrode/solution interfaces, affecting electrode impedance; as more cells contact the electrodes, the electrode impedance increases. Specialized software monitors this sensor array, recording constant information throughout the entire time course of the experiment.The microelectrodes integrated into the bottom of each specially engineered tissue culture E-Plate measure electrical impedance changes and provide precise quantitative information about the status of cells, including cell number, cell adhesion, cytotoxicity, cell viability, and cell morphology. Thus, researchers can capture cell responses (during all phases of complex experiments) that would normally be missed by conventional analysis with single endpoint assays. Continuous real-time monitoring of cellular responses provides advantages for determining important experimental time points for more detailed downstream analyses.

4.7. Real-Time Monitoring of CellsReal-time cell analyzer instruments

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Working with Cells 4 149

Features of continuous, label­free real­time monitoringComplete, continuous data profiles from short-term (ÿÿ e.g., minutes) and long-term (e.g., days) cell responses of in vitro experiments (see Figure 1 below).Physiologically relevant data: analyze the effects of compounds without exogenous labels that invade ÿÿand disrupt the natural cell environment.Data in real-time with powerful cell analysis software featuring many analysis options, including dose ÿÿresponse curves, IC

50 / EC

50 calculation, data normalization, slope, and doubling time.

Combinination of real-time cellular analysis with complementary endpoint functional assays, provid-ÿÿing data quality improvement before, during, and after experiments.

Figure 1: Continuous monitoring of cell response. HT1080 cells were seeded at two different densities (5,000 and 10,000 cells) in an E­Plate 96. Twenty-four hours later, two wells, one of each cell density, were treated with 12.5 nM pacl*taxel. As a control, separate wells of both densities were treated with DMSO. The 5,000-cell density well showed a response to the pacl*taxel over the next 24 hours, while the 10,000-cell density well and the control wells showed no response. The response over time of the 5,000-cell density well would have been missed by single endpoint assays performed at the 50-hour time point.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 305 04.10.2011 17:44:37

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4.7. Real-Time Monitoring of CellsReal-time cell analyzer instruments

Various instrument formats for different throughput needs

Different xCELLigence System Real-Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) Instru-ments provide a full range of user functions: One- or six-plate high-throughput capability using 96-well E-Plates, or a low-throughput instru-ment using 16-well E-Plates.

The RTCA SP Instrument supports one E-Plate 96. It is for mid-through-ÿÿput screening and various cell analysis applications.The RTCA MP Instrument supports up to six E-Plates 96 and multiple user ÿÿprofiles. It is a mid- to high-throughput instrument for applications for screening and standardization of cellular assays in parallel or by several users.The RTCA DP Instrument is applicable for a variety of low-throughput ÿÿapplications. It offers dual-plate functionality by supporting two types of plates: the E-Plate 16 for cellular assays, and the CIM-Plate 16 for cell invasion and migration assays. The platform supports up to three plates of either type in any combination, as well as multiple users and independent control of each plate.

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Working with Cells 4 150

Compound­induced cytotoxicityDifferences in cytotoxic compounds can be monitored with impedance technology experiments. The response profiles enable the determination of the mechanism of action for new compounds whose mode of action has not yet been determined (see Figure 1 below).

Figure 1: Cytotoxic effects of com­pounds measured using the RTCA SP Instrument. HeLa cells were seeded at 2,000 cells/well, monitored every 15 minutes for 20 hours, and then treated with different compounds with different mechanisms of action. Each compound produced a distinctive cell response over 75 hours of treatment, depending on the compound type and duration of exposure.

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4.7. Real-Time Monitoring of CellsReal-time cell analyzer instruments

Synergistic information can be generated by using label-free continuous real-time cell monitoring and complementary validation kits to gain more insights about cell responses, as shown in the table below.

Application Product Benefits when combined with the xCELLigence System

Transfection X­tremeGENE 9 and HP DNA Transfection Reagents

QC cells in real time to determine optimal transfection time point, including confluency verification and establishment of growth phase.

X­tremeGENE siRNA Transfection Reagent Determine optimal time points for siRNA delivery, cross-valida-te siRNA effectivenesss, and discover the “whole cell” response to siRNA delivery.

Functional assays Cell Proliferation Assays (Cell Proliferation Reagent WST-1,Cell Proliferation ELISA, BrdU, MTT, XTT)

Determine the optimal time point to perform endpoint labeling, differentiate between proliferation and morphological changes, and observe cell quality.

Cytotoxicity Detection KitPLUS (LDH) More accurately perform target effector cell studies, determine the optimal time point to perform endpoint assays, and distinguish between morphological changes and cytotoxicity.

Apoptosis Assays (Cell Death Detection ELISAPLUS, Caspase 3 Activity Assay, Annexin-V-FLUOS Staining Kit)

Quantify cell death, differentiate between apoptosis and necrosis, and determine mechanisms of cell death.

Gene expression RealTime ready Focus Panels Discover which genes are associated with morphological changes.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 308 04.10.2011 17:44:39

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Working with Cells 4 151

1. Schwartzman, R. A. and Cidlowski, J. A. (1993) Apoptosis: the biochemistry and molecular biology of programmed cell death. Endocrine Rev. 14, 133.

2. Vermes, I. and Haanan, C. (1994) Apoptosis and programmed cell death in health and disease. Adv. Clin. Chem. 31, 177.

3. Apoptosis, Cell Death and Cell Proliferation, Roche Applied Science .4. Transfection Reagents and Reporter Gene Assays, Roche Applied Science.5. Protein Expression and Analysis, Roche Applied Science.6. Kahle, D. and Lukas, K. Personal communication, Eppendorf GmbH.7. The cOmplete Guide for Protease Inhibition, Roche Applied Science.8. Gene Knockdown: Integrated solutions for effective and specific gene knockdown, Roche Applied Science.

4.8. References

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Preparing Buffers and MediaChapter 5

5.1. Buffers .................................................................................. 1535.2. Antibiotics ........................................................................... 1675.3. Media for Bacteria ........................................................... 1685.4. References ......................................................................... 170

3730 LabFAQs_Kapitel.indd 5 04.10.2011 15:16:29

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Buffers5.1. Definitions

Term Symbol Meaning Example

Mole mol An amount containing Avogadro’s* number of whatever units are being considered. Avogadro’s* number = 6.023 x 1023

1 mol H2O molecules = 6.023 x 1023 H2O molecules.

Molar or Molarity

mol/literor M

Concentration of a substance in a liquid. A 1 M (mol/liter) solution of Tris in H2O is prepared by dissolving 1 mol Tris molecules in H2O to a final volume of 1 liter.

Molarity = moles of substance

liter of solution

Molar weight g/mol Weight of 1 mol (= 6. 023 x 1023 parts) of a molecule, as defined by the molecular weight of this molecule.

Molecular weight of Tris: 121.1 g/mol. A 1 M (mol/ liter) solution of Tris in H2O is prepared by dissolving 121.1 g Tris in H2O to a final volume of 1 liter.

Example: How many grams of NaOH are needed to make up a 100 ml solution of 5 M NaOH (= 5 mol/l)?Formula: Needed grams = Concentration x Molecular weight x Final volume = 5 mol/liter x 40 g/mol x 0.1 liter = 20 g

* Named after Amedeo Avogadro (1776–1856), a famous Italian physical chemist.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 153

Reagents Use the highest possible purity grade of reagents.ÿÿ

H2O Prepare all solutions with fresh double-distilled or deionized Hÿÿ2O.

Only use Hÿÿ2O from a distillation or deionization unit with a resistance

value of 18 MOhm/cm.Regularly clean the units following instructions from the manufacturers.ÿÿ

Preparing buffers Remove reagents from parent vials by shaking; do not use spatulas.ÿÿWear gloves.ÿÿTake the water of crystallization into account when calculating the amount ÿÿof reagent needed to make solutions with a given molarity.

For example, Molecular weight of MgSO l4 – 7H


= 120.37 (MW of MgSO4) + 126.11 (MW of 7 molecules H


= 246.48

Sterilizing By autoclaving: ÿÿ0.5 liter solution: ~15 minutes at +121°C at 1 bar l

1 liter solution: ~20 minutes at +121°C at 1 bar l

Caution:ÿÿ certain buffers (e.g., buffers containing glucose, SDS, b-mercaptoethanol) should not be autoclaved.Use filtration through a 0.22 µm filter as an alternative.ÿÿ


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5.1. Buffers Precautions (continued)

pH measurement Always fix the pH electrode in a vertical position.ÿÿGently stir the solution when adjusting the pH.ÿÿNever put the electrode in solutions containing SDS.ÿÿPeriodically calibrate the electrode with at least two calibration solutions.ÿÿStore the pH electrode in solution, keep the diaphragm wet, and ÿÿmake sure that there is always electrolyte solution inside the electrode.Clean the pH electrode with distilled water after usage.ÿÿCaution:ÿÿ the pH of most solutions is temperature-dependent: For example: +5°C: pH of a 0.05 M Tris solution = 8.07 +25°C: pH of a 0.05 M Tris solution = 7.50 +37°C: pH of a 0.05 M Tris solution = 7.22

Safety Carefully consult the product safety information and material safety data ÿÿsheets of chemicals.Take local safety and laboratory regulations into account when working ÿÿwith chemicals.

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5.1. Buffers Buffering ranges of commonly used buffers (at +20°C)

pH 5. 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5

MES 6.1

ADA 6.6

ACES 6.8



BES 7.1

MOPS 7.2

TES 7.4


TRIS 8.1

EPPS 8.0



TAPS 8.4


CHES 9.3

CAPS 10.4


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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 155

Recipes for stock solutions

10 M NH4OAc – 1 liter Dissolve 770.8 g ammonium acetate (NHÿÿ4OAc, MW = 77.08) in

800 ml H2O.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature.ÿÿ

1 M CaCl2 – 1 liter Dissolve 219.08 g calcium chloride – 6Hÿÿ2O (CaCl

2 – 6H

2O, MW = 219.08)

in 800 ml H2O.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

250x Denhardt Solution – 1 liter

Dissolve 50 g Ficoll 400, 50 g polyvinylpyrrolidone, and 50 g bovine serum ÿÿalbumin (BSA*) in 600 ml H


Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Divide into aliquots of 25 ml and store at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿ

1 M DTT* – 20 ml Dissolve 3.085 g 1,4-dithio-DL-threitol (DTT, MW = 154.25) in 20 ml ÿÿ10 mM sodium acetate (pH 5.2). Divide into aliquots of 1 ml and sterilize by filtration. ÿÿStore at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science

3730 LabFAQs.indb 317 04.10.2011 17:44:41

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5.1. Buffers Recipes for stock solutions (continued)

0.5 M Na2EDTA (pH 8.0) – 1 liter

Dissolve 186.12 g disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate – 2Hÿÿ2O

(Na2EDTA – 2H

2O, MW = 372.24) ) in 800 ml H

2O; stir vigorously

on a magnetic stirrer. Adjust to pH 8.0 with NaOH (~20 g NaOH pellets) and adjust volume ÿÿto 1 liter with H


Divide into aliquots and sterilize by autoclaving.ÿÿStore at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿNote:ÿÿ the disodium salt of EDTA will only dissolve when the pH of the solution is adjusted to 8.0 by the addition of NaOH.

0.1 M IPTG* – 50 ml Dissolve 1.19 g isopropyl ß-D-thiogalactopyranoside ÿÿ(IPTG, MW = 238.3) in 40 ml H


Adjust volume to 50 ml with Hÿÿ2O.

Divide in 5 ml aliquots and sterilize by filtration.ÿÿStore at –15 to –25°C; this solution is stable for 2 – 4 months.ÿÿ

1 M MgCl2* – 1 liter Dissolve 203.31 g magnesium chloride – 6Hÿÿ2O (MgCl

2 – 6H


MW = 203.31) in 800 ml H2O.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Divide in aliquots of 100 ml and sterilize by autoclaving.ÿÿStore at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 156

10x MOPS – 1 liter Add 41.85 g 4-morpholinopropanesulfonic acid (MOPS – free acid, ÿÿMW = 209.27) and 6.80 g sodium acetate – 3H

2O (NaOAc – 3H


MW = 136.08) to 800 ml DEPC-treated H2O and stir until completely

dissolved. Add 20 ml of a DEPC-treated 0.5 M Naÿÿ

2EDTA solution and adjust pH

to 7.0 with 10 M NaOH. Adjust volume to 1 liter with DEPC-treated Hÿÿ


Divide into 200 ml aliquots and store – protected from light – at +2 to +8°C.ÿÿIf the solution turns yellow, use a new aliquot.ÿÿ

3 M NaOAc – 1 liter Dissolve 408.24 g sodium acetate – 3Hÿÿ2O (NaOAc – 3H

2O, MW = 136.08)

in 800 ml H2O.

Adjust to pH 5.2 with glacial acetic acid or to pH 7.0 with diluted acetic ÿÿacid.Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

5 M NaCl – 1 liter Dissolve 292.2 g sodium chloride (NaCl, MW = 58.44) in 800 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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5.1. Buffers Recipes for stock solutions (continued)

10% SDS* – 1 liter Dissolve 100 g sodium dodecyl sulfate crystals (SDS) in 900 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Heat to +68°C to dissolve the crystals.ÿÿAdjust pH to 7.2 with HCl (~50 µl). ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Dispense into aliquots and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿNote: the fine crystals of SDS disperse easily; wear a mask when weighing SDS, and clean the weighing area and balance after use.When SDS crystals precipitate (ÿÿ e.g., due to cold temperature), redissolve by warming the solution at +37°C.

100% (w/v) TCA Add 500 g trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to 227 ml Hÿÿ2O.

This solution contains 100% (w/v) TCA.ÿÿ

1 M Tris* – 1 liter Dissolve 121.14 g tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane ÿÿ(Tris, MW = 121.14) in 800 ml H


Adjust pH to the desired value by adding concentrated HCl:ÿÿpH 7.4: ~70 ml l

pH 7.6: ~60 ml l

pH 8.0: ~42 ml l

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 157

X­gal* (20 mg/ml) 20 ml

Dissolve 400 mg 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ÿÿ b-D-galactoside (X-gal) in 20 ml N,N’-dimethylformamide.Divide into 500 µl aliquots and store in a glass or polypropylene ÿÿtube protected from light at –15 to –25°C. This stock solution is stable for 2 – 4 months.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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5.1. Buffers Recipes for buffers

10x PBS* – 1 liter Dissolve 80 g NaCl, 2 g KCl, 26.8 g Naÿÿ2HPO

4 – 7H

2O and 2.4 g KH


4 in

800 ml H2O.

Adjust to pH 7.4 with HCl. ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Divide into aliquots and sterilize by autoclaving.ÿÿStore at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

20x SSC* – 1 liter Dissolve 175.3 g NaCl and 88.2 g sodium citrate – 2Hÿÿ2O in 800 ml H


Adjust pH to 7.0 with HCl.ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Divide into aliquots and sterilize by autoclaving. ÿÿStore at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

20x SSPE – 1 liter Dissolve 175.3 g NaCl, 27.6 g NaHÿÿ2PO

4 – 1H

2O and 7.4 g Na


in 800 ml H2O.

Adjust pH to 7.4 with NaOH (~6.5 ml of a 10 M solution). ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Divide into aliquots and sterilize by autoclaving. ÿÿStore at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 158

1x TE – 1 liter Add 10 ml 1 M Tris (pH 8.0, 7.6 or 7.4) and 2 ml 0.5 M Naÿÿ2EDTA**

(pH 8.0) to 800 ml H2O.

Mix and adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Sterilize by autoclaving.ÿÿStore at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.** For certain applications (e .g ., storage of DNA that will be used in PCR or other enzymatic reactions), add 200 μl 0.5 M Na2EDTA instead of 2 ml.

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5.1. Buffers Recipes for buffers with desired pH

0.1 M NaOAc – 100 ml 0.2 M acetic acid:ÿÿ Mix 11.55 ml glacial acetic acid in 500 ml H l

2O and adjust to 1 liter

with H2O.

0.2 M sodium acetate:ÿÿDissolve 27.21 g sodium acetate – 3H l

2O (NaOAc – 3H

2O, MW = 136.08)

in 800 ml H2O and adjust to 1 liter with H


The table below gives the volumes in ml of these solutions and Hÿÿ2O that

should be mixed to obtain a 100 ml solution of 0.1 M NaOAc with a specific desired pH.

0.1 M KOAc – 100 ml 0.2 M acetic acid: ÿÿMix 11.55 ml glacial acetic acid in 500 ml H l

2O and adjust to 1 liter

with H2O.

0.2 M potassium acetate:ÿÿDissolve 19.62 g potassium acetate (KOAc, MW = 98.14) in l

800 ml H2O and adjust to 1 liter with H


The table below gives the volumes in ml of these solutions and Hÿÿ2O that

should be mixed to obtain a 100 ml solution of 0.1 M KOAc with a specific desired pH.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 159

pH table for acetate buffersa Desired pHa 0.2 M Acetic Acid

Solution (ml)0.2 M Sodium or Potassium

Acetate Solution (ml)H2O (ml)

3.6 46.3 3.7 50

3.8 44.0 6.0 50

4.0 41.0 9.0 50

4.2 36.8 13.2 50

4.4 30.5 19.5 50

4.6 25.5 24.5 50

4.8 20.0 30.0 50

5.0 14.8 35.2 50

5.2 10.5 39.5 50

5.4 8.8 41.2 50

5.6 4.8 45.2 50

aIt is strongly recommended to check the final pH with a pH meter.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 325 04.10.2011 17:44:42

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5.1. Buffers Recipes for buffers with desired pH (continued)

0.1 M Na phosphate 200 ml

0.2 M sodium phosphate, mono­sodium salt:ÿÿDissolve 27.6 g NaH l


4 – 1H

2O (MW = 138) in 500 ml H

2O and

adjust to 1 liter with H2O.

0.2 M sodium phosphate, di­sodium salt:ÿÿDissolve 53.62 g Na l


4 – 7H

2O (MW = 268.1) in 500 ml H


and adjust to 1 liter with H2O.

The table below gives the volumes in ml of these solutions and Hÿÿ2O

that should be mixed together to obtain a 200 ml solution of 0.1 M Na phosphate with a specific desired pH.

0.1 M K phosphate 200 ml

0.2 M potassium phosphate, mono­potassium salt:ÿÿDissolve 27.2 g KH l


4 (MW = 136.09) in 500 ml H

2O and adjust

to 1 liter with H2O.

0.2 M potassium phosphate, di­potassium salt:ÿÿDissolve 34.8 g K l


4 (MW = 174.18) in 500 ml H

2O and adjust

to 1 liter with H2O.

The table below gives the volumes in ml of these solutions and Hÿÿ2O

that should be mixed together to obtain a 200 ml solution of 0.1 M K-phosphate with a specific desired pH.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 160

pH table for phosphate buffersa:

Desired pHa

Sodium or Potassium, Phosphate Mono Salt

Solution (ml)

Sodium or Potassium, Phosphate di salt

Solution (ml)

H2O (ml)

Desired pHa

Sodium or Potassium, Phosphate Mono Salt

Solution (ml)

Sodium or Potassium, Phosphate di salt

Solution (ml)

H2O (ml)

5.7 93.5 6.5 100 6.9 45.0 55.0 100

5.8 92.0 8.0 100 7.0 39.0 61.0 100

5.9 90.0 10.0 100 7.1 33.0 67.0 100

6.0 87.7 12.3 100 7.2 28.0 72.0 100

6.1 85.0 15.0 100 7.3 23.0 77.0 100

6.2 81.5 18.5 100 7.4 19.0 81.0 100

6.3 77.5 22.5 100 7.5 16.0 84.0 100

6.4 73.5 26.5 100 7.6 13.0 87.0 100

6.5 68.5 31.5 100 7.7 10.5 90.5 100

6.6 62.5 37.5 100 7.8 8.5 91.5 100

6.7 56.5 43.5 100 7.9 7.0 93.0 100

6.8 51.0 49.0 100 8.0 5.3 94.7 100

a It is strongly recommended to check the final pH with a pH meter.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 327 04.10.2011 17:44:42

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5.1. Buffers Recipes for buffers with desired pH (continued)

0.05 M Tris – 100 ml The table below gives the volumes of 0.1 M Tris buffer, 0.1 M HCl, ÿÿand H

2O that should be mixed together to obtain a 100 ml solution

of 0.05 M Tris with a specific desired pHa: pH table for Tris buffers

Desired pHa 0.1 M HCl (ml) 0.1 M Tris (ml) H2O (ml)

7.3 43.4 50 6.6

7.4 42.0 50 8.0

7.5 40.3 50 9.7

7.6 38.5 50 11.5

7.7 36.6 50 13.4

7.8 34.5 50 15.5

7.9 32.0 50 18.0

8.0 29.2 50 20.8

8.1 26.2 50 23.8

8.2 22.9 50 27.1

8.3 19.9 50 30.1

8.4 17.2 50 32.8

8.5 14.7 50 35.3

8.6 12.4 50 37.6

a It is strongly recommended to check the final pH with a pH meter.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 161

Electrophoresis of DNA

10x Agarose gel sample buffer 100 ml

Dissolve 250 mg bromophenol blue and/or 250 mg xylene cyanol ÿÿin 33 ml 150 mM Tris pH 7.6.Add 60 ml glycerol and 7 ml Hÿÿ


Store at room temperature(+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

10x TBE* (Tris­borate) 1 liter

Dissolve 108 g Tris and 55 g boric acid in 900 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Add 40 ml 0.5 M Naÿÿ2EDTA (pH 8.0) and adjust volume to 1 liter

with H2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

50x TAE* (Tris­acetate) 1 liter

Dissolve 242 g Tris in 500 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Add 100 ml 0.5 M Naÿÿ2EDTA (pH 8.0) and 57.1 ml glacial acetic acid.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

10x TPE (Tris­phosphate) 1 liter

Dissolve 108 g Tris in 700 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Add 15.5 ml 85% phosphoric acid (1.679 g/ml) and 40 ml ÿÿ0.5 M Na

2EDTA (pH 8.0).

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

* Product available from Roche Applied Science as a convenient ready-to-use solution.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 329 04.10.2011 17:44:42

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5.1. Buffers Electrophoresis of RNA

RNA sample buffer Mix 10 ml deionized formamide, 3.5 ml 37% formaldehyde, and ÿÿ2 ml 5 x MOPS.Divide into 500 µl aliquots and store at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿThe buffer is stable for 6 months.ÿÿUse 2 parts sample buffer for each part of RNA.ÿÿNote:ÿÿ Formamide is a teratogen and formaldehyde is a carcinogen. Work in a fume hood and follow laboratory safety procedures.

RNA loading buffer Prepare in DEPC-treated Hÿÿ2O:

50% glycerol, 1 mM Na2EDTA, and 0.4% bromophenol blue.

Use the highest possible grade of glycerol to avoid ribonuclease contamination.ÿÿDivide into 500 µl aliquots and store at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿUse 2 µl loading buffer per 10 – 20 µl RNA sample (RNA plus sample buffer).ÿÿ

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 162

DEPC treatment

DEPC treatment per 100 ml solution

Add 0.1–0.2 ml diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) to 100 ml of a solution ÿÿ(e.g., H


Shake vigorously and incubate overnight in a fume hood.ÿÿAutoclave the solution to inactivate the remaining DEPC.ÿÿStore treated solution at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿNote:ÿÿ Wear gloves and use a fume hood when using DEPC (suspected carcinogen).All chemical substances containing amino groups (ÿÿ e.g., Tris, MOPS, EDTA, HEPES, etc.) cannot be treated directly with DEPC. Prepare these solutions in DEPC-treated H


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5.1. Buffers Staining of nucleic acids

Ethidium bromide 100 ml

Prepare a stock solution of 10 mg/ml by adding 1 g ethidium bromide ÿÿto 100 ml H

2O. Stir until the dye has completely dissolved.

Store in the dark at +2 to +8°C.ÿÿStaining: ÿÿ

During electrophoresis: add 0.5 – 1 µg per ml agarose solution. l

After electrophoresis: add 0.5 – 2 µg per ml staining solution. l

Caution:ÿÿ Ethidium bromide is a mutagen and is toxic. Wear gloves when working with the solution and wear a mask when dissolving the powder.

SYBR Green I Nucleic Acid Gel Stain*

Supplied* as a stock solution in DMSO, stable at –15 to –25°C ÿÿfor 6 – 12 months.Working solution: ÿÿdilute the stock solution 1:10,000 in TE, TBE, or TAE buffer.Sensitivity: ÿÿas low as 80 pg per band dsDNA using 312 nm transillumination with the Lumi-Imager F1 System.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 163

Phenol – 1 liter Dissolve 500 g phenol in 500 ml 1 M Tris (pH 8.0). ÿÿOnce dissolved, let phases separate and remove upper aqueous phase. ÿÿAdd 500 ml 100 mM Tris (pH 8.0); stir to emulsify and let phases separate. ÿÿRepeat procedure with TE until pH of upper, aqueous phase is less than pH 7.2.ÿÿStore at +2 to +8°C protected from light. ÿÿDiscard when the solution turns red/brown.ÿÿ

Phenol (acid) – 1 liter For RNA only!

Dissolve 500 g phenol in 500 ml 50 mM sodium acetate (pH 4.0).ÿÿOnce dissolved, let phases separate and remove upper aqueous phase. ÿÿAdd 500 ml 50 mM sodium acetate (pH 4.0); stir to emulsify and ÿÿlet phases separate. Repeat procedure until the pH of upper, aqueous phase is less than ÿÿpH 4.1.Store at +2 to +8°C protected from light.ÿÿ

Caution: Phenol is highly corrosive and can cause severe burns.Always wear gloves, protective clothing, and safety glasses when working with phenol.If skin comes in contact with phenol, immediately wash with a large volumeof water and soap.

Extraction of nucleic acids

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5.1. Buffers Electrophoresis of proteins

10% ammonium persulfate – 10 ml

Dissolve 1 g ammonium persulfate (APS) in 8 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Adjust volume to 10 ml with Hÿÿ2O.

Solution is stable at +2 to +8°C for two weeks.ÿÿ

30% acryl­bisacryl ­ amide mix – 100 ml

Dissolve 29 g acrylamide and 1 g N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide ÿÿin 60 ml H


Heat the solution to +37°C to dissolve the chemicals.ÿÿAdjust volume to 100 ml with Hÿÿ


Store at +2 to +8°C protected from light. ÿÿCaution:ÿÿ Acrylamide is a neurotoxin and is absorbed through the skin. Always wear gloves and a mask when preparing the solutions.ÿÿ

2x SDS PAGE sample buffer 100 ml

Mix 10 ml 1.5 M Tris (pH 6.8), 6 ml 20% SDS, 30 ml glycerol, ÿÿ15 ml b-mercaptoethanol, and 1.8 mg bromophenol blue. Adjust volume to 100 ml with Hÿÿ


Aliquot in 10 ml stock solution and store at –15 to –25°C.ÿÿStore working solution at +2 to +8°C.ÿÿ

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 164

10x SDS PAGE running buffer 1 liter

Dissolve 10 g SDS, 30.3 g Tris, and 144.1 g glycin in 800 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

Coomassie Blue staining solution 1 liter

Dissolve 2.5 g Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 in a mixture ÿÿof 450 ml methanol, 100 ml acetic acid, and 400 ml H


Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

Coomassie Blue destaining solution 1 liter

Mix 450 ml methanol, 100 ml acetic acid, and 400 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Adjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

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5.1. Buffers Resolving gels for denaturing SDS – PAGE

Volume of Components (ml) per Gel Mold Volume of

% Gel Components 5 ml 10 ml 15 ml 20 ml 25 ml 30 ml 40 ml 50 ml

6% H2O30% acryl-bisacrylamide mix1.5 M Tris (pH 8.8)10% SDS10% ammonium persulfateTEMED



8% H2O

30% acryl-bisacrylamide mix1.5 M Tris (pH 8.8)10% SDS10% ammonium persulfateTEMED



10% H2O

30% acryl-bisacrylamide mix 1.5 M Tris (pH 8.8)10% SDS10% ammonium persulfateTEMED




12% H2O

30% acryl-bisacrylamide mix1.5 M Tris (pH 8.8)10% SDS10% ammonium persulfateTEMED



15% H2O

30% acryl-bisacrylamide mix1.5 M Tris (pH 8.8)10% SDS10% ammonium persulfateTEMED





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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 165

5% stacking gels for denaturing SDS-PAGE

ComponentsVolume of Components (ml) per Gel Mold Volume of

1 ml 2 ml 3 ml 4 ml 5 ml 6 ml 8 ml 10 ml

H2O 0.68 1.4 2.1 2.7 3.4 4.1 5.5 6.8

30% acryl-bisacrylamide mix 0.17 0.33 0.5 0.67 0.83 1.0 1.3 1.7

1.5 M Tris (pH 6.8) 0.13 0.25 0.38 0.5 0.63 0.75 1.0 1.25

10% SDS 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1

10% ammonium persulfate 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1

TEMED 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.01

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5.1. Buffers Western blotting

1x transfer buffer for wet blots – 1 liter

Dissolve 2.9 g glycine, 5.8 g Tris and 0.37 g SDS in 200 ml methanol.ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Store at +2 to+8°C.ÿÿ

1x transfer buffer for semi­dry blots


Layer Content and Buffer

5 (top) 3 x 3 MM papers soaked in 300 mM Tris, pH 10.4

4 Membrane

3 Gel

2 3 x 3 MM papers soaked in 25 mM Tris, pH 9.4 and 40 mM amino hexane acid

1 (bottom) 3 x 3 MM papers soaked in 25 mM Tris, pH 10.4

Ponceau S solution – 100 ml

Mix 2 g Ponceau S, 30 g trichloracetic acid, and 30 g sulfosalicylic acid ÿÿin 80 ml H


Adjust volume to 100 ml with Hÿÿ2O.

Store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 166

1x TBS (Tris buffered saline) – 1 liter

Dissolve 6.05 g Tris (50 mM) and 8.76 g NaCl (150 mM) in 800 ml Hÿÿ2O.

Adjust pH to 7.5 with 1 M HCl (~9.5 ml).ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


TBS is stable at +2 to+8°C for three months.ÿÿNote:ÿÿ Since sodium azide inhibits peroxidase activity, it is not recommended for use as an antimicrobial reagent.

1x TBST (Tris buffered saline Tween) – 1 liter

Dissolve 1 ml Tween 20* in 1 liter TBS buffer.ÿÿTBST is stable at +2 to +8°C for three months.ÿÿNote:ÿÿ Tween 20 is suitable for most applications, but depending on the type of membrane and antibodies used, different detergents, such as like SDS*, Triton X100*, or Nonidet P40*, and concentrations between 0.01 – 1% may lead to better results.

Blocking solution* A wide variety of different blocking solutions are described in the ÿÿ literature.A solution of 2.5 to 5% (w/v) nonfat dried milk in TBS or PBS is ÿÿsufficient for most blots.If background is high, use alternative blocking solutions* containing ÿÿ1% of, for example, BSA*, gelatine, or casein.

* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Antibiotics5.2. Selection of prokaryotic cells

Antibiotic Mode of Action Mechanism of Resistance Working Concentrationa Stock Solutionb

Ampicillin* (Amp)

Inhibits cell wall synthesis by inhibiting formation of the pepti doglycan cross-link.

The resistance gene (bla) specifies an enzyme, b-lactamase, which cleaves the b-lactam ring of the antibiotic.

20 – 100 μg/ml (50 μg/ml)

100 mg/ml in H2OStore at – 20°C

Chlor -amphenicol (Cm)

Prevents peptide bond formation by binding to the 50S subunit of ribosomes.

The resistance gene (cat) specifies an acetyltransferase that acetylates and there by inactivates the antibiotic.

25 – 170 μg/ml (100 μg/ml)

34 mg/ml in ethanolStore at – 20°C

Kanamycin (Kan)

Causes misreading of mRNA by binding to 70S ribosomes.

The resistance gene (kan) specifies an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase that inactivates the antibiotic.

10 – 50 μg/ml (30 μg/ml)

30 mg/ml in H2OStore at – 20°C

Streptomycin (Sm)

Causes misreading of mRNA by binding to 30S subunit of ribosomes.

The resistance gene (str) specifies an enzyme that modifies the antibiotic and inhibits its binding to the ribosomes.

10 – 125 μg/ml (50 μg/ml)

50 mg/ml in H2OStore at – 20°C

Tetracycline (Tet)

Prevents protein synthesis by preventing binding of the amino- acyl tRNA to the ribosome A site.

The resistance gene (tet) specifies a protein that modifies the bacterial membrane and prevents transport of the antibiotic into the cell.

10 – 50 μg/ml (10 μg/ml in liquid

culture – 12.5 μg/ml in plates)

12.5 mg/ml in ethanolStore at – 20°C

a lower concentrations: for the selection of plasmids with a low-copy number; higher concentrations: for the selection of plasmids with a high-copy number; values in brackets indicate commonly used concentrations.

b stock solutions in H2O: sterilize by filtration and store protected from light; stock solutions in ethanol should not be sterilized.* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 167

Selection of eukaryotic cells

Antibiotic Mode of Action Mechanism of Resistance Working Concentration Stock Solutiona

Geneticin* (G 418)

Interferes with the function of 80S ribosomes and blocks protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells.

The resistance gene (neo) encodes a bacterial aminoglycoside phospho -transferase that inactivates the anti- biotic.

50 – 1000 μg/ml; optimal concentra -tion is to be tested experimentallyb

5 – 50 mg/ml in culture medium or physiological buffersStore at – 20°C

Gentamicin Inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the L6 protein of the 50S ribosomal subunit.

The resistance gene specifies an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase that inactivates the antibiotic.

100 μg/ml 10 – 50 mg/ml solution in H2O.Store at +4°C

Hygro- mycin B

Inhibits protein synthesis of bac teria, fungi, and eukaryotic cells by interfering with translocation and causing mistranslation.

The resistance gene (hyg or hph) codes for a kinase that inactivates Hygromycin B through phosphoryla -tion.

50 – 1000 μg/ml; optimal concentra -tion is to be tested experimentallyb

50 mg/ml in PBSStore at +4°C

a stock solutions in H2O, culture medium, physiological buffers or PBS: sterilize by filtration, store protected from light; stock solutions in ethanol should not be sterilized.

b a table with optimal cell-line specific concentrations is available from Roche Applied Science.* Product available from Roche Applied Science.

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Media for Bacteria5.3. Recipes for 1 liter

Luria Broth (LB) Mix 10 g Bacto Tryptone, 5 g Bacto Yeast extract, and 10 g NaCl in ÿÿ900 ml H


Adjust the pH to 7.0 with 10 M NaOH (~200 µl).ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature(+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

M9 minimal media Mix 12.8 g Naÿÿ2HPO

4 – 7H

2O, 3 g KH


4, 0.5 g NaCl, and 1 g NH


in 750 ml H2O.

Adjust the pH to 7.4 with 10 M NaOH (~100 µl). ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Sterilize by autoclaving and cool to room temperature (+15 to +25°C). ÿÿAdd 2 ml 1 M MgSOÿÿ

4 – 7H

2O, 0.1 ml 1 M CaCl

2, and 10 ml 20% glucose.

Sterilize by filtration and store at room temperature(+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

SOB Mix 20 g Bacto Tryptone, 5 g Bacto Yeast extract, 0.5 g NaCl, and ÿÿ2.5 ml 1 M KCl in 900 ml H


Adjust pH to 7.0 with 10 M NaOH (~100 µl) and add Hÿÿ2O to 990 ml.

Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿBefore use, add 10 ml sterile 1 M MgClÿÿ


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SOC Identical to SOB medium, except that it additionally contains 20 ml sterile ÿÿ1 M glucose.

TB Mix 12 g Bacto Tryptone, 24 g Bacto Yeast extract, and 4 ml glycerol ÿÿin 900 ml H


Sterilize by autoclaving and cool to <+60°C.ÿÿAdd 100 ml of sterile 10 x TB phosphate* and store at room temperature ÿÿ(+15 to +25°C).

YT Mix 8 g Bacto Tryptone, 5 g Bacto Yeast extract, and 2.5 g NaCl ÿÿin 900 ml H


Adjust pH to 7.0 with 10 M NaOH (~200 µl).ÿÿAdjust volume to 1 liter with Hÿÿ


Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature (+15 to +25°C).ÿÿ

* Made by dissolving 2.31 g KH2PO4 (= 0.17 M) and 12.54 K2HPO4 (= 0.72 M) in 90 ml H2O. Adjust volume to 100 ml with H2O and sterilize by autoclaving. Store at room temperature.

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5.3. Media for Bacteria Recipes for 1 liter (for ~40 plates of 90 mm, ~25 ml per plate)

Agar plates Prepare liquid media according to the recipes given on page 161.ÿÿAdd 15 g Bacto Agar to 1 liter liquid medium and sterilize by ÿÿautoclaving.Allow the medium to cool to +50°C and add the appropriate amount ÿÿof antibiotic (see Chapter 5.2, page 160, for the best concentration of antibiotic).Gently mix the medium by swirling and pour into sterile plates. ÿÿFlame the surface of the medium in the plates with a bunsen burner ÿÿto remove air bubbles. Allow the medium to solidify and store the dishes at +2 to +8°C in the ÿÿinverted position.Store tetracycline plates in the dark.ÿÿUse a color code to indicate the type of antibiotic in the plate ÿÿ(e.g., black stripe for ampicillin plates, blue stripe for kanamycin plates, …).Before use, incubate plates at +37°C in the inverted position for 1 hour to ÿÿremove condensation within the plate.

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Preparing Buffers and Media 5 169

X­gal/IPTG indicator plates

Before pouring the plates, add:ÿÿ2 ml of IPTG stock solution (0.1 M) – final concentration: l

0.2 mM2 ml of X-gal stock solution (20 mg/ml) – final concentration: l

40 µg/ml l

Top agar overlay Prepare liquid media according to the recipes given on page 161.ÿÿAdd 7 g Bacto Agar to 1 liter liquid medium and sterilize by autoclaving.ÿÿ

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1. Ausubel, F. M. et al. (1991) In: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. John Wiley and Sons, New York.2. Brown, T. A. (1991) In: Molecular Biology LabFax. Bios Scientific Publishers, Academic Press.3. MicroSelect: Basics for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Fluka (1998).4. Good, N. E. , Izawa, S. (1972) In: Methods in Enzymology, 24, 53 – 68.5. Technical Data Sheets, Roche Applied Science.6. Sambrook. J., Fritsch, E. J. and Maniatis, T. (1989) In: Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd edition. Cold

Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.


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Conversion Tables and FormulasChapter 6

6.1. Nucleotide Ambiguity Code ....................................... 1716.2. Formulas to Calculate Melting Temperatures ...... 1716.3. %GC Content of Different Genomes ....................... 1726.4. Metric Prefixes ................................................................. 1726.5. Greek Alphabet ............................................................... 1736.6. Properties of Radioisotopes ....................................... 1736.7. Temperatures and Pressures ..................................... 1746.8. Centrifugal Forces .......................................................... 1746.9. Periodic Table of Elements .......................................... 1756.10. Hazard Symbols .............................................................. 1756.11. References ........................................................................ 176

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Nucleotide Ambiguity Code6.1.

Code Represents Complement

A Adenine T

G Guanine C

C Cytosine G

T Thymidine A

Y Pyrimidine (C & T) R

R Purine (A & G) Y

W Weak (A & T) W

S Strong (G & C) S

K Keto (T & G) M

M Amino (C & A) K

D Not C H

V Not T B

H Not G D

B Not A V

X/N Unknown X/N

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Conversion Tables and Formulas 6 171

Formulas to Calculate Melting Temperature T6.2. m

Systema Formulab

DNA – DNA hybrids (see Reference 6)

ÿÿTm = 81.5°C + 16.6 log[Na+] + 0.41 (%GC) – 0.61 (%for) – 500/N

DNA – RNA hybrids (see Reference 7)

ÿÿTm = 79.8°C + 18.5 log[Na+] + 0.58 (%GC) + 11.8 (%GC)2 – 0.50 (%for) – 820/N

RNA – RNA hybrids (see Reference 8)

ÿÿTm = 79.8°C + 18.5 log[Na+] + 0.58 (%GC) + 11.8 (%GC)2 – 0.35 (%for) – 820/N

Oligonucleotides (see Reference 9)

ÿÿFor oligonucleotides 14 – 25 nucleotides in length:lÿTm = [2°C x (number of A and T bases)] + [4°C x (number of G and C bases)]

ÿÿFor oligonucleotides longer than 25 nucleotides: see formula for DNA/DNA hybrids

a The proposed formula is valid for Na+ concentrations between 0.01 – 0.4 M and %GC values between 30 – 75%.b [Na+] = concentration of Na+ ions, %GC = percentage of G and C nucleotides in the nucleic acid, %for = percentage of formamide in the

hybridization solution, N = length of the duplex in base pairs.

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%GC Content of Different Genomes6.3.

Organism %GC Content Organism %GC Content

Phages Vertebrates

T2 34.6 hom*o sapiens 40.3

T3 49.6 Xenopus laevis 40.9

T7 47.4 Mus musculus 40.3

Lambda 48.6 Rattus species 41.8


Agrobacterium tumefaciens 58 – 59.7

Bacillus subtilis 42.6

Escherichia coli 51

Mycobacterium tuberculosis 65

Staphylococcus aureus 32.4 – 37.7

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Conversion Tables and Formulas 6 172

Metric Prefixes6.4.

Factor Prefix Symbol

1018 exa E

1015 peta P

1012 tera T

109 giga G

106 mega M

103 kilo k

10-3 milli m

10-6 micro μ

10-9 nano n

10-12 pico p

10-15 femto f

10-18 atto a

Examples: 1 ng (nanogram) = 10-9 gram 5 pmol (picomole) = 10-12 mol

1 Å* =10­10 m 10­8 cm 10­4 µm 10­1 nm

* Named after Anders J. Ångström (1814 – 1874), a famous Swedish spectroscopist

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Greek Alphabet6.5.

A a alpha N n nu

B b beta X x xi

G gamma O o omicron

D d delta P p pi

E e epsilon R r rho

Z z zeta S s sigma

H h eta T t tau

Q q theta Y y upsilon

I i iota F f phi

K k kappa X x chi

L l lambda C c psi

M m mu V v omega

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Conversion Tables and Formulas 6 173

Properties of Radioisotopes6.6.

Isotope Half­ lifea

Decayb Maximum Range in Air


Protection Detec­ tionc

Autoradio ­graphy cpm

Needed Overnight

Fluorography cpm Needed


Fluorography Method

Calcium-45 45Ca 164 d b 52 Acrylic shield GM, LS

Carbon-14 14C 5730 y b 24 Acrylic shield LS,P 2,000 200 PPO impregnated gel (– 70°C)

Chromium-51 51Cr 27.7 d EC Lead shield LS,P

Iodine-125 125I 59.6 d EC Lead shield GM, LS 100 10 Screen (– 70°C)

Phosphor-32 32P 14.3 d b 790 Acrylic shield GM, LS 50 10 Screen (– 70°C)

Phosphor-33 33P 25.3 d b 46 Acrylic shield GM, LS 1,000 100 – 200 PPO impregnated gel (– 70°C)

Sulphur-35 35S 87.4 d b 30 Acrylic shield GM 1,000 100 – 200 PPO impregnated gel (– 70°C)

Tritium 3H 12.4 y b 0.6 LS >107 3,000 PPO impregnated gel (– 70°C)

Units: 1 μCi = 2.2 x 106 disintegrations/minute = 3.7 x 104 becquerels (Bq)

1 Becquerel = 1 disintegration/second

Dose: 1 Gray (Gy) = 100 rad 1 Sievert (Sv) = 100 rem

a d = days, y = yearsb β = beta radiation

EC = electron capture

c GM = Geiger-Müller detector LS = liquid scintillation P = end window

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Temperatures and Pressure6.7.

From Centigrade to Fahrenheit From Fahrenheit to Centigrade

°F = 32 + (°C x 95

) °C = 59

x (°F – 32)

From millibars (mbar) to Multiply by

ÿ Millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) 0.750000

ÿ Inches of mercury (inch Hg) 0.039400

ÿ Pounds per square inch (psi) 0.014500

ÿ Atmospheres (atm) 0.000987

ÿ Kilopascals (kPa) 0.100000

ÿ Torrs (Torr) 0.750000

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Conversion Tables and Formulas 6 174

Centrifugal Force6.8.

Link between revolutions/minute, centrifugal force, and rotor radius


rpm = 1 000!ww

RCF = 1.12 x R( )2

where rpm = revolutions per minute of rotorRCF = relative centrifugal force

R = radius of rotor in mm

at room temperature

RCF1.12 x R


Align a straight line through known values in two columns and read desired value in third column


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Periodic Table of Elements6.9.

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Conversion Tables and Formulas 6 175

Hazard Symbols and Risk Phrases6.10. Symbol Hazard Caution

Flammable Spontaneously flammable substan- ces. Chemicals igniting in air.

Avoid contact with air.

Gases, gas mixtures (also liquefied ones) which have an ignition range with air at normal pressure.

Avoid formation of flammable gas-air mixture.

Substances sensitive to moisture. Chemicals which readily from flammable gases on contact with water.

Avoid contact with moisture (water).

Liquids with flash point below 21°C. Keep away from open fires, sources of heat, and sparks

Solid substances which ignite easily after a short term effect of a source of ignition.

Avoid all contact with all sources of ignition.

Oxidizing Oxidizing substances can ignite combustible material or worsen existing fires and thus make fire fighting more difficult.

Keep away from combustible material.

Explosive This symbol designates substances which may explode under definite conditions.

Avoid shock, friction, sparks, and heat.

Symbol Hazard Caution

Harmful or Irritant

Inhalation and ingestion of, or skin penetration by these substances is harmful to one’s health. Non-recur ring, recurring, or lengthy exposure to these substances may result in irreversible damage.

Avoid contact with the human body, including inhalation of the vapors and in cases of malaise, consult a doctor.

This symbol designates substances which may have an irritant effect on skin, eyes, and respiratory organs.

Do not breathe va pors and avoid con tact with skin and eyes.

Corrosive Living tissue as well as equipment are destroyed on contact with these chemicals.

Do not breathe vapors and avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.

Toxic The substances are very hazardous to health when breathed, swallo wed, or in contact with the skin, and may even lead to death. Non-recur ring, recurring, or lengthy exposure to these substances may result in irreversible damage.

Avoid contact with the human body and immediately consult a doctor in cases of malaise.

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1. Ausubel, F.M. et al. (1991) In: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. John Wiley and Sons, New York.2. Biochemica Information (1987) Roche Applied Science.3. Brown, T. A. (1991) In: Molecular Biology LabFax. Bios Scientific Publishers, Academic Press. 4. Technical Data Sheets, Roche Applied Science.5. Sambrook. J., Fritsch, E. J. and Maniatis, T. (1989) In: Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd edition

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.6. Meinkoth, J. et al. (1984) Anal. Biochem., 138, 267.7. Casey, J., et al. (1977) NAR, 4, 1539.8. Wallace, R. B., et al. (1979) NAR, 6, 3543.9. Thein, S. L., et al. (1986) Human Genetic Diseases, a practical approach, IRL Press, Virginia.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 358 04.10.2011 17:44:47

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E. coli

Addresses,Abbreviations and IndexChapter 7

7.1. Useful Website Addresses ........................................... 1777.2. Lab Steno ............................................................................ 1797.3. Abbreviations .................................................................... 1807.4. Alphabetical Index ........................................................... 1837.5. Disclaimer Information and Trademarks ................. 192

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Useful Website Addresses*7.1.

Name Internet Address Contains Information on


ÿ Genomic and related data, physical and genetic maps of Arabidopsis thaliana

ATCC ÿ American type culture collection

Biochemical Pathways ÿ The internet version of the traditional Boehringer Mannheim (Roche Applied Science) wall chart

BioCyc ÿ A collection of 260 Pathway/Genome Databases

CATH ÿ Hierarchical domain classification of protein structures

dbEST ÿ Sequence data and other information on single-pass cDNA sequences or expressed sequence tags from a number of organisms

EcoCyc ÿ Encyclopedia of E . coli genes and metabolism

ENTREZ ÿ PubMed/MEDLINEÿ Protein DBÿ Nucleotide DBÿ NM3D (data from crystallographic and NMR structural


Flybase ÿ Database of the Drosophila genome

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 177

Name Internet Address Contains Information on

GDB ÿ Location of human genes, DNA fragments, fragile sites, and breakpoints

ÿ Populations, polymorphisms, maps, and mutations

Genbank ÿ Genetic sequence database of automatically collected publicly available sequences


ÿ Enzyme reactionsÿ Chemical compoundsÿ Metabolic pathways with links to gene catalogs

MGD ÿ Genetics of laboratory mouse

Omim ÿ Human genes and genetic disorders

PDB ÿ 3D coordinates of macromolecular structures

REBASE ÿ Restriction enzymes and methylases

* Web sites continually appear, disappear, and change addresses, quickly invalidating any list of “useful” sites. All of the web sites given here were operating in March, 2011.

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Name Internet Address Contains Information on

RealTime ready Configurator ÿ Online configuration of your own custom panels with assays of your choice

Restriction Enzymes ÿ Tools for Mapping and Cloning

Roche Applied Science ÿ Total product portfolio, online technical support, and e-shop available from Roche Applied Science

SCOP ÿ Structural classification of protein domains

SWIS­PROT ÿ Protein sequences obtained or translated from nucleotide sequences, including descriptions of protein functions, domain structure, posttranslational modifications, etc.

Universal ProbeLibrary ÿ Design real-time qPCR assays in seconds

Yeast ÿ Comprehensive Yeast Genome Database, annotated complete DNA sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

7.1. Useful Website Addresses (continued)

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 178

For Information on Web Address

Gateway to North American Libraries

PCR and multiplex PCR: guide and troubleshooting

* Web sites continually appear, disappear, and change addresses, quickly invalidating any list of “useful” sites. All of the web sites given here were operating in March, 2011.

3730 LabFAQs.indb 363 04.10.2011 17:44:47

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Lab Steno7.2.

Symbol Explanation Example Translation

centrifuge spin at 13,000 x g

mix “over head” mix 5 times “over head”

shake shake for 3 minutes

vortex vortex for 15 seconds

rotate / mixing by turn over rotate the sample for 15 minutes

do for (time) at (number) °C incubate for 5 minutes at +4°C

next step

add add 5 ml buffer A


divide into

digest digest pUC19 with BamH I

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 179

Symbol Explanation Example Translation

precipitate / pelletate

pellet re-dissolve pellet in 5 ml buffer A


buffer / solution buffer B



(monoclonal) antibody antibody against HIS

anti 2nd anti mouse POD

mouse sheep anti rabbit

rabbit rabbit anti mouse

negative/positive reaction #5 is negative

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AA Adenine or adenosineA260 unit Absorbance unit (≈ 50 μg for double-stranded DNA)AAS Atomic absorption spectrophotometryAb AntibodyABTS 2,2-Azino-di-[3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonate (6)]Acetyl-CoA Acetyl-coenzyme AADA Adenosine deaminaseADH Alcohol dehydrogenaseADP Adenosine-5'-diphosphateAgarose LE Agarose low electroendosmosisAgarose LM-MP Low melting point multi purpose agaroseAgarose MP Multi purpose agarose AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndromeAla L-AlanineAMP Adenosine monophosphateAMV Avian myeloblastosis virusAOD Amino acid oxidaseAP Akaline phosphataseAPMSF (4-Amidinophenyl)-methane-sulfonyl fluorideArg L-ArginineArg-C Endoproteinase, arginine-specificAsn L-AsparagineAsp L-Aspartic acidATP Adenosine-5'-triphosphate

BBCIP 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphatebp Base pair(s)Bq BecquerelBr-UTP 5-Bromo-uridine-5'-triphosphateBrdU 5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridineBSA Bovine serum albumin

CC Cytosine or cytidineCAT Chloramphenicol acetyltransferasecDNA Complementary DNACHAPS 3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)-dimethyl-ammonio]-1-pro- pane sulfonateCi CurieCK Creatine kinaseCL Citrate lyaseCMC Critical micellar concentrationCMP Cyclic monophosphateCoA Coenzyme Acpm Counts per minuteCSPD Disodium 3-(4-methoxyspiro{1,2-dioxetane-3,2'- (5'-chloro)-tricyclo['7]decan}-4-yl)phenyl phosphateCTP Cytidine-5'-triphosphateCys L-Cysteinecyt-c Cytochrome c

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DdADP 2‘-Deoxyadenosine-5‘-diphosphatedAMP 2‘-Deoxyadenosine-5‘-monophosphateDAPI 4‘,6-Diamidine-2‘-phenylindole dihydrochloridedATP 2‘-Deoxyadenosine-5‘-triphosphatedCDP 2‘-Deoxycytidine-5‘-diphosphatedCTP 2‘-Deoxycytidine-5‘-triphosphateddATP 2‘,3‘-Dideoxyadenosine-5‘-triphosphateddCTP 2‘,3‘-Dideoxycytidine-5‘-triphosphateddGTP 2‘,3‘-Dideoxyguanosine-5‘-triphosphateddNTP Dideoxynucleoside triphosphateddTTP 2‘,3‘-Dideoxythymidine-5‘-triphosphateddUTP 2‘,3‘-Dideoxyuridine-5‘-triphosphatedCDP 2‘-Deoxyguanosine-5‘-diphosphatedGMP 2‘-Deoxyguanosine-5‘-monophosphatedGTP 2‘-Deoxyguanosine-5‘-triphosphateDIG DigoxigeninDIN German standardsdITP 2‘-Deoxyinosine-5‘-triphosphateDL Dose lethalDMF DimethylformamideDMSO Dimethyl sulfoxideDNA Deoxyribonucleic acidDNase DeoxyribonucleasedNTP Deoxynucleoside triphosphatedpm Decays per minuteds Double-stranded (DNA)

dTDP Thymidine-5‘-diphosphateDTE 1,4-DithioerythritoldTMP Thymidine-5‘-monophosphateDTT 1,4-DithiothreitoldTTP Thymidine-5‘-triphosphatedU DeoxyuridinedUTP 2‘-Deoxyuridine-5‘-triphosphate

Ee Absorptivity (absorption coefficient)E . coli Escherichia coliEC Enzyme classification (enzyme commission) numberECE Electrical current exclusionEDTA Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acidEGTA Ethyleneglycol-bis-(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N‘,N‘ tetraacetic acidEIA Enzyme immunoassayELISA Enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assayEPO Erythropoietin

FF(ab‘)2 Variable sequence fragment of immunoglobulin, generated by pepsinFab Variable sequence fragment of immunoglobulin, generated by papainFACS Fluorescence-activated cell sortingFAD Flavin adenine dinucleotide

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FC Flow cytometryFITC Fluorescein isothiocyanateFLUOS 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein-N-hydroxysuccinimide

esterFMN Flavin mononudeotidefmol femtomoleFRET+ Fluorescence resonance energy transfer

GG Guanine or guanosineb-Gal b-GalactosidaseGDP Guanosine-5‘-diphosphateGln L-GlutamineGlu L-Glutamic acidGlu-C Endoproteinase, glutamic acid specificGly L-GlycineGMP Guanosine-5‘-monophosphateGTP Guanosine-5‘-triphosphate

HHepes 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acidHg MercuryHis L-HistidineHIV Human immunodeficiency virusHPLC High pressure liquid chromatographyHRP Horseradish peroxidase

IIg ImmunoglobulinIH lmmunohistochemistry

IHC/ICC lmmunohisto/cytochemistryIL InterleukinIL-2R Interleukin 2-receptorIle L-lsoleucineINT 2-(4-Iodophenyl)-5-(4-nitrophenyl)-3-phenyl-tetra- zolium chlorideIR lnfrared spectroscopyISH In situ hybridizationlU International unit

Kkbp Kilobase pair(s)kBq KilobecquerelkD Kilo Dalton

LLD Lethal doseLeu L-LeucineIle L-lsoleucineLys L-LysineLys-C Endoproteinase, Iysine-specific

Mb-ME b-MercaptoethanolMBq MegabecquerelMes 4-Morpholineethanesulfonic acidMet L-Methioninemg Milligram (10-3 g)μg Microgramm (10-6 g)μl Microliter (10-6 L)

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 181

μM Micromolar (10-6 M)ml Milliliter (10-3 L)mm Millimeter (10-3 m)mM Millimolar (10-3 M)mRNA Messenger RNAMTP MicroplateMW Molecular weight

NNBT 4-Nitro blue tetrazolium chlorideNC Nitrocellulosenm Nanometernmol Nanomole (10-9 mole)

OONPG 2-NitrophenyI-b-O-gaIactopyranoside

PPAGE Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisPCR Polymerase chain reactionPEG Polyethylene glycolPFGE Pulsed field gel electrophoresispg Picogram (10-12 g)Phe L-PhenylalaninepI Isoelectric pointpmol Picomole (10-12 mole)PMSF Phenyl-methyl-sulfonyl fluoride

POD Peroxidaseppm Parts per millionPro L-ProlinePVDF PoIyvinylidene-difluoride

RRACE Rapid amplification of cDNA endsRARE recA-assisted restriction endonuclease cleavageRE Restriction enzymeRNA Ribonucleic acidRNase RibonucleaseRT Reverse transcriptaseRTCA Real-Time Cell Analyzer

SSDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamid gel electro- phoresisSDS Sodium dodecyl sulfateSer L-Seriness Single-stranded (DNA)

TT Thymine or thymidineTAE Tris-acetate-EDTATBE Tris-borate-EDTATBq TerabecquerelTCA Trichloroacetic acid

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TEA TriethanolamineThr L-ThreonineTM Melting temperatureTMB TetramythylbenzidineTPCK N-TosyI-L-phenyl-alanine-chloromethyl ketoneTris Tris(hydroxymethyl)-amino-methanetRNA Transfer ribonucleic acidTyr L-Tyrosine

UU Unit (of enzyme activity)U Uracil or uridineUDP Uridine-5‘-diphosphateUTP Uridine-5‘-triphosphateUV Ultraviolet

Vv/v Volume/volumeVal L-Valine

Ww/v Weight/volumeWB Western (protein) blots

XX-Gal 5-Bromo-4-chIoro-3-indoIyI-b-D-galactopyranosideX-Gluc 5-Bromo-4-chIoro-3-indoIyI-b-D-glucuronic acidX-phosphate 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphateXTT Sodium 3‘-[1-(phenyl-amino-carbonyl)-3,4-tetrazoli- um]-bis (4-methoxy-6-nitro)-benzene soIfonic acid hydrate

YYAC Yeast artificial chromosome

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Alphabetical Index 7.4.

The colors of the topics refer to the color code of the respective chapter.

AAcrylamide-bisacrylamide, recipe 164 recipe to prepare resolving and stacking gels 165Agar plates, recipe 169Amino Acids, characteristics of 92Ammonium acetate buffer, recipe 155Ammonium persulfate, recipe 164Ampicillin, general information 167Amplification of DNA: see PCR Antibiotics, ampicillin, general information 167 chloramphenicol, general information 167 geneticin, general information 167 gentamicin, general information 167 hygromycin, general information 167 kanamycin, general information 167 streptomycin, general information 167 tetracycline, general information 167

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 183

Antibodies, choices of animals for immunization 105 doses of immunogens for rabbits 106 purification via immunoprecipitation 107 routes of injections for rabbits 106Apoptosis / Necrosis 142Apoptosis assay method 145APS, recipe 164

BBacterial cell: nucleic acid and protein content 121Bacterial strains (commonly used) 27, 28Blood: nucleic acid and protein content 122Buffer exchange via gel filtration 94Buffers, calculating molarities and concentrations 153 precautions 153 purity of reagents and H

2O 153

sterilizing 153 pH measurement 154 pH range of commonly used buffers 155

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2, recipe 155

Cell cycle 123Cell proliferation and viability 147Centrifugal forces, calculation of 167Chloramphenicol, general information 167Codon usage 93Complete 86Concentration of DNA via OD measurement 9Concentration of proteins, interfering substances 102 via OD measurement 98Concentration of RNA via OD measurement 70Conversion of DNA from pmol to µg and µg to pmol, calculation 4Conversion of RNA from pmol to µg and µg to pmol, calculation 65Conversion from nucleic acids to proteins 91 Codon usage 93 Genetic code 91 Information transfer 91Conversion of pressure 174Conversion of temperatures between Centrigrade and Fahrenheit 174Coomassie blue staining and destaining solution 164Counting cells 136Culture vessels: growth areas and yields of cells 115

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 184

DDenhardt solution, recipe 155DEPC, treatment 162Dephoshorylation of DNA 23Detection of mycoplasma contamination 118Detection of proteins on membranes 95Detergents, for protein solubilization 97 general properties 97 removal of 98DIG labeling of nucleic acids 31Dissolving of DNA 2Dissolving of RNA 64DNA polymerase I for nick translation 34DNA purification, MagNA Pure LC System 8Drying of DNA 2Drying of RNA 63DTT, recipe 155

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EEDTA, recipe 156Electrical current exclusion (ECE) 137Electroporation 130Ethidum bromide, recipe 163Extraction of nucleic acids 163

FFill-in 3´- and 5´-recessed ends of DNA 24Flow cytometry 139Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) 139Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) 51

GGC content of different genomes 172Genetic Code 91Geneticin, general information 167Gentamicin, general information 167Greek alphabet 173Growth areas and yields of cellsa in a culture vessel 116

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HHandling of DNA 2Handling of RNA 62Hybridization probes 49HybProbe format 51Hygromycin, general information 167

IImmunoprecipitation of antibodies 107Ion exchange chromatography of proteins 109IPTG, recipe 156Isolation of DNA MagNA Pure LC System 8 product application table 6 product characteristics table 7 product selection table 6Isolation of RNA MagNA Pure LC System 8Isolation of RNA product application table 67 product characteristics table 68 product selection table 67

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KKanamycin, general information 167Klenow to fill-in 3´-recessed ends of DNA 25 for random primed labeling of DNA 32KOAc, recipe for buffer with desired pH 159K phosphate, recipe for buffer with desired pH 160

LLabeling of DNA Choice of labeling method 31 3´-end labeling with terminal transferase 35 5´-end labeling with polynucleotide kinase 36 Nick translation 34 Purification of labelet probe 29 Random primed labeling 32 Techniques, overview 31 Template 29 Type of label 29Labeling of oligonucleotides, see Labeling of DNA Labeling of RNA Choice of labeling method 82 In vitro Transcription with RNA polymerases 82LB medium, recipe 168Ligation of DNA 22LightCycler® System 48

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Liposomal and non-liposomal transfection reagents 129 X-tremeGENE 9 and X-tremeGENE HP transfection reagents 129 X-tremeGENE siRNA transfection reagent 129Loading buffer for RNA gelelectrophoresis 162

MM9 minimal medium, recipe 168MagNA Pure LC System 8Magnesium chloride, recipe 156Mammalian cell: nucleic acid content 121Manipulation of DNA 2Manipulation of proteins 85Manipulation of RNA 63Media for bacteria 168Melting curve analysis (LightCycler® System) 59Melting temperatures, calculation of 171Metric prefixes 172MgCl

2, recipe 156

Microinjection 132Molecular beacons 56Molecular weight markers 10

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Molecular weight of DNA, calculation of 3 via acrylamide and agarose gelelectrophoresis 11Molecular weight of proteins, commonly used markers 94 via denaturing SDS-PAGE 94Molecular weight of RNA, calculation of 65 via acrylamide and agarose gelelectrophoresis 71MOPS, recipe 156Mung bean nuclease, removing 3´ and 5´protruding ends of DNA 26Mycoplasma Contamination 117 Detection of mycoplasma contamination 118

NNaCl, recipe 156NaOAc, general recipe 156 recipe for buffer with desired pH 159Na phosphate, recipe for buffer with desired pH 160Neubauer counting chamber 136NH

4OAc, recipe 155

Nick translation of DNA 34Nucleic acid and protein content of a bacterial cella 121Nucleic acid content in a typical human cell 121Nucleic acid content in human blood 122

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PPBS, recipe 158PCR Additives to reaction mix 43 Choice of polymerase 42 Contamination, avoiding of 36 Cycling profile initial denaturation 43 denaturation during cycling 43 final extension 44 number of cycles 44 primer annealing 43 primer extension 43 MgCl

2 concentration 41

Nucleotides concentration and storage 42 pH of reaction mix 43PCR Standard pipetting scheme 45 Expand High FidelityPLUS PCR System 42 Expand Long Range dNTPack 42 Expand 25kbPLUS PCR System 42 FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase 42 FastStart High Fidelity PCR System 42

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GC-Rich PCR System 42 Pwo Super Yield DNA Polymerase 42 Polymerase, concentration of 43 product characteristics 42 product selection 42 Primers, annealing temperature 39, 44 concentration 39 concentration via OD measurement 40 conversion of µg to pmol and pmol to µg 40 µM to pmol and pmol to µM 40 design 41 extention 44 melting temperature 39 molecular weight, calculation of 40 storage 39Probe designer software (LightCycler® Software) 52 software 41PCR Real time analysis 47 Real-time PCR assay formats 49 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) 51 Hybridization probes 49 HybProbe format 51 Melting curve analysis 59

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Probe designer software (LightCycler® Software) 52 Quantification principles 57PCR Template, amount, integrity, and purity of 38 Standard temperature profile for Taq, Tth, and Pwo polymerase 46Periodic table of elements 168pH measurement 154Phenol, caution when using 163 recipe 163Phosphatase inhibitor 88Pipetting of DNA 2Pipetting of RNA 64pmol of ends of DNA, calculation of 3pmol of ends of RNA, calculation of 65Polynucleotide kinase for 5´-end labeling of DNA and Oligonucleotides 36Ponceau S solution, recipe 166Potassium acetate, recipe for buffer with desired pH 159Potassium phosphate, recipe for buffer with desired pH 160Precautions for handling DNA 2Precautions for handling proteins 85Precautions for handling RNA 62

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Precipitation of proteins with acetone 99 ammonium sulfate 98 chloroform/methanol 99 trichloroacetic acid 99Pressure, conversions 174Primers: Probe designer software (LightCycler® System) 52Properties of bacterial cells 119Properties of plant cells 120Properties of animal cells 120Protease activity, inhibition of 86Protease inhibitor, product selection table 86, 87Protector RNase inhibitor 63Purification of antibodies via immunoprecipitation 107Purification of DNA: see Isolation of DNA Purification of proteins via ion exchange chromatography 109 via tagging 111Purification of RNA: see Isolation of RNA Purity of DNA via OD measurement 9Purity of RNA via OD measurement 70

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 189

QQuantitative Real-time PCR 47Quantification of proteins: see concentration of Proteins

RRadioisotopes: properties of 173Random primed labeling of DNA 33Real-time cell analyzer 149Real-time monitoring of cells 149Real-time PCR (see PCR Real Time Analysis)Real-time ready Configurator 54 Remove 3´- and 5´-protruding ends of DNA 24Reporter gene assays 132 CAT (Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase) 133, 134 b-Gal (b-Galactosidase) 133, 134 Luc (Luciferase) 133, 134 hGH (Human Growth Hormone) 133, 134 SEAP (Secreted Human Placental Alkaline Phosphatase) 133, 134 GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) 133, 134Restriction enzymes Activity in buffer system 15 in PCR buffer mix 15

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Buffer system and components 12 Characteristics of individual enzymes 15 Inactivation 14 Partial digest 21 Recognition sites 15 Recognition sites, palindromic recognition sequences 19 Removal from reaction mix 14 Star activity 13 Stability and storage 12 Unit definition 12Reverse transcription of RNA: see RT-PCR RNAse inhibitors 63RT-PCR Contamination, avoiding of 72 One-step procedures advantages 78 description 78 enzymes, choice of 79RT-PCR Polymerase, combinations with DNA polymerases 77 divalention requirement 77 RNase H activity 79, 80 sensitivity and specificity 77 temperature optima 77

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Primers for reverse transcription, choice of 73 design of 74 RNAse contamination, avoiding of 72 Template, type and integrity 72 Two-step procedures advantages 78 description 78 enzymes, choice of 79Running buffer for protein SDS-PAGE 164

SSample buffer for DNA agarose gel electrophoresis, recipe 161 Protein SDS and urea PAGE 164 RNA agarose gel electrophoresis, recipe 162Scorpions 56Selection markers for stable cell lines 132SimpleProbe format 52Size estimation of DNA via acryamide and agarose electrophoresis 11Size estimation of proteins via denaturing SDS-PAGE 94Size estimation of RNA via acrylamide and agarose electrophoresis 71SOB medium, recipe 168SOC medium, recipe 168

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Sodium acetate, general recipe 156 recipe for buffer with desired pH 159Sodium chloride, recipe 156Sodium dodecyl sulfate, recipe 157Sodium phosphate, recipe for buffer with desired pH 160SP6 polymerase for labeling of RNA 82SSC, recipe 158SSPE, recipe 158Stabilization of proteins, addition of osmolytes 89 proteins 89 salts 89 reducing reagents 90 specific ligands 90 substrates 90Staining of proteins on denaturing SDS PAGE gels 95Staining of proteins on membranes 95Storage of DNA 2Storage of proteins 85Storage of RNA 63Streptomycin, general information 167SYBR green staining for DNA and RNA gel electrophoresis 163

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 191

TT3 and T7 polymerase for labeling of RNA 82TAE, recipe 161Tagging of proteins 111TB medium, recipe 168TBE, recipe 161TBS, recipe 166TBST, recipe 166TCA, recipe 157TE, recipe 158Temperature, conversion between Centigrade and Fahrenheit 174Temperature sensitivity of RNA 64Terminal transferase for 3´-end labeling of DNA and oligonucleotides 35Tetracycline, general information 167Tissue culture reagents 114 Fetal calf serum 114 CO

2 incubator 114

CO2 incubator, concentrations 114

Top agar overlay, recipe 169TPE, recipe 161

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Transfection of mammalian cells 125 DNA influences on transfection 126 Transfection protocol 127 Time course of transfection 128Trichloroacetic acid, recipe 157Tris, general recipe 157 recipe for buffer with desired pH 161Trypan blue dye exclusion 135

UUniversal ProbeLibrary 55

WWestern blotting, blocking solution, recipe 166 transfer buffer for semi dry and wet blots, recipe 166

XX-gal, recipe 157X-gal/IPTG indicator plates, recipe 169

YYT medium, recipe 168

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Addresses, Abbreviations, and Index 7 192



SYBR is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.CIM-PLATE, E-PLATE and ACEA BIOSCIENCES are registered trademarks of ACEA Biosciences, Inc. in the US.Exiqon, LNA, ProbeFinder and ProbeLibrary are registered trademarks of Exiqon A/S, Vedbaek, Denmark.Other brands or product names are trademarks of their respective holders.

Disclaimer Information and Trademarks7.5.

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License Disclaimer

License Disclaimer information is subject to change or amendment. For current information on license disclaimer, please refer to the Online Technical Support page for that product.

ProbeLibrary is covered by US and other patent applications owned by Exiqon A/S. Locked Nucleic Acids (LNA) are covered by U.S. Patents No US 6,794,499 (exp. 9/11/2018), US 6,670,461 (exp. 9/11/2018), US 6,268,490 (exp. 3/9/2018) & US 6,770,748 (exp. 3/9/2018) and other patents and patent applications owned by Exiqon A/S and Prof. Takeshi Imanishi. The quencher used in the probes is covered by patent applications owned by Exiqon A/S.

Licensed by New England Biolabs (NEB) under US patent and foreign counterparts.

SYBR Green I is manufactured by Molecular Probes, Inc., and is provided under license from Molecular Probes, Inc., for direct research use for PCR, where the dye is present during the PCR.

The LightCycler® 1536 Multiwell Plate is manufactured under license from IT-IS International Ltd.

This product is sold for use by purchaser only. The sale or distribution of this product or any product derived from the use of this product to any third party is expressly excluded. Especially excluded is the commercial use or sale of oligonucleotides or other products labeled with this product.

The M30 antibody is made under a license agreement from Peviva AB, Sweden.

For Applied Biosystems and Idaho Technology license Disclaimers, please refer to the Online Technical Support page for that product. Regulatory DisclaimerFor life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures unless otherwise indicated.Product marked with a # are for General Laboratory Use.

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