All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (2024)

If you're a fan of beer and bourbon, then you live in the right place. Our city knows how to throw a party, especially during the summer, when you'll find plenty of festivals celebrating these beloved beverages.

From downtown to Norton Commons, Jeffersonville and even Bardstown, there are a number of fun festival that will have you sipping on some of the best brews and bourbons in the country, right here at home. Most of these festivals also feature live music, local food vendors, and fun activities for all ages.

Isn't it great to live in a city where entertainment and tradition go hand in hand? Get ready to mark your calendars and raise a glass to some of the best summer beer and bourbon festivals in Kentucky!

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (1)

Kentucky Craft Bash

Saturday, June 29
Waterfront Park | 12 – 5 p.m. | $10 – $65

Beer brands large and small will come together for this fermented feast for the senses. The 7th annual Kentucky Craft Bash will host over 60 breweries and offer more than 150 types of brews to try.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (2)

Jeffersontown Beer Fest

Saturday, July 20
Downtown Jeffersontown | 4 – 8 p.m. | $10+

I bet you didn’t guess there’d be beer but fear not, there’s beer but also food trucks and live music. No pets, dogs or people under 21 at this event. So leave your Iguana, Spike, at home when you mosey down to this event.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (3)

Summer Beer Fest at the Frazier

Saturday, July 27
Frazier Museum | 4 p.m. | $50

The Summer Beer Fest is back and celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2024. Tickets are available for you and your friends. Right now, there is a limited-time ticket package available, with a $50 discount when you buy four tickets. There are over 200 specialty beers, plus live music and food for everyone who comes to celebrate beer at Frazier.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (4)

Bourbon SIPosium

Thursday, August 15-18
Hyatt Regency Louisville | 4 p.m. | $549

Bourbon Women is back with the latest SIPosium at the heart of Bourbon Country exploring spirits from all over the world. The experience includes special VIP tours, bourbon expert-hosted dinners and workshops from the greatest minds in the industry. Over 400 women are set to join Bourbon Women for the Bourbon SIPosium this year at the female-focused whiskey conference.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (5)

Old Lou Brew Craft Beer Festival

Friday, August 23
Visitors Center in Central Park | 6:00 p.m. | $15

A fundraiser for the historic Old Louisville neighborhood, Old Lou Brew will feature 15 local craft brewers selling their own beers, as well as food trucks, and live music. This is a family- and pet-friendly event, so just bring a legal ID and a leash for your dog, and enjoy your summer Friday at Central Park.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (6)

Brew at the Zoo with Wine and Food, Too!

Saturday, August 24
Louisville Zoo | 5:00 p.m. | $100 (early bird) or $125

This fundraising event for species conservation and education will feature catered food, beverage tastings, animal encounters, engagements with zookeeper staff, and late-night bites. There will also be live music, oversized lawn games, and a silent disco in the shaded Islands habitat area alongside orangutans, tigers, and other animals.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (7)

American Whiskey Festival

Saturday, August 31
Norton Commons North Village Square | 4:00 p.m. | Free – $200

Distilleries including Jack Daniel’s, Angel’s Envy, Bardstown Bourbon Co., Bushwood Spirits, New Riff Distilling, and Buzzards Roost Whiskey will be pouring in the Whiskey Garden. The event itself is free and includes local food trucks and live performances. The Whiskey Garden is $50. The VIP ticket is $200 and offers food creations by Chef Michael Crouch and specialty co*cktails throughout the event.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (8)

Kentucky State Fair Beerfest

Date TBD

There's not much info out about Beerfest yet, but last year was the inaugural year and included samples from dozens of craft breweries in Kentucky.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (9)

Black Bourbon Society’sBourbon Boule

August 29-September 1

Black Bourbon Society brings together African-Americans who want to deepen their appreciation for fine whiskeys & bourbons through events, tastings, & more. The Bourbon Boule is a weekend filled with education and experiences to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of all things bourbon.

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (10)

Kentucky Bourbon Festival

September 13-1

The Kentucky Bourbon Festival is a celebration of Kentucky Bourbon and the Bourbon Capital of the World, Bardstown, Kentucky. What began as a Bourbon tasting dinner has grown into a truly authentic experience that brings together bourbon enthusiasts from all over the world. In its 32ndyear, the Kentucky Bourbon Festival is one of the Commonwealth’s leading cultural festivals. More than60 distilleries, with over 200 brands and expressions, will be at this year’s festival pouring samples and offering opportunities for attendees to engage with the most sought-after brands

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (11)

Photo by Nik Vechery.

Bourbon and Beyond

September 19-22

Louisville’s favorite music and culinary festivalwill include two additional stages and nearly 50 more bands in 2024. This is one you won’t want to miss!

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All The Kentucky Summer Beer & Bourbon Festivals You Can Raise A Glass To (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.